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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

‘Clean coal’ is like ‘good cancer’ – neither exist

Pie in the eye for Solid Energy boss
Solid Energy boss Don Elder will be hoping the real Santa Claus delivers better gifts when he comes calling in a month.
Environmentalists attempting to highlight the plight of giant snails gatecrashed the Crown-owned coalmining company's first public meeting, throwing a custard pie at Mr Elder. The annual meeting in Auckland yesterday was billed as the first of its kind for a state-owned enterprise. It was a move to deflect some of the flak the sector has fielded for not opening itself up to the same level of scrutiny as privately listed companies. Instead, it turned briefly to custard when pranksters dressed as Santa stormed the stage at the Langham Hotel in a stunt aimed at highlighting green issues. "Don Elder has been a very naughty boy again this year," bellowed a trio of Save Happy Valley Coalition protesters. "He's not getting any presents from me this year, just dirty, carbon-emitting coal, which unfortunately he has far too much of already."

Laugh! My! Arse! Off! Solid Energy have done more to promote dirty filthy coal than any other crown owned company and their constant claim on a global-warming-caused-by-man-made-pollution planet that they have dealt with the negative effects of coal by promoting ‘clean coal’ options is bullshit – the technology to sequester the carbon underground is so full of problems that claiming it as an option is as likely as hiding all the pollution on the moon – ‘clean coal’ doesn’t exist and the man from Solid Energy deserve all the contempt thrown at him, next time the protestors should throw the bag of coal into his face and save the cream pie for themselves.


At 25/11/08 7:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear oh dear, you are in for a shock:
Co-generation is coming my friend and coal will almost certainly be the fuel. You will be pleasantly surprised by how clean it is tho....


At 25/11/08 8:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't reduce the amount of fuel burned, but makes more use of the energy - in big plants, some will go to electricity, and the rest (that would otherwise be wasted) gets used for something useful - like heating houses in the vicinity.

A good example in NZ is Whispergen, who make a central heating boiler based on a Stirling engine: heats the house and hot water, but also generates electricity. They're selling lots in Britain and Europe.

Clean coal, however, is not co-generation. The terms usually used for methods of capturing CO2 from the exhaust fumes after burning coal, and burying it in the ground - old oil fields, usually. It can be done, but no-one has yet done it on a large scale, or demonstrated that it can be cost-effective compared to renewables. Coal companies are keen, obviously...

At 25/11/08 9:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully the person throwing the pie was arrested and charged with assault!
The green movement in NZ wants to regulate everything. However, they believe the law of the land doesn't apply to them! Anyone would think they were the Labour Party!

At 25/11/08 10:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done protestors!

Get off ya high horse Observer!

At 25/11/08 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um Bomber, solid energy is a state owned enterprise controlled by a minister. Since you supported labour these past nine years then you supported solid energy's policies.

At 25/11/08 11:49 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Um Bomber, solid energy is a state owned enterprise controlled by a minister. Since you supported labour these past nine years then you supported solid energy's policies.
No I have opposed them constantly, I was at the Greenpeace protest against Marsen B being used for more coal powered generation hosting a pirate radio station that interviewed all political parties spokespeople on the issue.

At 25/11/08 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the poster is saying that if you supported Labour then you supported Solid Energy.

Given your posts in support of Labour and you disappointment of them losing it's a fair comment.

At 26/11/08 6:44 am, Blogger Bomber said...

I think the poster is saying that if you supported Labour then you supported Solid Energy.

Given your posts in support of Labour and you disappointment of them losing it's a fair comment.

Oh god its the 'you're a labour supporter' thing again, right so please place my political preferences anonymous with the following - my disgust and protest at the Labour confiscation through legislation of the Maori land, my support for an axe going through the Prime Ministers electoral office, my march with the Hikoi across the Harbor Bridge, my fight against the government from day one of the arrest of Ahmed Zaoui, my spending time visiting him in prison, the video I help shot to show his defense my work with that 4 year campaign and my march against the first version of the EFA - I have been one of the most vocal opponents of some of Labour's decision anonymous, do I need to go through each one every time someone accuses me of supporting labour when I criticize a state coal company do I? How dreadfully tedious.

At 26/11/08 8:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god its the 'you're a labour supporter' thing again, right so please place my political preferences anonymous with the following - my disgust and protest at the Labour confiscation through legislation of the Maori land, my support for an axe going through the Prime Ministers electoral office, my march with the Hikoi across the Harbor Bridge, my fight against the government from day one of the arrest of Ahmed Zaoui, my spending time visiting him in prison, the video I help shot to show his defense my work with that 4 year campaign and my march against the first version of the EFA - I have been one of the most vocal opponents of some of Labour's decision anonymous, do I need to go through each one every time someone accuses me of supporting labour when I criticize a state coal company do I? How dreadfully tedious.

B-U-R-N! That's gotta burn! Ouch! Best come back to a trumped up little Troll that I've seen all year. Well played old chap.


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