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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fried Pork

Rights group links Tasers to deaths
As police begin arming officers with Tasers, Amnesty International is questioning their safety in a report suggesting that their use is linked to nearly 350 deaths in the United States.
Members of the armed offenders squad in Auckland and Wellington have been issued with the weapon, with training for general duties officers beginning in February. Tasers are used in several countries, including some Australian states, Britain, Canada and France, as a less-dangerous alternative to guns. Police here decided to adopt them after a year-long trial and independent review. But Amnesty International is urging police to restrict the use of the 50,000-volt stun guns to life-threatening situations. Its report, entitled Less Than Lethal?, found that 334 people had died in the US after being stunned with the weapons between 2001 and August 2008. Medical examiners concluded the weapons caused or contributed to at least 50 of the deaths.

We know the cops misuse police dogs and pepper spray on people, why should they suddenly use tasers properly? A Taser CAN NOT be used by a cop to make you do something, they are only supposed to use them if you have a weapon and are advancing on the cop but from their initial report it seems a lot of cops just pull the Taser as soon as they show up somewhere which is contrary to their own guidelines. Seeing as the cops spied on the campaign against the Taser, they are well aware of the shortcomings of this ‘non lethal’ lethal weapon.


At 23/12/08 8:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know that Bombers misuses Tumeke to spread lies, hatred and disinformation so why should we believe you now?

At 23/12/08 9:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know that Bombers misuses Tumeke to spread lies, hatred and disinformation so why should we believe you now?

Is that the royal we?

Are you a police informant, or just an idiot?

Prediction 1:
Police will be given tasers.

Prediction 2:
They will abuse them and the NZ public and media will barely notice apart from a few good stories. (like the one about pepper spraying a handcuffed man lying on the ground or accidentally tasering the wife and 16 yr old at a domestic despute)

Predition 3:
Someone will die and it will be a great shame. The police will give their deepest condolences tot he family.

Predition 4:
We will be too worried about our jobs, cars and flat screen TVs to care.

At 23/12/08 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber, Anon 9.23 regurgitates the typical male-male sex fantasy themes so typical of the fascist right. Come out now Anon 9.23, there's a lovely guy waiting for you out there- he's driving a hummer!

At 23/12/08 12:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 9;14, thats the best comment ive seen posted on this site in the last 4 years. a brilliant true actually accurate kiwi statement. well done

At 23/12/08 1:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous wankers!

At 23/12/08 1:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Tasers are not the answer cops need something to stop violent offenders from hurting/killing other citizens. E.g. the nutjob who is holding a knife to his ex-girlfriend's throat - what should be done in that situation if negotiation doesn't work?
What I am saying is ok Tasers are likely to be abused by trigger-happy cops - we know that. So what other options are there/can there be? Negotiation does not always work - we also know that.

At 23/12/08 2:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again.

Scared now?

LOL. Not likely. The thing about you right wingers is that YOU are all talk.

You may vote in and vocally support the scary, jack booted bastards that stomp on my head. The wolf in sheeps clothing sent to protect me from the evil scary beast that is our society.

But you? You are a pantywaist in woman's underwear.

At 23/12/08 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 9;14, thats the best comment ive seen posted on this site in the last 4 years. a brilliant true actually accurate kiwi statement. well done

Anon 9;14 here again. Thanks Anon 12;07 dude.

So what other options are there/can there be? Negotiation does not always work - we also know that.

You raise a bloody good point Mark and it is probably not clear my actual position from what I am saying.
I have nothing against the police as a concept or the many cops doing an awesome job. (I even feel sorry for the sheep cops that just get caught up in the culture)

I have known cops and I even trained in self defence under and alongside ex and current cops and had some great chats about stuff with them.
The culture, led from the top is the problem. The police need to be kept in check. Currently our mechanuisms for this are faulty and compromised. (complaints authority, commissioner etc)

PS: here is a true story for you.

I also trained with a 18 yr old. (slight guy, but wirey at about 5'9") Got drunk one night and mouthed off to his sister and mother who he lived with. (read: no violence)
They tried to kick him out, but he just went to bed very drunk and tired. Police were called and turned up when he had been asleep for an hour or so.
Bashed on his door. Half asleep he though it was his sister's mates come to cause trouble. He told "them" to piss off and went back to sleep.
Door was broken down and a 6'3'' 100kg, 40 yr old policeman came through brandishing an asp in the dark room. All he saw was a large black figure with a bat and reacted as we were all trained to. The cop tried to hit him in the legs but he dropped his knee and then punched the cop once.
Knocked him cold.
Turned on light and...whoops.
6 mates of cops turn up and arrest him. Obviously.

