How dare the Dame point out the Emperor has no clothes!

Call for chief justice to resign
Top judge Dame Sian Elias is questioning whether victims have become too involved in the criminal justice system and there is now a call for her to resign. She has raised concerns in the Beehive after a speech to the Law Society that slated the "punitive and knee-jerk" response of successive governments to criminal justice issues. The speech, delivered last week but made public yesterday, suggested shortening prison sentences, allowing more bail and probation, and making greater use of community-based sentences. Dame Sian also suggested that some prisoners be given an amnesty as a way of relieving prison overcrowding. Justice Minister Simon Power has told Dame Sian to stay out of government policy and victim support groups have expressed anger at her suggestions.
Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias:
"I would like to see some serious assessment of whether the emotional and financial cost of keeping victims in thrall to the criminal justice processes does help their recovery from the damage they have suffered or whether they are revictimised through these processes."
Justice Minister Simon Power:
"The Government is elected to set sentencing policy. Judges are appointed to apply it."
Sensible Sentencing Trust's Garth McVicar:
"The victims' view needs to be heard loud and clear. For a top judge to make a comment like that is outrageous. It's a kick in the guts."
Victim Support chief executive Tony Paige:
"Feeling that justice has been done and appropriate participation in court and parole processes can be very important parts of people finding hope and strength as they deal with the aftermath of terrible events.
I am so sick of these ‘activist Judges’ going on about Justice, Human Rights and pointing out that National’s populist lynch mob ‘tough-on-crime-talkback-generated-punitive-and- kneejerk-harsher-sentences’ crap is exactly that – crap.
National’s solution to unemployment is building a corporate prison nation using shipping containers that will become rape pens for the weakest double/double bunked prisoners -has no plan B. After winding the NZ public up for 9 years by twisting the righteous anger some feel at the awful things some do to one another and manipulating that fear and anger into calling for a medieval law and order policy as the solution, National has no where else to turn, they will continue putting into place the building blocks of an empire of suffering that will septically weep into society all so that a sense of talkback created vengence can be quenched.
What a brave woman Dame Sian Elias is to stand once again (the way she courageously stood against Labour over the Ahmed Zaoui debacle) against the folly of the Government in power.
That change still feeling good NZ?
BTW - Garth McVicar, seeing as you are so super secretive over who funds the Sensible Sentencing Trust, could you confirm or deny that the SST is taking donations from the private prison company GEO?
"That change still feeling good NZ?"
"She has raised concerns in the Beehive after a speech to the Law Society that slated the "punitive and knee-jerk" response of successive governments to criminal justice issues"
Note the final sentence, no change I can see Bomber...but keep up your little tirade!
The final word on the topic should be..
Justice Minister Simon Power:
"The Government is elected to set sentencing policy. Judges are appointed to apply it."
That's democracy, so suck it up pal!
The New Zealand I grew up in praised those who were bold, brave and truthful yet since this woman contradicted National Party policy and the thinking of far-right, well funded pressure groups she will likely be forced to resign. Borrowing a line from Michael Moore, Dude. Where's my country?
Note the final sentence, no change I can see Bomber...but keep up your little tirade!
Don't get me wrong Anon, Labour have dug the hole, but let's also note that National is digging much deeper.
That's democracy, so suck it up pal!
God damned activist Judges and their pointing out that National’s populist lynch mob ‘tough-on-crime-talkback-generated-punitive-and- kneejerk-harsher-sentences’ crap is exactly that – crap.
My theory on this is that depending on a politician's previous life experience, the way they behave when they get into power is completely different.
So that lefties, who often graduate either from academic or public service positions, (ie., teacher) have a fairly comfortable understanding of the fairly chaotic bundle of different parts interacting in highly complex ways that is Parliament. (Not that this is necessarily a good thing, since it often leads to proposal and acceptance of half-arsed or unpopular solutions, out of a kind of apathy.)
Whereas the right, especially members who have spent most of their lives in highly privileged environments followed by the cutthroat world of business, (ie., CEO of a big company) have trouble grasping subtlety and complexity, let alone deep ethical questions, and think it's all a strict wolf-pack heirarchy, and display constant oneupmanship to prove their macho power.
Who does this jumped-up little newly minted Justice Minister think he is? He should be listening carefully, because she's got a hell of a lot more experience in this field than him, not to mention intelligence.
If you are unfortunate enough to end up the "victim" in a crime then why are we forced to be involved,
Don't get me wrong if you need the support I think it should be there and thats great, but if you don't want it, or don't want it in the first 3 months (or what ever the time period is) this does not make you a naughty victim or lessen the crime, some people just want to get on with life, and turning up to court 5 times because you are legally required to while your perpetrator cant be assed getting out of bed is just a waste of time.
shes an individual who has the right to her own opinion no matter what job she has.
The problem is shes hit a nerve.
She certainly would have a better grasp on things then simon, who seems to be carrying on the pathetic tory "I speak with a false lower voice to make it sound like I know what im talking about".
As for mr Anonymous #1 Democracy means all citizens get to speak there suck it up!!!!
Hear hear anon 11:23 - totally agree
Good on her!
Just when I think Sian Elias is useless, she comes up with another well thought, reasoned and intelligent stand which shows she is concerned about the way Governments can't see the wood for the smoke haze.
"That's democracy, so suck it up pal!"
Yep - at least top judges can make these comments and observations, even if they are dismissed by a vengeful, septic parliament!
Sure Kerry, all citizens get to speak their mind...but when the view point is co clearly not shared by the bulk of the population, or the two major parties in Parliament, she comes across as an Activist Judge, stuck in the beltway.
I know democracy sucks when it doesn't produce the results you want, but the current policy reflects the will of the all the best in getting "The Dame's" provisions accepted.
Well I'm pleased Sian took my advice from this blog a couple of weeks ago :-)
When John Tamahire agrees with her then her speech has obviously resonated across the political spectrum.
What amazes me is the hysterical reaction from the SST to someone who's talking commonsense. But as Power's response has indicated gthe lynch mob still have the power in this debate.
‘tough-on-crime-talkback-generated-punitive-and- kneejerk-harsher-sentences’ crap is exactly that – crap.
radio live/audio on demand friday 3.45-4.00pm just before the news.
Can you (Bomber) be fully open and honest about where the money to support you, your web site(s) and other activities comes from.
I would tend to agree with the Chief Justice if her comments also included these words:
" long as while they are in jail they are brutalised to the extent that upon release they will be too terrified of returning to even think about reoffending. This could be done very cheaply and save the taxpayers a lot of money".
" long as while they are in jail they are brutalised to the extent that upon release they will be too terrified of returning to even think about reoffending. This could be done very cheaply and save the taxpayers a lot of money"
In Singapore and Malaysia they cane criminals. This would probably suffice.
lets just let them all out early so they learn nothing and continue tomake victims of the honest workers in this country. real spart dame sian. off to the rest home love.
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