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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome to the only global warming denial Government in the world

Brian Rudman: Ditch fruitcake views on climate change
Of more concern is his indulging Mr Hide in his fruitcake views on global warming. As part of the deal, Mr Key has agreed to a climate change select committee. Attached as first appendix to the coalition agreement is Act's terms of reference, top of which is a requirement that the scientific case be relitigated. It reads: "The committee shall hear competing views on the scientific aspects of climate change from internationally respected sources and assess the quality and impartiality of official advice." The small print of the coalition agreement says these "terms of reference" are "an initial basis for discussion", but the fact that Prime Minister Key is happy to give official credence to this nuttiness risks making New Zealand, and him, a laughing stock. He must know there's more chance of finding an internationally respected flat-earther, or apostle of intelligent design, or even a Holocaust denier than there is of finding a peer-reviewed case against human-assisted global warming.
That Mr Hide has chosen a jury of politicians speaks volumes. With the science against him, it's the only sort of tribunal where the sceptics would have a chance.

As I pointed out in September (hat tip to The Hot Topic) ACT’s position on global warming is a friggin’ joke and finally now the buggers are in a position to really damage things it’s good to see Brian Rudman opening up with both barrels and pointing this out. Tim Watkin over at Pundit is also doing some bloody good work (seeing as the Listener has gone so far to the right and aren’t actually asking these questions - hell no one seems to be asking this in the mainstream media) what are National actually going to do now in Government, and seeing as this means actually having to read National’s policy, it’s becoming quickly apparent the spin that mACTional is moderate is nonsense and that NZers have been sold a change lemon. It’s fascinating that National who drove a bloody tractor up the steps of parliament to fight the ‘fart tax’ are now so eager to bring in a carbon tax as a cop out from the emissions trading scheme, what a sick joke.

Have we wasted the whole last decade debating climate change policy, if we need to go back and start from scratch with a select committee review of ETS? No party was happy with the scheme that was finally passed in September. It took years of negotiation and huge political compromise from those who voted for it. Now National will consider "any amendments or alternatives to it, including carbon taxes". Are we just starting again then? Given that US president-elect Barack Obama is committed to a cap and trade scheme and even the United Nations is working on plans for a "Green New Deal", why on earth are we choosing to give up our competitive advantage (ie years of policy work)?
Tim Watkin


At 19/11/08 4:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great
Waiting for this upcoming winter in Europe to be very cold coldest on record it should be

At 19/11/08 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long before they pick up this thread from their mates on the far right?

At 20/11/08 9:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's Bhutan's stance on climate change or North Korea's.

Have you researched every govnt's stance on it.


So you're making shit up yet again.

At 21/11/08 7:12 am, Blogger Bomber said...

What's Bhutan's stance on climate change or North Korea's.

Have you researched every govnt's stance on it.


So you're making shit up yet again.

Oh you are so right Anon, silly me - compared to crazy regimes we are the only OTHER Government in the world that doesn't believe in Global Warming, ACT want to bring every climate denial crank to come here and tell us that global warming is not being caused by man made pollution during ACT's inquisition they are planning on the issue - no other developed country is intending to do that - only us.


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