From medieval law and order policy to changing your bill of Rights

Remember that drunk on Eye to Eye who started a despicable slur against gay people by comparing them with paedophiles?
“Paedophiles, like homosexuals, 30 years ago homosexuals had, according to experts, a disease and they needed to be cured and it was a spectacular failure because homosexuality is a sexual orientation, so we decided that because there were 10 per cent of people who were homosexual it was no longer a disease.
"Paedophiles cannot be cured any better than…," he continued, before being interrupted by other panel members.
Yeah well that drunk is Sensible Sentencing hangman and ACT party MP David Garrett. Currently Garrett is pretending that his 3 strikes and you’re screwed won’t cost $30billion because second time offenders will get a maximum sentence (he hopes they will die before they re-offend for the 25 year 3rd strike) and because they will go overseas. Firstly the second offence can be for something as low as a 5 year sentence so maximizing the second crime may be for as little as 5 years, that won’t kill off the prison population and the idea that these prisoners will then leave overseas with their criminal convictions is just a bloody joke. So now our favorite jumped up little Reservoir Dog, David 'Mr Pink' Garrett not only wants to initiate law and order policy that National’s own Attorney-General describes as such ” severe punishment it would breach fundamental human rights of New Zealanders”, yeah well surprise surprise, Mr Pink wants to change the NZ Bill of Rights
His direct quote when told his brutal new law would breach the NZ Bill of Rights – wait for it “So what?”
His words now "Alter the Bill of Rights Act. We've got too hung up on people's rights."
We are too hung up on people’s rights??????? – his words, not mine. Start feeling very frightened now. Would anyone want a drunk homophobe who is promoting law and order legislation that would be so severe it would breach our bill of rights fucking around with our bill of rights in anyway shape or form?
It took a couple of months, but the real right wing are now starting to peep out from under the veneer of moderation, his opinion of our rights and his desire to circumvent them for only groups David deems as okay is an influence in Parliament that no free citizen would want to continue.
Garrett is a nasty, bigoted piece of work and here's hoping he crashes in some sordid Caphillesque scandal...
Your hoping that some children get molested just so you can feel vindicated? Maybe it's you that's the nasty piece of work.
Pretty desperate anon 8.45am, let's get back to focusing on your homophobic drunk and his desire to change the bill of rights to allow his brutal new law and order policy through shall we?
Pretty desperate anon 8.45am
Desperate is bringing graham Caphill into the equation.
his brutal new law and order policy through shall we?
Sure. Lets start by you telling us how this law is so "brutal" shall we?
This law involves putting violent offenders in prison. You do realise that that is what we do now don't you dan?
So you don't like custodial sentences for violent criminals, why don't you enlighten us all as to what we should really be doing with these people.
Not only that, but every "strike" the violent offender gets warned about the consequences.
Its a fucking social contract, its not like the offenders can argue "oh I couldn't help it" or "I didn't know" the whole process takes years of offending to come into effect.
Its pretty much.
I muder someone, I get found guilty and sentanced. As part of my sentance I am warned of the law and consequences.
Then I serve my sentance, get out, go and viciously assault someone. I'm caught, go through the legal process, and and found guilty and sentanced. I'm warned that this is my last chance, or I'm in jail for good. I better sort my shit out, or its the slammer. Hardly rocket science or violating my human rights here.
I serve the years of my jail term and get out. I decide to commit another violent crime. Get caught, sentanced etc.
I've had multiple chances to turn my life around, and stop assaulting, robbing, raping or murdering but I don't. I'm in Jail for good. I've been warned multiple times, and the whole process has taken years, probably most of my life. I'm what one would describe as a bad bastard. Its hardly a violation of my rights to keep me locked up.
Its very simple.
If you don't want to be locked away for the rest of your natural life, do not Murder, do not rape, do not assault etc.
Very very simple.
Yes I would be worried about violations or rights if this included offenses such as petty theft, white collar crime, drug violations etc - but it doesn't. IT only includes offenses that involve deliberate, premedidated physical harm on innocent people.
Prison doesn't work.
It was historically used to ransom payments, rather than hang "criminals".
Then "criminals" were used to populate the Empire. The American colonies first and once that fell over Australia.
All in all, a progressive method of dealing with European over crowding. A shit deal for the indegenous population.
Then secondary penal colonies of Tasmania, Brisbane, & lastly Perth were set up.
The conflict between "convicts" and willing fee paying settlers ended the open prison concept of America & Australia.
Now our prisons house the poor, 90% unable to read.
What is needed is not to house the poor in institutions, but improve the earlier institution to do their bloody job & teach.
Then educate the poor to read, work - up skill our population so that prisons end and are no-longer a scost on society but the much cheaper option of Home D is combined with training for a more productive society. Yeah some parenting courses wouldn't hurt either.
This would end up paying for itself through having a productive society.
"Anonymous said...
Prison doesn't work."
