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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

taxrefunds.co.nz is a revenue creation site for IRD

Had a mate stung by this site, it pretends to be about tax refunds, but in reality it is a a tax revenue site for IRD. They will go after you if you haven't filed a return, but they don't make that clear - AVOID AT ALL COSTS, or as my mate just found out, it cost him $800


At 17/2/09 9:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was stung by this bloody site as well, I had no idea it was a revenue gathering site, they pretend it's about a tax refund, but once you've put your details in they sting you with the costs. How they've managed to get away with it for so long without anyone knowing is staggering. They even got a positive story out of Campbell Live, that's where I saw it

At 17/2/09 10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

weird ive made shit loads off it!

At 17/2/09 10:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on the website:

"It is a private limited liability company, registered with the New Zealand Companies Office and is independent from the IRD. TaxRefunds.co.nz Ltd is New Zealand’s only Internet-based system IRD certified for e-filing."

At 17/2/09 10:06 am, Blogger Swimming said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 17/2/09 10:09 am, Blogger Swimming said...

There is another one called mytaxrefund.co.nz.

They have reps in shopping malls doing it. I investigated it and they take a high proportion of your refund. These guys dont work for IRD, but a company called Mytax Ltd. but if your refund is, say, $40, $30 of that is their commission. If it is $150 it goes up to $60 etc. What they are also doing is taking advantage of people who do not know their WFF entitlements.

At 17/2/09 10:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on the website:

"Q. Why would my refund amount be reduced from the estimated amount?

A. The IRD can revise you refund amount from that estimated for a number of reasons; primarily one of the following scenarios may reduce your estimated refund amount in any given tax year.

1. Student loan arrears
2. Non-custodial parent arrears
3. Child rebates which have been disallowed
4. A variation to the recorded child custody/shared care arrangement than that recorded by the IRD
5. Other taxation arrears
6. Partial tax year
7. Incorrect interest details supplied by you during the estimate application to TaxRefunds.co.nz
8. Any other private information held by the IRD, inaccessible to TaxRefunds.co.nz

The IRD when processing your return can automatically transfer refunds to deduct from these arrears. This is beyond the control of TaxRefunds.co.nz, as this happens once the return has been submitted to the Inland Revenue Department. We will be notified by the IRD and will inform you accordingly."

At 17/2/09 1:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got burnt by these guys, I sent in an application expecting some cash but was then told I owed the tax department $500, and they set the IRD on me!

Why risk having the IRD spotlight fall upon you for a small sum of cash that these guys take a commision on anyway?

It's hard enough out there at the moment without letting the IRD know you owe them money.

At 17/2/09 4:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber, as a leftist I would have thought you support the state collecting the correct taxes and you would encourage people to make payments. Your post was quite right wing and for that I salute you ;-)

At 17/2/09 4:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You realise that if you actually paid your taxes instead of free-riding off the rest of us, this wouldn't have happened to you?
I say good on them for catching you tax cheaters with their web of lies.

At 17/2/09 5:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s your responsibility to meet your tax obligations, if you get caught evading tax how can you moan when you have to pay the correct amount. Get a better accountant perhaps.

Does this blogger support tax evasion.

At 18/2/09 7:11 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Not at all Mark, I just think it should be honest and not pretend to be a refund site when in reality it also gets revenue for IRD

At 28/2/09 7:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Geoff Matthews here from Tax Refunds.co.nz, this is NOT a revenue gathering site by IRD. We are returning over $1m a week to New Zealanders. The only way you can get a bill from IRD from this site is that you have done something ILLEGAL like run out on your kids and not pay your child support or not have paid you student loan. Either way the IRD will catch up with you eventually and you are better off dealing with the issue now. IRD do however assess a small number of people randomly each year, and if your numbers up, your numbers up regardless of whether you use our site or not. email me if you have an issue with the site but it is the most endorsed site in NZ. Regards geoff@taxrefunds.co.nz

At 1/3/09 4:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IRD do however assess a small number of people randomly each year, and if your numbers up, your numbers up regardless of whether you use our site or not.

That does sounds like a threat doesn't it

At 2/3/09 6:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It certainly does sound like a threat, and if you owe tax Geoff, why don't you tell people what happens then? You didn't mention once in your post the fact that of you owe IRD money that you collect it on their behalf, most people going to you wouldn't know if they owe or if they are owed, other than your vieled threat that you will pass along details to have an IRD audit, you never mention the point that if you owe money you'll help IRD collect that money.

Not really the site on the side of the taxpayer that you've tried painting here is it Geoff?

At 5/4/09 10:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of you have actually gotten something out of this site? I was actually just about to sign up, a little confused on the part where it sez in the terms and conditions #1, For orbus business 2 recieve same on my behalf and deposit into orbus business trust account? Im not sure whether that's meaning what i think it is, thoughts anyone?

At 9/6/09 1:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had no problems with this site yet, I have had 2 separate refunds totaling over $600 and I was advised I owed $75.84 for another year but I have yet to hear from the IRD. In my opinion this site is great, it gets the money back that the goverment is trying to rip off people.

At 13/7/09 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know someone who lives in Oamaru where the main office is, and they tell me school kids do your tax returns at night and weekends. I wouldnt trust that.

At 24/9/09 8:38 pm, Anonymous Michelle S said...

This is the last email I sent them tonight - I have been trying to get payment for 8 freaking weeks!! Or even a jolly response!

Michelle xxxxx
08:24 24 Sep 2009
IRD NUMBER xx xxx xxx

You stated in the email that you sent which included:
TaxRefunds.co.nz has cancelled your return application for the 2004 tax year.

The refund application was cancelled for the following reason:
Unable to proceed with 2004 application as cut off date has passed.

For further information or to ask any questions, please click on the following link: http://www.taxrefunds.co.nz?tc=TR00597458

I HAVE CONFIRMED WITH IRD THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY!!! received my 2004 refund! Can I have my money please???!!!!


Think VERY carefully before you use them!


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