Melissa Lee racist and stupid as well as possibly corrupt – kiss Mt Albert goodbye National

Motorway 'could divert criminals' – Lee
National MP Melissa Lee's comment that a new motorway could stop criminals coming from South Auckland and committing crime in Mount Albert was "silly", Prime Minister John Key says. Ms Lee, a list MP, National's candidate in the June 13 Mt Albert by-election, made the comment at a candidates' meeting last night. There was heated debate at the meeting on the New Zealand Transport Agency's $1.4 billion motorway proposal, announced by the Government on Tuesday, which will use a combination of above ground and underground sections to make up the 4.5km Auckland motorway extension between Waterview and Mt Roskill. Ms Lee told the meeting people drove to the electorate from South Auckland, and that the new motorway extension could divert some of that traffic and criminals from Mt Albert.
So we can add racist and stupid to allegations of corruption can we? WTF? What was she claiming? That South Aucklanders drive to Mt Albert to commit crime and the motorway would divert that crime rate? You would assume she’s taking the piss, but based on even right wing bloggers assessments she believed what she was saying. The people of Mt Albert are not going to elect this stupid nasty little piece of work as their representative are they? Watching the right wing squirm as their candidate self-destructs is a lot of fun though.
How is this racist exactly, she doesn't mention anything to do with the ethnicity of the criminals???
I agree it is pretty stupid argument though however the only people bringing racism into this debate is Russell Norman and yourself.
An aplogist for racism as well, Gosman you out do yourself today
Oh don't be so fucking cute Gosman, off course it is racist, who was she meaning by 'South Aucklanders' - who was she inferring? Jesus mate the right wing must be fucking desperate if they are pretending to look the other way over a comment like that.
Did Melissa Lee mention the ethnicity of the Criminals from South Auckland?
Are you implying that all Criminals from South Auckland are from a particular ethnic group?
If you are then I would suggest that it is you who is in fact racist and not Melissa Lee.
Her argument is stupid and silly though. It is essentially a variation of NIMBYism which I absolutely loath. So long as the criminals go elsewhere is okay for her.
Ummm... I am not defending Melissa Lees comments. Do you have trouble reading or perhaps in comprehension?
All I have stated is that they are not racist. The only people bring race into this argument are people like Russell Norman, Mr Bradbury, and now you.
South Auckland has a high crime rate. This is factually accurate. To state otherwise is to deny the obvious.
Her arguments are silly and stupid though for the other reasons I have outlined.
Gosman's not actually defending her comments, he's saying they were stupid and silly.
How could a woman who must have a certain amount of intelligence to be a producer of her own tv series, be so idiotic when it comes to politics? You're right Bomber, corruption and apparent racism. Let's hope she's not only not voted in for Mt Albert but also that someone gets her off the party list as well.
Stupid comments from Lee but I would like to think it was one of those speak before you think moments. To call her a racist I think is abit harsh as she was repeating a comment from a police officer but each to their own opinion.
Game set and match to Shearer I reckon
Labour is managing to hold on to what was one of it's safest seats, a seat that is only being contested because the the HC has left.
And this is some glorious, against-all-odds victory for Labour?
It is pretty obvious who is desperate here.
National can hardly be kissing goodbye something they never had in the first place
Labour is managing to hold on to what was one of it's safest seats, a seat that is only being contested because the the HC has left.
And this is some glorious, against-all-odds victory for Labour?
It is pretty obvious who is desperate here.
National can hardly be kissing goodbye something they never had in the first placeIs this the fall back position is it, National would never have won it so Labour suck anyway? Whaleoil and Kiwiblog have been crowing from the roofs at the beginning of this Byelection that National could win this, but as Melissa Lee implodes it's back to 'It was always a safe seat for Labour' - amusing.
Any party that keeps on and nurtures such a nasty piece of work as Melissa Lee is a horrible political hole.
What else is lurking in their ranks?
What the hell - when she stated that she knows this country better than Mr Shearer, well - I guess she may be right.