It depends on how you define 'work'.
It is true that it is debateable that it actually deters people from committing crimes. However locking violent offenders away for long preiods of time does remove these people from the wider population and therefore means that it is difficult to commit additional crimes while they are inside.
There is also an argument to be made about the confidence in the justice system in the eyes of the wider population. If people have less confidence in the system in locking away violent criminal to protect them then they are going to feel insecure. Societies have a right to feel that their justioe systems are working for them and not just to try and rehabilitate the perpetrators of crims.
Now our prisons house the poor, 90% unable to read.
Facinating, perhaps you could provide a link to back this claim up.
What is needed is not to house the poor in institutions, but improve the earlier institution to do their bloody job & teach.
Thats right people rape and murder because they can't read properly.
I wonder if you would have the gall to say that to the family of Lois Dear.
Phill Goff said so here:
"We are also focused on more intensive efforts to address the causes of offending.
We know for example that at the time of offending;
- over 50% of prison inmates are unemployed
- 80-90% are functionally illiterate or innumerate
- Over 80% are drug and alcohol addicted or abusers"
I'd suggest that 100% of prison inmates are unemployed, unless prison work schemes are counted ;)
Once again people from the left attempt to remove any personal responsibility for people's actions.
There is no reason why Prison inmates are functionally illiterate. New Zealand has free education well into the teenage years.If a poor country like Zimbabwe can have literacy rates in the high 90 percent mark even with the problems caused by the Zanu-PF regime there there should be no excuses for people in NZ for being illiterate other than laziness or a deep seated learning difficulty.
oops just read the "at the time of offending" part. Apologies.
"Currently Garrett is pretending that his 3 strikes and you’re screwed"
I think the 3 strikes idea is too inflexible.
But, I have to say it's not that hard to avoid being convicted of 3 crimes is it?
Apparently it is for these poor benighted souls who commit crimes because they are unemployed and can't read. The reason they can't read is the states fault and not their own as eight years of free state education is not enough. Perhaps we should blame their teachers for their crimes and lock them up instead.
It would help if they Govt funded Dyslexia as they promised.
When I was at school, School Cert was a 50% pass/fail.
What other profession actively goes out to fail half their clients.
We really have to go to the NZ Cricket team to get that type of low performance level.
Brickies would be in jail on fraud charges, but we accept this from Teachers?
" Anonymous said...
It would help if they Govt funded Dyslexia as they promised."
Yes because as we know if you are Dyslexic and you don't get the help you need you turn to violent crime.
The only excuse for illiteracy in New Zealand is is you have a serious learning difficulty. Now I haven't seen the statistics but I doubt very much that every violent criminal, or even the majority of them, suffer from a serious learning disability. Now if you have statistics which suggest otherwise then I will agree that spending money on remedial reading will help reduce crime. In the absence of these statistics frankly this idea is just another wacky pie-in-the-sky liberal solution.
wow. education = a wacky pie in the sky liberal solution?
also - what happens when those on their third strike get out?
Who wants to bet that said ex-con will be a model citizen then?
Who wants to bet that said ex-con will be a model citizen then?
Why would anyone bet that? A third striker has already proven themselves to be a career criminal.
But lets look at what you are saying if they are a third striker they'll have been in prison for 25 years, as well as all the time they spent in prison on strikes 1 and 2.
These are going to be pretty old men, lets have a look at the statistics and see if it is the old boys going round bashing, raping and murdering, or if its the young ones.
Violence is young man's game, and if the old crook s want to get get back into on their release - sweet, throw the old coots back in the slammer.
"Yes because as we know if you are Dyslexic and you don't get the help you need you turn to violent crime."
All of my family have degrees & at least 1/2 have dyslexia or some version of it. Not to mention white middle class, nice neighbours with law degrees and phds.
There is a real class divide in NZ. Not a month ago a STAC (St Andrews College) old boy committed armed robbery and got home detention. He said he was being heavied in the Casino. The only place in Christchurch under 24hr/7Day CCTV and no proff of this was presented and the Judge accepted it.
The prison system is a joke. My nephew was in Rimutaka Prison for various drug related charges...he was 18. He was given home detention and came home with drugs hidden in his shoes????!!!! Aparently you can get any drug you like in prison very very easily....
So hes released on home detention....has a serious drug problem and is given absolutely no counselling/rehab anything!
SO he spent 3 months in prison and was taught absolutely nothing.
If you dont have any followup like rehab etc what is the point in prison???? He learned nothing and i would say he is not the exception but the rule.
We spoke to his parole officer and they didnt want to know..."cant be placed in rehab because hes over 18! what the fuck!
Prison simply does not work alone and I'd suggest that anyone who believes it does is an arse!
Ben: All depends if th Local Sarge wants your girlfriend
Well locking some people up seems to keep the suicide rates up and we don't need Capital Punishment - in practice it means, if you are bad enough to be locked up - you deserve to die.
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