Nothing unusual or bad so far, right? Just a drunken incident destined for court.

The 6 cops handcuff the boy (yes, boy) in the back of their wagon and proceeded to beat the living CRAP out of him.
He suffered brain damage to his frontal lobe and the one time he came back to training he was obviously just "not quite right" anymore and could not come again.

Complaints gave him 5k in damages. This shit happens all the time, just without the obvious injuries. (i.e. the cops fucked up because they brain damaged him...)

Now tell me again why we don't need to give the police a fucking shake up??

At 23/12/08 4:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So its a true story, as according to the guy who told you it, the same guy who feels like a big man when he intimidates women.

Obviously his Mother and sister felt a lot differently about his behavior and felt in danger enough to call the Police. He then knocks out a cop and claims he was given a hiding in return. Of course he was far to drunk to accept any responsibility for his actions or to even recognize the rather distinctive uniform of a cop, but we should all accept the version of events of this drunken loser as clear rationale for a complete reform of an entire Police force.

And of course Bomber in all his instant rage, failed to even do the barest minimum of research into the guidelines the Police will have to follow. To even get the taser out of a locked box in the vehicle the cop will have to receive permission from an inspector or similar and every time it is deployed every instance is videoed on a taser cam.

You might want to mention Bomber in all the 'claimed' deaths how many were directly attributed to the taser and not other conditions such as excited delirium which kills people who are merely restrained.

At 23/12/08 5:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously his Mother and sister felt a lot differently about his behavior

Actually they were all drunk.

Also you post is ridiculous because nothing that he might have said warranted brain damage. Nor was the post defending his drunken behaviour. But to be honest it is what I would expect with anon posts on an internet forum.

But you raise a good point about police procedure. Is this acceptable police procedure?
What would have happened to this guy if they had tasers? I mean fuck it - why not just hook him up to the truck's battery terminals and REALLY show him. Might have done less damage after all, right???
But THAT would have been torture. THAT would have made the front page.
Fucking the guys entire life up with a beating...nobody gives a shit.

If you are actually trying to argue he somehow deserved this then I guess I have nothing more to say to you beyond I hope you get to watch one of your own friends or family suffer through serious closed head injury.

At 23/12/08 5:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And PS: I bet his mother and sister will regret to their grave the fact they called the police for help...

At 23/12/08 5:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Also you post is ridiculous because nothing that he might have said warranted brain damage. Nor was the post defending his drunken behaviour. But to be honest it is what I would expect with anon posts on an internet forum.

But you raise a good point about police procedure. Is this acceptable police procedure?
What would have happened to this guy if they had tasers? I mean fuck it - why not just hook him up to the truck's battery terminals and REALLY show him. Might have done less damage after all, right???
But THAT would have been torture. THAT would have made the front page.
Fucking the guys entire life up with a beating...nobody gives a shit."

As opposed to your non-anon posts genius, you might want to try adding your name to the bottom of them.

And you are claiming as fact something which you never witnessed. Its funny you have such an accurate grasp as to what happened despite the fact you weren't there and have only the word of some violent drunk that you take as gospel.

And yeh if they had tasers they would have had to have asked for authority to use them and then every action afterwards would be caught on tape. Would probably have benefited your mate if anything.

Its funny how this guy can knock a cop out potentially causing death or severe brain injury cos he was to drunk to recognize the difference and its somehow deserved, your bragging about the fact . I'm sure your a super super tough guy who does martial arts and we should all respect your fists which are lethal weapons, what a winner.

You and your mate are surely a couple of martial art champs beating each other off all the time and all.

At 23/12/08 6:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't expect people to believe that story about the brain damaged guy without a link to a reliable source.

If you can't prove that it's true STFU.

At 23/12/08 6:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh but mr martial arts super tough guy said so, you can trust him, he's awesomely tough and with his karate honor he wouldn't lie.

At 23/12/08 6:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. The scum of the internet really frequent this blog. Unless those were all posts by the same guy.

Not much to say to all that really. Thanks for decreasing my faith in humanity another notch. I guess in the end the only positive I can only take awat from this is that I am not you or someone like you and never will be.
And merry christmas.

At 23/12/08 7:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't give a standard example of what cops are like; He gave a fictional OTT anecdote.

At 23/12/08 7:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't give a standard example of what cops are like; He gave a fictional OTT anecdote.

Nope. It was real. I knew him and he suffered brain damage.
The only fiction is the world you are living in. A sad little bigotted world where what you say actually matters.