Her lot do have the treasury benches and alot of my fellow kiwis put them there.
And Gosman?
You are a boring pedant and you help keep this blog site rigorous so keep up with the shit.
Rankin specifically mentioned an ethnic group. Melissa Lee was apparently relaying comments from a Police officer about criminals from South Auckland, (A high crime area). It seems to me that it is people on the left of the political spectrum that are bringing race into the argument. What would be better would be if you purely attacked her on the idiocy of the argument and not some witch hunt for her perceived racism.
And Gosman?
You are a boring pedant and you help keep this blog site rigorous so keep up with the shit.Ain't that the truth, Gosman and his ilk (right wing trolls) always get shown up by Bomber and the more intelligent posters. Good entertainment.
Melissa Lee knew what she was insinuating when she mentioned criminals and South Auckland.
If you think so Bob then good for you. Just remember that currently my ilk are running the country for the next two plus years ;-)
You know exactly what she was insinuating when she mentioned South Aucklanders Gosman and pretending otherwise shows how desperate you are to now start backpeddling on your support of her, don't worry lots of right wingers are.
If you think so Bob then good for you. Just remember that currently my ilk are running the country for the next two plus years ;-)I didn't think you could be any more of a cock gosman, but you are surprising us all today aren't you, defending Melissa of corruption and racism was just the cherry on the top
There's no way Melissa can win this for National now, and her candidacy really asks big questions about their selection process, Ravi wouldn't have cocked up like this, I wonder how whaleoil and kiwiblog will spin this now?
If you think so Bob then good for you. Just remember that currently my ilk are running the country for the next two plus years ;-)I doubt JK and his robber baron mates have much time left over for trolling left wing blogs. Just like all those Caucasian, and in no way brown, burglars and thieves from South Auckland Melissa was "obviously" referring to.
LOL!What are you, 12? Can you even vote?
Is this the fall back position is it, National would never have won it so Labour suck anyway? Whaleoil and Kiwiblog have been crowing from the roofs at the beginning of this Byelection that National could win this, but as Melissa Lee implodes it's back to 'It was always a safe seat for Labour' - amusing.Er, no. What is amusing is that Labour keeping a safe seat that they ALREADY HOLD is painted as some amazing defeat of those wretched tories.
Think about it: If National REALLY wanted this seat, do you think they would announce that they are running a road through a couple of hundred homes in the electorate in the middle of the campaign?
Think about it: If National REALLY wanted this seat, do you think they would announce that they are running a road through a couple of hundred homes in the electorate in the middle of the campaign?
360 now!
1)What has being a minority got to do with being racist ?
2) Two years National. The clock is ticking and with this fiasco and the Supercity issue you will put yourself back in Opposition for six years. At least.
3) Mellisa Lee: the professional TV company manager who uses "non-professionals" (her words) to produce supposedly professional taxpayer-funded television. She is toast.
What do the facts say - is SA a high crime area or not.
Does SA have a higher rate of criminals living there than other areas or not.
Are members of some section of society more likely to be criminals than others or not.
If something is a fact why pretend, if it isn't then lets have the facts out there.
obviously she has no idea about the people of south auckland and the crime, none at all. and now is attempting to blame it on a nameless police officer. how appalling
Gosman or could i call you "ayn rand's ruptured sphincter (in lower caps because you're neither God or a proper noun)Anyway, we all know that you covet Melissa Lee's secret aperture but all you will truly achieve is a quick feel of the local homeless indigent's choco aperture (if you're lucky] - but i digress - please suck the scum from Christine Rankin's rank flaps and expire.
SO R U SAYIN THEY DON'T CARE?Precisly. What have National got to lose? Nothing - they didn't have the seat anyway, they don't have a majority in parliament that is at risk.
This was the perfect opportunity to get back at Clark they get to spit on her claims that the motorway extension would go through "over her dead body" - the moment she leaves town that is exactly what they did.
