nz blogosphere rankings : September 2009 summary

Changes from last month (August) in brackets.
Top 100:
[new] for this survey:
#44 (new) The Dunedin School
#74 (new) Paul Gardner
[+] significant ranking moves up:
#31 (+8) Offsetting Behaviour
#38 (+12) Blogs | Act NZ
#46 (+15) Ethical Martini
#50 (+13)
#55 (+16) PM of NZ
#57 (+16) Contra Celsum
#59 (+11) Auckland blog
#66 (+17) True Paradigm
#72 (+12) redrave
#73 (+19) Aotearoa: a wider perspective
#76 (24+) Act on Campus
#77 (23+) goNZo Freakpower Brains Trust
#80 (+19) Bat, Bean, Beam
#81 (19+) Ideologically Impure
#82 (+11) Quote Unquote
[-] significant ranking moves down:
#12 (-5) Gotcha!
#42 (-16) Anti-Dismal
#54 (-26) Barnsley Bill
#65 (-32) Keeping Stock
#68 (-16) BK Drinkwater
#69 (-14) Editing the Herald
#70 (-13) Brian Edwards Media
#79 (-21) The Humanitarian Chronicle
#84 (-19) Radical cross stitch
#86 (-22) Socialist Aotearoa
#87 (-13) Christian News New Zealand
#88 (-22) Dave Gee: Life from Right Field
#94 (-15) dad4justice
#98 (-16) Mars 2 Earth
#99 (-19) I See Red
[Posts] Average per week:
140 (-) Whoar
70 (+15) Kiwiblog
55 (+10) Home Paddock
50 (+10) Standard
45 (-5) Fairfacts
45 (+15) Red Alert
35 (+5) TUMEKE!
35 (-) Inquiring Mind
30 (+5) No Right Turn
25 (-5) No Minister
25 (-5) Not PC
25 (-) BK Drinkwater
20 (+) Frogblog
[Comments] Average highest post per week:
300 (-20) Public Address
200 (-40) Kiwiblog
185 (+15) Frogblog
95 (+30) Being Frank
90 (-60) Standard
70 (-5) Open Parachute
65 (-) Red Alert
65 (-35) Hot Topic
60 (+25) Dim Post
50 (-15) Not PC
45 (-)
45 (+5) Kiwipolitico
40 (+) Reading the Maps
40 (-20) MandM
35 (-) No Minister
35 (+5) Cactus Kate
30 (-10) NZ Conservative
25 (-5) TUMEKE!
25 (-30) Brian Edwards
25 (-10) Editing the Herald
25 (+) New Zeal
25 (-) Eye of the Fish
20 (-) Oswald Bastable
20 (+) Homepaddock
20 (+) Hand Mirror
20 (+) MacDoctor
20 (+) The Strategist
Thanks to all those bloggers who have sent in their stats [editor (at)].
Labels: nz blogosphere
"Thanks to all those bloggers who have sent in their stats"
Thanks to you for the work you put in to the rankings.
*sniffsniff Smells like a LEAGUE TABLE to me! lol.
Where is the explanation for the ranking system?
How is the category 'Average highest post per week calculated?'
Curious: follow the link to nz blogosphere - all explained there.
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