National fiddles while the globe burns (Nick Smith lied through his teeth)

Emission cuts about 15pc – Key
New Zealand's 2020 target for greenhouse gas emission cuts will be about 15 per cent, Prime Minister John Key says. More than 77,500 Kiwis have signed up to a Greenpeace campaign calling for a 40 per cent reduction, on 1990 levels, in the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Government's public consultation does not finish until Friday, but it has already ruled out the tough target. "It won't be 40 per cent," Key said yesterday. "The OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] average is 15 per cent, Australia is 14 per cent. My guess is that New Zealand will be somewhere in that benchmark. We don't intend to be a world leader when it comes to climate change. We'll do our bit."
National have listened to the moronic climate skeptics and will not even reduce our emissions target by half as much as we need to, This puts the risk factor that the planet will rapidly warm into reality for our kids future. Perhaps if the Greens weren’t so busy kissing John Key over their stupid bloody bike lane they might want to point out how pitiful National’s response is to the worst Global crises we face.
Debate from the National on-line mafia is that we can’t afford big changes where as I say they simply lack the imagination. Why don’t the polluters who make the pollution pay for that pollution, why do we structure tax in this country to tax the things that are good like labour and effort? Why not lower the tax rate you have to pay while increasing the taxation on things that pollute, the global warming crises needs thinking like that rather than pitiful targets the Government has no interest in really meeting.
Let’s not forget John Key originally didn’t believe in global warming and only came to the conclusion he did after a lot of greenwash.
We can not tell developing countries to cut back on their pollution rate when NZ won’t even do half as much as we should ourselves. Truly pathetic call by National and it’s allies, how dare we claim to be clean and green.
And don’t you love how John Key has announced his decision before the consultation process has even finished meaning the consultation process was bullshit all along.
Great counter punches against National at the very excellent Hot Topic
In other words, all the big frightening numbers being bandied around by Smith, and seized on by right wing bloggers like David Farrar and Ian Wishart are based on excluding one of the most important parts of an effective emissions reduction strategy — growing trees. They are therefore unrealistic — useless as a tool for informing the policy debate. All the report tells us is that big cuts will cost more than small ones, which I would regard as more or less self-evident.
...and the brilliant Keith Ng over at Public Address FUCKS Nick Smith's claims of how much it would cost, I mean FUCKS Nick Smith - a must read...
On Q&A on Sunday, Nick Smith claimed that Greenpeace's campaign for a 40% emissions reduction was unaffordable, and cited a report showing that it would have "a cost of about $15 billion per year at 2020", or $60 per person per week. This is catastrophically bullshit. The report cited by Smith wasn't even about emissions reduction!
...ouch - the spin National are trying to use on Sunday is already falling over come Tuesday. Well done Blogosphere, I can't believe Nick Smith lied through his teeth and his mates at Kiwblogh were so quick to follow.
I think most people realise National has no interest in climate change or cleaner ecology, they've made that pretty clear over the past few months. It's really very sad.
Trouble is, the reality of the situation is that without the government pushing for the reduction of greenhouse gases, there's very little incentive for the big offenders to make any change. And unfortunately the 'little people' who care enough to make their own changes to try to help, can't really make a whole lot of difference.
How many more months do we have before the next election? Do we think National have proven themselves to be useless enough to be kicked out of parliament yet??? For the sake of the country and our children, I hope so.
Yo bomber pop over to PA and read Kieth Ng's article.
He totally fisk's Nick Smiths report.
It appears Nick Smith got it completely wrong.
So he is either stupid, or a liar.
Or perhaps both.
I got this post from one of our anonymous National Party supporters smugly making their point...
Cos reducing global CO2 emissions by 15% is going to stop global warming. If every country reaches this target humans will only be producing 3.0 of the worlds CO2 output, as opposed to the 3.5% we are currently producing.
This is well worth the cost of $130 per week to a family of five. Am I right? Those annoying things like clothes, food and schooling for our kids can be paid for by poor families if there's anything left over after we've bought lots of delicious carbon credits.
Seriously. :D
Oh seriously? Seriously huh? Tell me anon National supporter how you feel now that it has been exposed those figures are a lie? What's the bet Anon doesn't respond?
Nick Smith. Spanking. Now.
On Q&A on Sunday, Nick Smith claimed that Greenpeace's campaign for a 40% emissions reduction was unaffordable, and cited a report showing that it would have "a cost of about $15 billion per year at 2020", or $60 per person per week. This is catastrophically bullshit. The report cited by Smith wasn't even about emissions reduction!
Seriously Anon? Gonna comment? Or are you out of National Party greenwash?
Hey I'm that anon guy. I just saw this post after replying to the earlier story. Feel free to copy my replies up here if you or anyone wants to continue the debate. I concede the costs were bullshit, just going on what the news story said.
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