Friday | Rāmere 28/03/2025
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Friday, August 21, 2009

nz blogosphere rankings : July 2009 summary

NZ blogosphere July 2009 survey will be released shortly - this is the summary.

Changes from last month (June) in brackets.

Top 100:

[+] significant ranking moves up:
#21 (+8) MandM
#30 (+45) Roar Prawn
#39 (+12) Hitting Metal
#45 (+10) Liberation
#65 (+15) Brian Edwards
#79 (+12) Media Fetish
#80 (+12) Aotearoa: a wider perspective

[-] significant ranking moves down:
#33 (-8) Half Done
#51 (-11) Ethical Martini
#57 (-10) The Humanitarian Chronicle
#59 (-11) Oswald Bastable
#77 (-17) Capitalism bad
#83 (-18) Eye of the Fish
#91 (-15) dad4justice

[Posts] Average per week:
140 (-) Whoar
60 (+5) Kiwiblog
45 (-) Standard
45 (+5) Inquiring Mind
45 (+10) Whaleoil
35 (-15) Home Paddock
35 (-) Keeping Stock
35 (+10) No Minister
30 (-) TUMEKE!
30 (-) No Right Turn
30 (-5) Not PC
30 (+10) Red Alert
20 (+) Dim Post
20 (+) Fairfacts

[Comments] Average highest post per week:
285 (-160) Public Address
270 (+80) Frogblog
225 (+25) Kiwiblog
160 (-5) Being Frank
115 (-15) Standard
70 (+15) MandM
65 (-) Red Alert
60 (+25) Dim Post
60 (-35) Open Parachute
50 (+10) TUMEKE!
50 (+5) Whaleoil
45 (+5) Not PC
35 (+15) Kiwipolitico
35 (+15)
35 (+) Brian Edwards
30 (-5)
30 (-) No Minister
30 (+5) Hot Topic
30 (-5) NZ Conservative
25 (-15) Hand Mirror
25 (+) Reading the Maps
25 (+) Pundit
20 (-20) Eye of the Fish
20 (-10) Cactus Kate
20 (-) TVHE
20 (-) Editing the Herald
20 (+) Keeping Stock
20 (+) Lindsay Mitchell

Thanks to all those bloggers who have sent in their stats [editor (at)]. The August survey will be released 20/09/2009.



At 22/8/09 6:45 pm, Blogger homepaddock said...

Some of the blogs with the most comments aren't in the top 20 for the overall ranking.

I think the number and quality of comments is one of the best reflections on a blog. They indicate people don't just find their way there by accident or in search of something else which a high number of visitors migh. They show visitors read and reflect on posts and are sufficiently engaged to give their views on them.

At 23/8/09 10:27 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

Homepaddock: your blog isn't that bad! (3 comments av. per week). I note the Christians have upped their comments - but the subject matter is still the same. Not to everyone's taste...

Comments are indicative of activity and interest at least. I am comfortable with the weight they are accorded in the formula.

At 24/8/09 4:52 pm, Blogger homepaddock said...

" I am comfortable with the weight they are accorded in the formula."

My observation was just an observation, not a criticism of your formula. The other two who also regularly rank blogs (Halfdone & Open Parachute) usually end up with similar ranks as yours though they get there by different means.


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