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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Bloomberg's price of prostitution $161 a trick.

Standing around in photo ops. Just another day being the man.He looks very proud of himself.90,000,000 US dollars - as of July 2008 New York City's population was 8,363,710. So that's $10.76c per person Bloomberg [W] has spent in this campaign - according to the NY Times. But it's much more lavish than that if it's broken down on the actual voters:So Bloomberg's 557,059 votes cost him $90,000,000 - that's $161.56 he had to spend per voter. On a turn-out that looks barely above 20% of the age-eligible population. And then he was only ahead of the Democrat by 50,000 votes.

Based on Act's performance I doubt it is possible to buy an election. They threw so many millions at their campaigns, but couldn't break through the 6-8% barrier. But we have spending limits and so on and it doesn't appear that they do that in the States. It seems that money can buy an office in the US, but the cost is so enormous that only one of the wealthiest people in America can do it, and even then only by a whisker.


At 5/11/09 12:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama wasn't wealthy by any means Tim. Wall street elites and rich liberal east coasters donated in money in return for favours like bank bailouts.

Now that change you can buy.

At 9/11/09 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Act's failure to 'buy' the election is due to their policies being too far to the Right for the average voter to stomach, regardless of he lavish information continuously given to them trying to convince them otherwise. The centre parties would have a much better chance at buying an election, as they are so similar to each other that which ever one could talk the loudest, and over the other, would have the best chance of election.


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