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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Aussie feds attempt to interrogate teens over contraceptives

Crime body bid to identify indigenous girls on contraceptives

THE secretive Australian Crime Commission, now using its coercive powers as part of the federal intervention into child sexual abuse in the Northern Territory, is locked in a battle of wills with remote-area doctors and nurses who it believes are under-reporting child abuse.

A Katherine regional health clinic, known as NTD8, won a Federal Court case in Darwin last week. Judge John Reeves ruled that the clinic did not have to provide the ACC with the names and addresses of eight girls aged between 13 and 15 who the clinic had fitted with Implanon contraceptive implants.

The clinic is not permitted to discuss the case but it is known that remote clinics providing services to Aborigines -- most of which have been served notices to hand over medical records about children -- fear crime commission agents want to visit the girls and interrogate them about their sexual partners.

The clinics believe the girls would lose trust in the clinics if they were interrogated.

Just when it looked like the situation couldn't get any worse for Aborigines in the Northern Territory - military occupations, food stamps and dislocations at the level of the stolen children era - the Australian Crime Commission wants to begin interrogating teenagers about their sexual practices.

The clinics are right here - there is something inherently creepy about the state visiting 13 and 14 year old girls on contraceptives to ask them what they have been up to. While there are high rates of sexual abuse among Aboriginal communities, this is hardly the solution for the problem. It is more likely to further entrench the divide between Aboriginal and white Australians, meaning that Aboriginal teen girls no longer trust the clinics.

It seems if you are Aborigine in Australia at the moment the government has the right to control all aspects of your private life, including your autonomy over your own body. The Howard/ Rudd solution to colonisation has been to recolonise these people, exerting control over all areas of public liberty that are taken for granted by white Australians. To be Aborigine in Australia today is to live under a police state, where the Government has the right to reclaim land, restrict access to food and alcohol, to seize anyone's computer, to remove and "assimilate" children and now to interrogate the youth. Considering that this is the same combination of factors that has led to the current situation, one can only assume that the pithy sums being thrown at the intervention are only going to have the effects of entrenching this trauma long-term.


At 29/10/08 2:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think white paternalism was the cause of the problem - clearly you would benefit from historical knowledge here.

At 29/10/08 3:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes white people force aboriginal males to gangrape their own child.

Please explain what manner of jedi mind force which causes this?

At 29/10/08 3:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By your flawed logic, anonymous, all NZ teens should be interrogated as to their sexual practices as we have one of the highest rates of abuse in the world. Would you have appreciated this? Force is obviously not with you today...

At 29/10/08 4:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs Jedi mind tricks when you can just steal their land, impoverish and alienate them?

Solution: Police state! I'm sure that'll bring them back into the fold.

They don't want to listen to the government's supreme wisdom you say? I wonder why not...

At 29/10/08 4:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed how you were about to explain how white people forced aboringines to gangrape their own children.

Please explain again.

If you find it hard to backup your own claims with evidence I understand.
It must be awfully embarassing to argue by baseless assertion.

It's very different to the classroom where students simply accept what you say without question.

At 29/10/08 6:28 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Sorry, I missed how you were about to explain how white people forced aboringines to gangrape their own children.

Please explain again.

If you find it hard to backup your own claims with evidence I understand.
It must be awfully embarassing to argue by baseless assertion.

It's very different to the classroom where students simply accept what you say without question.

Oh don't be such a patronizing cock Anon, you seem to have skipped the 200 odd years of intense abuse Aborigines were handed out by that blessed white man you seem so terrified to defend. Perhaps you need some remedial classes Anon because whether you like it or not, colonialism has effects.

At 29/10/08 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, colonialism does have effects. Mainly as fuel for white liberal drones.

At 29/10/08 7:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. I am using your rationale of excusing aboringinal rapists and extending it to show how fucking idiotic your theory is.

Don't you get it or do you actually think we take you seriously?

At 29/10/08 7:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"200 yeara of systematic abuse bordering on cultural genocide"

Thats the sort of bullshit you should really keep between yourself and your fringe leftie mates. Because normal people will treat it as the liberal guilt fantasy that it is.

At 29/10/08 8:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS I'm waiting for your post defending the Parnell Panther for his serial raping spree.

He seems brown and repressed and thus totally blameless.

I'm sure that would go down fantastically with his victims and they would fully understand how 200 years of cultural genocide forced his to brutally rape them.

At 30/10/08 8:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go give him a hug bomber, i'm sure a bit of love and respect would go a long way.

At 30/10/08 5:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following the Nia Glassie trial bomber?

Are you going to tell us that it was pakeha colonisation which did this to a 3 year old girl and the 4 adults are totally innocent?

If you believe that then you're low life pond scum and you would be hard pressed to find a decent law abiding maori in the country who didn't think the same of you.

At 30/10/08 6:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be interested in hearing bomber explain how the colonisation of Aborigines could realistically have been avoided.

Because if he can't then he is admitting that colonisation was inevitable, and it's pointless complaining about something that was inevitable.

At 31/10/08 7:15 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Following the Nia Glassie trial bomber?

Are you going to tell us that it was pakeha colonisation which did this to a 3 year old girl and the 4 adults are totally innocent?

If you believe that then you're low life pond scum and you would be hard pressed to find a decent law abiding maori in the country who didn't think the same of you.

Oh it's always the anonymous posters isn't it - please show me Anon where on this site I have said that the abusers of Nia Glass should be let off, I would like the exact quote, because if you can't find it then what you've done is put words in my mouth just so that you can call me a low life pond scum. You're kinda the sound of one hand clapping aren't you Anon?

I would be interested in hearing bomber explain how the colonisation of Aborigines could realistically have been avoided.

Because if he can't then he is admitting that colonisation was inevitable, and it's pointless complaining about something that was inevitable.

You are telling me that the abuse of indiginous people is inevitable?

At 31/10/08 6:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You are telling me that the abuse of indiginous people inevitable?"

No I'm saying you are admitting colonisation was inevitable, if you can't outline how the colonisation could realistically been avoided.

So go ahead and explain how it could have been avoided.

At 31/10/08 6:17 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

No I'm saying you are admitting colonisation was inevitable,
I'm sorry, where did I say Colnisation was inevitable - it happened, that much is clear, I'm not sure where I've said it was inebitable, but for the sake of your point, okay - it was 'inevitable'

if you can't outline how the colonisation could realistically been avoided.
The degree to which the coloniser abuses that position of power is surely the issue, not the inevitability of the process?

So go ahead and explain how it could have been avoided
Well as I wrote above, surely the issue is the dregree to which the coloniser abuses that position of power and what we do to address those abuses in the present while aknowledging the damage of the past means the process of putting it right may take several generations.

At 31/10/08 7:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sorry, where did I say colonisation was inevitable"

Misrepresenting someones comment is an extremely weak rebuttal.

"What we do to address those abuses in the present..."

This very blog is bitching about intervention to stop sexual abuse of Aboriginal children! FFS There is just no pleasing rabid lefties.

I suppose the govt is also responsible for Abbos trashing their subsidised houses.


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