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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Economic nuclear winter for America

So, America is fucked - and yet it's currency is stronger in value today than it has been in recent times. Over-valued and pumped up like 'roid meat the coach wants to keep injecting the body. It is a septic mess set to burst. The question is when?


At 25/2/09 12:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doh! Microsoft asks laid-off staff for money back

This is why you never get the pay clark you have just made redundant do the final payout :)


At 25/2/09 3:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the light in any of this news, it just gets bleaker and bleaker

At 25/2/09 3:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At what point will the American dollar get revalued and when it does crash who will jump first - is it the saudis who are propping their dollar up?


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