State agency spy powers 'chilling'
The Human Rights Commission yesterday warned Parliament of the "chilling" implications of a proposed law that would see the intrusive powers usually only available to the police extended to all agencies with enforcement responsibilities.
It said that under the law, council dog control officers would be able to enter homes to install a surveillance device and the Commerce Commission would be able to detain people.
Inland Revenue would get the powers to assist its tax investigations, while the Meat Board would get them to enforce breaches of export rules.
The Human Rights Commission chief commissioner, Rosslyn Noonan, said the Search Surveillance Bill was giving the powers away to a "grab-bag of every possible agency".
It is the second major public watchdog to issue a warning about the bill after the Privacy Commissioner last week said it needed more safeguards.
Ms Noonan said the Government needed to justify to the public why it was giving the powers to each agency.
She said while the police were largely respected by the public, and subject to scrutiny and constraints, "most of these other agencies the community as a whole would notknow who they are - and suddenly they are all getting these powers".
Ms Noonan told the justice and electoral select committee search and surveillance were among the state's most coercive powers and open to abuse if sufficient human rights safeguards are not put in place.
The New Zealand Law Society also objected to the expansion of the powers, citing how the Overseas Investment Office or the Environmental Risk Management Authority could "remotely and covertly access an IT network".
Brothers, Sisters – mates. Whatever part of the political spectrum any of us come from, surely we can all see the vast dangers to our democracy in allowing not only the Police, but the entire bloody state these vast new surveillance powers that they want. We’ve been tracking the Police wish list on Tumeke since the Police introduced their plans and to watch it snowball to as far and wide as the Pork industry and Meat board isn’t just chilling, it’s unnerving.
We should not allow the Police the power to break into your home and spy on you without a warrant, and we sure as hell shouldn’t give that power to the bloody Meat Industry!
Come on NZ, I know John Key is charming and optimistic and aspirational, but you can see can’t you that these new surveillance powers are powers the state should not be allowed to have over us right? Don’t let National and ACT ram this through in the way they’ve rammed through letting the Police take your DNA to build a DNA data bank on a mere arrest.
Come on NZ, you all voted for change away from what you perceived as ‘nanny state’ under Labour how the hell can you as National voters be happy with massive expansion of state powers to the point the bloody Pork & Meat Industry can break into your home and bug your conversations?
NZ, seriously - don’t let them do this, it is fundamentally detrimental to our freedom as citizens in this country to allow the state these types of surveillance powers.
Hooooolllleeeeyyyy Fuck im scared!
The Human Rights Commission and numerous other non-partisan groups warned of the chilling effects of the Electoral Finance Act but you bomber chose to ignore them because it converged with your political beliefs to do so so why the sudden charge of heart now.
You're pretty fucking selective.
I suppose in your book right wingers shouldn't have the benefit of free speech.
You will of course remember brave anonymous poster that I marched against the EFA and pointed out the comments from these groups could not be ignored and that the manner Labour pushed EFA through was unacceptable, yet you seem to have ignored these points in a rush to make your ill judged point and petty post.
I have been very critical of Labour in the past so pretending otherwise to deflect my criticism of what National and ACT are considering passing now in terms of state surveillance powers is childish.
You have been also very supportive of the EFA in its final form where it was still criticised by the described organisations for its 'chilling effect on democracy.
Another misrepresentation anon? I've always been supportive of the aims of the EFA to shut down corporate doners from being able to wash their cash through the Watamata Trust and cap spending so that the welathy elite don't get to buy the election.
either way, what can we do?
This is absolutely draconian and Orwellian and certainly makes me disinclined to return to NZ.
No doubt it will fly through Parliament relatively trouble free.
this is only the tip of the iceberg, there are a whole lot police state measures big brother john wants to push through as well, i dont think one news will be telling us any of that though, the majority of nzers have been to dumbed down to realize what is going on, think of the abuse this will lead to with these agencies, how could any body not be concerned about these proposals, new zealand needs to watch BIG BROTHER JOHN very closely
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