I would link to the complaints info...but you will notice there is nothing to link to. It is all kept very secret.
Police complaints are at record levels:

The culture of the police has become rotten:

Don't get me wrong here. I am sure many cops are doing their job and well. But some are not and are mechanisms for dealing with this are completely inadequate.

At 23/12/08 8:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can be expected to believe it's true just because you said you know the guy (whats his name then?)

And half of any newspaper story is made up, so anyone who refers to one as 'proof' is a moron.

At 24/12/08 9:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the pantywaist and woman's underwear comment, wasn't it?

At 24/12/08 9:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

constable Murray Stretch.

Beaten to death by Carlos Manama in Mangakino.

If he had a taser he would be alive today.

See fuckwits, not hard to use a real example.

At 24/12/08 10:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one.

My battery comment was that hooking people up to electric shocks for kicks or to extract information is called "torture" and is banned.
In fact the whole point of my post was that the police will abuse this weapon like they have the ones they already have. (one of the previous posts, possibly yours, called me "OT" - mostly because they were too retarded to get it)

So the only fuckwit here is you my friend. Your very example proves that our cops cannot be trusted with this weapon. Because it leaves no mark and is mostly non-lethal and VERY painful they will use it !A HECK OF A LOT MORE! than the current methods.
In fact they will use it constantly on people they don't like or people, as in the case of my training buddy, poeple they want to torture.

Pricks like you are the ones that allow governments and their muscle men to take over a country (they are supposed to be working FOR us) and beat the shit out of anyone who objects.
People like you as in rednecks.

I would like cops to have a non-lethal, yet distance, weapon against knife welding/P-head maniacs. Too many cops get stabbed, hit etc.

But we need to clean them up first. Starting from the top down. Bad cops need consequences, not "leave with pay". That is called a holiday.

At 24/12/08 10:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But even if we do clean up the cops (and I know of a few corrupt ones even here in my wee town), that does not change the fact that at times a perp has to be stopped, particularly when armed. Ideally, we want to stop the perp without killing him/her or torturing them by high voltage shocks. So (and let's pretend that the cops suddenly become squeaky clean), what method is required to stop dangerous perps. Or, are some posters here saying that IF the Police were cleaned up, THEN they would support the use of Tasers (with the appropriate training on the use of it)?

At 24/12/08 2:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is precisely what I am saying, I can't speak for anyone else of course.

It becomes a tradeoff in the end. while a small (yes, small) number of people do suffer fatalities because of a taser, a small number also suffer them by being beaten with an ASP. Cops also die by being stabbed or shot.
Victims can likewise be hurt because the perp could not be contained easily in a "hostage" situation.

Also the fact that a taser being pulled is a major deterrant precisely because it is "non-lethal" and thus you know they are going to use it if you do ANYTHING, including not following instructions.

Unfortunately in the current environment they WILL be abused and we currently have no satisfactory method of dealing with this. And the main reason is the police force is an "in house" crowd and the big brass are wanting it to stay that way.

At 24/12/08 2:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know there are true stories like this, but THIS one is not true and you have?"

Sorry, you fail basic English as well as logic.


At 25/12/08 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no you cockle, he means he dosnt hate all police but is simply stating the fact they will misuse these tasers. you know this, hence the reason you aknowledged it. what hes saying is he wiashes there was something to keep them safe but they couldnt tourture people with, which we know they will do. period.
i realise you think its great they can zap' unemployed devil maoris' but wait until the eye of mordor turns on you one day. just imagine. some drunk smashes into your car and injures you kid, badly. you smack the fuck out of this no hoper, the police roll up and just open up on your ass with tasers, giving you a little extra because maybe your skins a little darker than normal or they are just keep to give the tasers a good ol try out. how fun is it now? still loving it?
is he saying fuck the police let em die? no. your just saying zap those nigras and be done with anyone who dosnt step into line.

At 26/12/08 8:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"sigh, your obviosly(sic) too slow to get the point"

And what's your point? That you don't want police using the taser because it isn't a perfect solution?

Go back to the IHC blog.

At 27/12/08 12:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh, again, the comment we are posting about dosnt say anything about removing tasers, it just says they will misuse them, which you have told us you highly doubt. IHC blog! Legend! making fun of tards at school must have been a high point of your life...

At 27/12/08 12:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, so slow and sad....making fun of IHC kids was the high point of your education im guessing. try reading the comment were talking about BEFORE posting! it might help you understand what we are all talking about

At 27/12/08 7:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you think police will misuse tasers but you still want police to have them?

And this logic makes sense to you?

At 28/12/08 1:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woosh, right over the head!


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