Prisoners freeze to death

Sister claims 'inhumane' treatment in prison
A Christchurch woman claims her ill brother is being treated "inhumanely" in prison and efforts to help him have been futile. The woman, who would not be identified to protect her brother, said he had been in prison for about three weeks on remand awaiting sentencing and was struggling with the cold. "When I went to see him, he was frozen. His whole body was shaking, and he was blue. One of the other prisoners noticed how cold he was and gave him his seat next to the heater."
The woman felt compelled to speak to The Press after reading last week of the coroner's findings into David Cox an inmate at Christchurch Men's Prison who died after contracting pneumonia. The Coroner made recommendations relating to the warmth of prisoners and communication with staff.
Ahhh, our overstretched, corrupt, violent, racist, underfunded and now we can add freezing prison system is winning admirers and friends once again. One of the really interesting things that hasn’t been explained to me about this stupid, stupid, stupid glowing rednecked idea to ban all the gangs is how our overstretched, corrupt, violent, racist, underfunded and freezing prison system is supposed to handle 10 000 newly criminalized gang members? It can’t, it won’t, the consequences of trying to force 10 000 gang members into our current prison system will lead to an absolute collapse of the prison system.
Paraphrasing you back at ya.
News that this might be true that has legs will lift the level of incandescent fury to vein popping extremes, expect a jump in rage induced strokes amongst some of the anti-prison segments of NZ society.
wow bomber, you must have really stuck it in deep with the vein popping anger comment with this clown. Well done, the more people annoyed like the above poster is a great thing to see.
News that this might be true that has legs will lift the level of incandescent fury to vein popping extremes, expect a jump in rage induced strokes amongst some of the anti-prison segments of NZ society.
Can't anon come up with his own phrases or does he have to steall all your lines bomber? Must be a servant of the crown, always wanting to steal other peoples stuff.
Nice bit of deletion bomber.
Pray tell, what part of my comment did you deem offensive?
Btw, by deleting my post, it answers my question.
Perhaps prison rots the ethical soul of the guard as much as it does the prisoner?
Simple answer, bring back capital punishment.
Also have the existing prisoners build more prisons for their new cellmates?
Don’t need to waste money putting 10000 Gang members into prison. Easier solution would be to line them up against prison wall and shoot them.
Where's Garth McVicar? His silence on this issue is deafening. Anything about prisons he is in like flint...oh thats right, he was silent on the Liam Ashley case as well.....
Where's Garth McVicar? His silence on this issue is deafening. Anything about prisons he is in like flint...oh thats right, he was silent on the Liam Ashley case as well.....
Why don't you ring him and find out.
McVicar's silence is the media not quoting him, as opposed to him having an opinion on the issue.
Really ???
Imagine working there the staff must be freezing. I hope their 'union' is on to it and improving the working environment.
Many people work in and visit prisons, uniform staff, religious workers, social workers, admin staff, tradespeople, voluteers of all kinds ....... many spent 16 hours at at a time there (double shifts) 6 or even 7 days a week.
Now we have a new visitor making this claim, I rather think more people may have mentioned it if it was so bad.
Do some more research bomber.
If you talk to medical staff in prisons they will tell you how hard it can be.
Like in the general population they have the hypochondriac and babies - a broken fingernail has them demanding a doctor, you have the tuff brigade who will live with a broken bone or massive infection without asking for or accepting medical help. You get the idiots who ask for help but them won't take it, the amount of medications found during searches is worrying but how do you force someone to take their penicillin.
There are rounds when pill are handed out 4 times a day because criminal can't be relied on to take things like antibiotics, other have to be controlled because they will trade them.
All adults have to take some responsibly for their own health, health care is available but, like in the community, its not always that good. Some prison medical staff are worse than useless.
My advice to anyone who cares about their health is, eat well, exercise hard, don’t smoke, don’t drink much, don’t shag around, don’t use drugs unless on medical advice – and DO NOT GO TO JAIL.
I think if you do the research you will find illness amongst staff is well above the national average, but then people have to earn a living. Jails are not healthy places for all sorts of reasons.
Lets introduce capital punishment not for a single offence but for an extensive criminal record.
eg. someone with 100+ convictions including rape and violent offences.
There is no logical reason to keep such a person alive at taxpayers expense.
News that this might be true that has legs will lift the level of incandescent fury to vein popping extremes, expect a jump in rage induced strokes amongst some of the anti-prison segments of NZ society.
I'm not sure what this has to do with this post? How does this tie into the health of prisoners in cold prisons and the idea of trying to force another 10 000 gang mebers into it?
wow bomber, you must have really stuck it in deep with the vein popping anger comment with this clown. Well done, the more people annoyed like the above poster is a great thing to see.
Hmmm - yes I always seem to get people mad don't I?
Can't anon come up with his own phrases or does he have to steall all your lines bomber? Must be a servant of the crown, always wanting to steal other peoples stuff.
I think Anon 7.38am is desperate to make a point, good on him, God loves a tryer.
Nice bit of deletion bomber.
Pray tell, what part of my comment did you deem offensive?
Btw, by deleting my post, it answers my question.
Yawn - Anon I have ZERO interest in your pop psychology 101 thesis of me, you want to talk about the issues we blog on, post away, but crap about me is just going to get booted. Your surprise speaks volumes of how much you appreciate your own opinion.
Perhaps prison rots the ethical soul of the guard as much as it does the prisoner?
