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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mt Albert by-election

The departing member for Mt Albert will likely do an adequate job as UN Aid commissar and as she has the backing the political classes - albeit for differing reasons - the appointment of a New Zealander to the UN's "third most senior" post will be painted as nationally significant. Whatever fist she makes of the role and whatever influence she is able to exert - or not - she will be hailed in New Zealand as a statesman - something she was never able to achieve as a Prime Minister who courted domestic hostility with Labour-branded "progressive" issues, placated the middle classes and business by keeping the supposedly detested Rogernomics-Ruthenasia formula and encouraging the sort of speculative bubble that is bursting the world over, and whose foreign policy triumphs were trade related or tainted (eg. sending 'non-combat' troops to Iraq and active units into Afghanistan). She played it safe on the big issues, avoiding confrontation if it would mean a drawn out battle, trusting her instincts on when and how much the conservative base of the electorate could move - leaving her prone to ruthless acts against ministers she personally disliked and minorities not conforming to her expectations of reciprocation - her government earning a rebuke in a UN report over Maori land confiscation laws they passed. Cementing herself as an unchallenged leader started with a nasty scrap during the Lange government that only ended in the mid 90s. Those sorts of political management skills must be prized in an institution like the UN.

But let us turn to the future:

On the side of the street where I live (the other side is New Lynn electorate) we are going to have a by-election to decide who will represent us in parliament. Clark's old hand bag holder, the "bat shit crazy" Judith Tizard, is just one step away from being an MP again if the current hand bag holder and long-time coveter of this seat gets in (as every Labour candidate is bound to do in ultra-safe, working class Mt Albert) and due to the musical chairs that is the MMP party list system it bumps everyone up the list leaving Judith Tizard the next when O'Conner comes in.

Tizard perched to re-enter parliament again. Her legal mess with the copyright law is still being undone. She adds no value. Her re-absorption into the Labour caucus represents a net loss to Labour. If the caucus is reflective of her old electorate most will be dreading that scenario. They will be hoping Cullen hasn't really been lured out with promises of government appointments to boards as is the rumour, because that will mean she gets back in. How can Labour win the next election when Tizard is there as a reminder of how unreconstructed they really are?

The Nats could not be more happy over an election in a seat that they will lose.


At 25/3/09 2:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

on election night on Radio NZ Tizard was interviewed after she lost Akl Central and said even if she made it back in on the list after the specials were counted she probably wouldn't take the seat.
Sure, there was wiggle room in her statements that night but I think for the good of the party (92A!) she won't be back.

At 25/3/09 3:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

forget Judith.

Helen will be agreat loss to NZ and I wish her all the luck for the future.

Shes a master politician who dragged this country forward....for the public to then piss all over it and elect a gonk who can pronounce New Zealand properly....good one guys!

At 25/3/09 11:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NZ's gain is the UN's loss. Who the heck would let the wicked witch of the west (aka Clarkofski) loose to 'develop' the world. Shudder.

And the thought of the Tizz back in Parliament is horrific - can't the wicked witch of the west take the Tizz on the plane to Upper Volta and get her to inspect the outside of the fuselage between Rwanda and Burundi? Such a little thing to ask,

Surely even the braindead Tizz can grasp that only Dick Prebble got ousted as Labour MP from Akld Central in the last 3 decades - to have it happen to you mean you are truly hated by most of your constituents. Learn from this Tizz...

Labour's trouble is they are such an obvious bunch of talentless, time-serving, zombies that no-one good joins them anymore, and even if they did, would be swamped & cannibalised by the zombies.

Be interesting to see if the Greens get their shit together for this campaign. I'm picking not. Despite having plenty of materials and volunteers in Mt Albert, they will assume themselves as 3rd fiddle to Lab & Nat, while will be self-fulfilling.

At 26/3/09 2:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally amazed at the congratulations to Helen for scoring this "job".

This is great for parasite-Helen, it will be truly a lifetime of feeding luxuriously from the public trough. Everyone does realise that Helen Clark has not worked a day in her life, don't they? She went from the "education" system to being an indoctrinator herself and then to politics. Greedily feeding from the public while slowly strangling them. I don't think it is generally realised that HC was responsible for "health reforms" - including closing down all the mental health institutions - while being minister of health before becoming PM.

Another thing that I hope you realise is that we have paid massively for HC's UN "job" by not being able to discipline our own children without CYPs coming along screaming, yelling and prosecuting. Yes, folks, Labour's (please don't believe for a minute that it had anything to do with the simi-literate Sue Bradford)"anti-smacking" Bill was a UN DEMAND!!!! One which HC agreed to pass (and pass she did, albeit "AGAINST OVERWHELMING PUBLIC OPPOSITION") for the eventual reward of a "UN job".

HC also signed "on your behalf, even though you didn't know about any of them" several UN treaties. Not the least of which was the "care of children Bill" and the "dog chipping Bill" and, and ..... gee, I could go on all night.

Yep. NZ has paid heavily for Helen's life of parasitic luxury at the UN. Our society has been totally stuffed up so that this awful woman may continue her parasitic existance.

At 26/3/09 7:28 am, Blogger Bomber said...

ugh - the venom still dripping at Helen is a sad bitterness to see in others and says more about them than Helen, if we are talking about character judgement in Helen, what sort of character would vote for the crazy religious National Party candidate and still hold their head up with any sense of honour. I mean if you detest religious types how could you philisophically defend such a vote!

At 26/3/09 8:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone does realise that Helen Clark has not worked a day in her life, don't they?

Actually, she has worked extremely hard for NZ for decades.
Put your name to your post anon, and we will see exactly what you have contributed.

I think you will find it's the finance sector that are "parasites" who havent worked a day in their lives.


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