They have done it early in the term as well - by the next election the people who's house's are going (how many votes? 1000?) will be in paid off, in new homes and long gone. Most other people who are affected aren't likely to have been National voters anyway, so what have they got to loose?
Once the motor way goes through, the complaining will subside because it will make the rush hour commute that much easier.
This seems to be losing the battle/winning the war stuff to me.
Oh bullshit Anon - National wanted this won to crush Labour, to add insult to injury and to destabilize Goffs leadership, National even crucified Ravi in their desire to win, a bloke who has carried the fight for National against Helen for two elections. NOW by exposing their arrogance that they can do anything they like, National will not only lose the byelection with a Candidate who embodies that arrogance they start the 'fight back' for Goff. The economy will get worse, much worse and Nationals privatization agenda will get NZers angry, with this cock up in Mt Albert National have gifted Labour their come back, trying to pretend that it is a meanigless win to Labour shows you aren't seeing the wider implications.
National should be kicking themselves hard, no one wants to be a one term wonder which based on this weeks from hell for National could well become reality.
National wanted this won to crush Labour, to add insult to injury and to destabilize Goffs leadershipI'm sure they would love to have won it but if they really wanted it that badly, if it meant that much to them, do you REALLY think they would have announced the motorway extension now?
National even crucified Ravi in their desire to win, a bloke who has carried the fight for National against Helen for two electionsPlease spare us your crocodile tears for Ravi. The guy was there to make up numbers at best, by the sounds of it he a bit of a fundy so he would have only ever been a bigger liability to National (than Lee obviously is) on the almost non-existent chance that he won the seat. Would you have been so supportive of him had he won? Obviously not.
NOW by exposing their arrogance that they can do anything they like, National will not only lose the byelection with a Candidate who embodies that arrogance
What you don't seem to get is that no one outside of Mt Albert gives a fuck whether the homes go or not - there have been loads of people all over NZ uprooted because of motorway extensions and the like, it’s called progress, it isn't the end of the world and Mt Albert is not a special case – especially now that Helen Clark has gone on to greener pastures.
Most people outside of that area will be glad because it is going to save the country a whole lot of money in a time we don't want to be borrowing and the people who sit in traffic snarl ups every rush hour - ever tried getting to and from the airport even when it's not rush hour? - will be stoked.
they start the 'fight back' for Goff.HA! Your backing him being around til the next election are you?
The economy will get worse, much worse and Nationals privatization agenda will get NZers angry,
Sorry where does privatisation come into this?
Oh! Did you mean Shearer and his favourable views on privatising the military? No no, he's the guy Labour are standing here, not National. (funny how you haven't had much to say on that little issue).
with this cock up in Mt Albert National have gifted Labour their come back, trying to pretend that it is a meanigless win to Labour shows you aren't seeing the wider implications.Given that you where making bold claims about a sea-change back to Labour before the election, you'll have to excuse me if I take your claims that Labour winning a seat that they already hold is some huge turn around, with just a pinch of salt.
National should be kicking themselves hard, no one wants to be a one term wonder which based on this weeks from hell for National could well become reality.And that, Bomber, is nothing more than wishful thinking from you.
I'm sure they would love to have won it but if they really wanted it that badly, if it meant that much to them, do you REALLY think they would have announced the motorway extension now?It proves how disfunctional the internal workings at National are right now, exactly as Colin Espiner points out in his blog about the appointment of Rankin, it goes to the arrogance National have developed where by they think they can get away with anything after their win, look at the words out of your great leaders mouth today where he arrogantly tells Mt Albert voters to forget about the motorway and look at the great tyhings he is doing nationally. You are wrong with your assertion that they wouldn't have declared the motorway to win Mt Albert, Key is sayiong today to overlook that and look at the great job he is doing. That is their arrogance and your denial of that arrogance doesn't match up with what Key is saying today.
