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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's okay to torture in America because America loves 24 - only on Fox News


At 23/12/08 7:48 am, Blogger Steve Withers said...

In November 2008, New Zealand embarked on its own "Festival of Ignorance". All those nasty little slogan inended o dislodge a Labour-lead government have now been required to become actual policy. The results of early attempts to convert unfounded preconception and prejudice into actual policy are - so far - far from encouraging.

To help te debt crisis, National has reduced the ability of Kiwis to save and instead told them to go spend. Spend what? Contact Energy's price hike wiped out the tax cut for everyone south of Masteron.

To improve wages and make New Zealand more attractive, National made it so you can be sacked without excuse or explanation in your first 90 days.

They clearly haven't thought any of this stuff through......

At 23/12/08 8:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best show on television......

At 23/12/08 9:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because one arse wipe Fox commentator equates support for a TV show with public opinion about the use of torture does not mean the claim is true. The title of your post is somewhat misleading in that it does not differentiate between this dipshits opinion and fact (which is that the majority of the US public oppose the use of torture--see the Pew survey to that effect).

SDM is clearly high or off his meds.

The dude at the end who said that Fox is a "festival of ignorance" is my new hero--who is he?

At 23/12/08 9:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8.53 seems quite interested in male-male fellatio and bestiality! Is he viewing the right site? Come out now tough guy.

At 23/12/08 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what they say ...'those who talk about it' . Actually i think i'd prefer he didn't 'come out'..some things are just too ugly for general consumption , ah well,at least he spelt 'loser' right

At 23/12/08 11:45 am, Blogger Paul said...

Your right (sic) SDM, it certainly is a show.

At 23/12/08 12:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look FFS its fiction. I like Prison break as well, but that doesnt mean I want people breaking out of prison.

What a load of shit........

At 23/12/08 1:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bogart: The guy at the end of the clip is comedian Lee Camp.

At 27/12/08 12:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i notice the electrol finance act is still in....


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