Please spare us your crocodile tears for Ravi.No crocodile tears at all, National canabolized their own to put in the brilliant Melissa Lee, say what you will of Ravi, but he wouldn't have suggested that building a motorway would keep South Aucklander criminals out of Auckland now would he, your assertion that Melissa Lee is much better in light of her comments this week don't really hold up much do they 'anon'.
What you don't seem to get is that no one outside of Mt Albert gives a fuck whether the homes go or not - there have been loads of people all over NZ uprooted because of motorway extensions and the like, it’s called progress, it isn't the end of the world and Mt Albert is not a special case – especially now that Helen Clark has gone on to greener pastures. LMAO - with that mindset National really aregoing to get thrashed in Mt Albert, PLEASE tell them that, I think the good people of Mt Albert need to know this is what National Party voters really think about their situation, you can't make this stuff up.
HA! Your backing him being around til the next election are you?If National had won Mt Albert, yes he would be dog tucker, but if his candidate wins, it is a symbolic win for Labour and keeps Goff in his position.
Sorry where does privatisation come into this?National intend to privatize in their second term and as the economy turns people will be needing more government services, not less meaning Nationals path forward will be negatively received.
Oh! Did you mean Shearer and his favourable views on privatising the military? No no, he's the guy Labour are standing here, not National. (funny how you haven't had much to say on that little issue).Because it's a cock issue for National party dicks that's why Anon, Shearer vented about the frustration of the UN not having it's own military because member states pay lip service to humanitarian but sacrifice like lambs, to take that frustration as a mass endorsement of military privatization is just a smear.
Given that you where making bold claims about a sea-change back to Labour before the election, you'll have to excuse me if I take your claims that Labour winning a seat that they already hold is some huge turn around, with just a pinch of salt.As I've pointed out numerous times, the msm were predicting a win over 50% by National, NZF cost Labour the election because they came under 5% meaning that it was 1% that cost Labour the ability to form a coaltion. My point with the possible win in Mt Albert is that you National posters were declaring a win at the beginning of this and now as Melissa Lee implodes you want to scrub the win of any significance, as I posted
with this cock up in Mt Albert National have gifted Labour their come back, trying to pretend that it is a meanigless win to Labour shows you aren't seeing the wider implications.
You are really fooling yourself if you think that Labour would have been able to stitch together a coalition at the last election if NZ First had got above the 5 % threshold.
For a start it would have been one of the most unpopular governments in history and probably lead to the implosion of a number of the smaller support parties as well as a huge swing against Labour at the 2011 election.
Face facts Bomber, the electorate wanted a change of government at the last election and they got that. This is good for democracy. Just as it is good for democracy that the National led government will eventually be defeated at some stage.
Your opinions suggest you think it is preferable to have a continual left wing led government in power in perpetuity. That way lies the erosion of democracy and corruption.
YAWN - I'm not saying at all, go back to defending quasi racist statements Gosman, I was explaining how close the election actually was if NZF had crossed the 5% threshold giving Labour the opportunity to form a colaition to counter the point Anon was making.
Melissa Lee's comments were neither technically racist, nor camouflaged racism. There was no 'dog whistling here.'
She mentioned South Auckland simply because it has a significantly higher crime rate than other areas. Even if she did have in mind the image of a typical South Auckland criminal (Polynesian), that does not make her comments racist, anymore than one's image of a typical bankster is white.
All Asians I know hate their own criminals even more than white criminals or Polynesian crims. Asians don't really care what ethnicity you are - as long as they are left alone. Case in point is Singapore - they are equal opportunity executioners - white engineers, Chinese prostitutes, Malay construction workers, and African soccer players have all faced the noose over drug trafficking. But most of the victims are Chinese. Do the Singaporeans bitch and moan that Chinese are overrepresented in execution stats? Of course not.
Just as if they brought in hanging for P importers and most of the executed were Chinese, I, as a Chinese would not bitch and moan about it either, and say that it was racist or whatever. In fact I would sooner pull the lever on a Chinese criminal than a Polynesian or white criminal - because they have disgraced our group.
And so would most Chinese I know.
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