I agree with that, we don't do enough to protect the physical and mental safty of our prison staff.
Simple answer, bring back capital punishment.
Ummmm - okay, how about no. If Capital Punishment is the answer, you asked the wrong question.
Also have the existing prisoners build more prisons for their new cellmates?
We don't dehumanise people to hard labour as that does very little in terms of rehabilitation does it? Surely the idea is that people who leave Prison are rehabilitated, not so dehumanised they are warped and bitter and more destructive? Isn't that counter productive? Of course people who break the law need to be punished - and losing your liberty in a free country is a massive punishment, this desire to make prisoners suffer however suggests to me the hate factor that has crept into this debate and is warping public policy for the worse.
Don’t need to waste money putting 10000 Gang members into prison. Easier solution would be to line them up against prison wall and shoot them
Okay - less said about this post the better.
Where's Garth McVicar? His silence on this issue is deafening. Anything about prisons he is in like flint...oh thats right, he was silent on the Liam Ashley case as well.....
Oh please, let's not provoke him into making a comment.
Why don't you ring him and find out.
McVicar's silence is the media not quoting him, as opposed to him having an opinion on the issue.
The media aren't quoting him? Have they grown up? Oh that would be too much to hope for.
Imagine working there the staff must be freezing. I hope their 'union' is on to it and improving the working environment.
I agree.
Many people work in and visit prisons, uniform staff, religious workers, social workers, admin staff, tradespeople, voluteers of all kinds ....... many spent 16 hours at at a time there (double shifts) 6 or even 7 days a week.
It's an incredibly difficult work environment and not enough is done to protect them physically and mentally.
Now we have a new visitor making this claim, I rather think more people may have mentioned it if it was so bad.
60 year old men living there 24/7 might not have the same stamina.
If you talk to medical staff in prisons they will tell you how hard it can be.
You are right, it is hard, I talk to a lot of people who work inside and they all tell me how hard it is.
Like in the general population they have the hypochondriac and babies - a broken fingernail has them demanding a doctor, you have the tuff brigade who will live with a broken bone or massive infection without asking for or accepting medical help. You get the idiots who ask for help but them won't take it, the amount of medications found during searches is worrying but how do you force someone to take their penicillin.
It is indeed a challenging evironment.
There are rounds when pill are handed out 4 times a day because criminal can't be relied on to take things like antibiotics, other have to be controlled because they will trade them.
Yep it is certainly difficult and the anchient prisons that were designed with a puntive 19th century eye don't help at all.
All adults have to take some responsibly for their own health, health care is available but, like in the community, its not always that good. Some prison medical staff are worse than useless.
And some are also corrupt.
My advice to anyone who cares about their health is, eat well, exercise hard, don’t smoke, don’t drink much, don’t shag around, don’t use drugs unless on medical advice – and DO NOT GO TO JAIL.
Moderation in everything is certainly good advice.
I think if you do the research you will find illness amongst staff is well above the national average, but then people have to earn a living. Jails are not healthy places for all sorts of reasons.
I think you would be right in that statement.
Lets introduce capital punishment not for a single offence but for an extensive criminal record.
eg. someone with 100+ convictions including rape and violent offences.
There are certainly some who are just bad buggers and no amount of rehabilitation will change their mindset, but why not say to those people, 'You are inside until you are so old (maybe 65) that you are no longer a physical threat to anyone rather than state sanctioned executions?
There is no logical reason to keep such a person alive at taxpayers expense.
I disagree.
Corruption - I agree is rampant in many forms. Much of the head office and department corruption is the abuse of staff, they are much more scared of inmates, staff are much easier to persecute and destroy because no-one cares about them and the department know it. Crims have lots of people in their corner, including QC types waiting for the next band wagon/gravy train to jump on – crims have access to free legal support, honest staff do not.
I have not come across corruption amongst the medical staff or in the medical centres, incompetence yes. To be fair and balanced I have also seen great caring. I am interested in medical corruption, who is at it and what they are doing.
Do you have knowledge and evidence of medical staff corruption, is it within the prison medical centres/hospitals and department employed medical staff or visiting doctors, or from outside medical treatments or all of them ??
I have to say of all the corruption and other breaches of conduct I have heard about the medics seem to come out pretty clean – or I thought they did. It is fairly common for social workers, religious and teaching groups (both professional and volunteer) and other staff to be involved in ‘goings on’ shall we say, but not the medics, other than one nurse who was shagging a murderer, but she ‘resigned’ soon after that started.
'....60 year old men living there 24/7 might not have the same stamina.....'
As long as they are not violent eldery criminals are usually moved into 'soft' units where they get special care and conditions.
Because of the problems caring for the elderly the department will usually take steps to try to get them released early, not always possible of course but they will try to get them out, sometimes to family but when the families (understadbly perhaps) don't want to know it makes things more difficult.
If he is cold, he can do pushups.
Stop whining and obey the law, loser.
Bomber could volunteer to take in crims without family willing or able to do it.
To get day release, then weekend parole (which are the steps to reliease) crims need someone to take some responbility.
So you have to pick them up, sign some documents, get them back on time etc. One they have a sucessful day realease things can move pretty quickly to full release.
So if it bothers you Bomber do your bit, a start would probably be to join up as a voluteer with PARS, then you can do the coffees and teas at visits (not sure if the dim-wit elderly women who do most of that will be sophitcated enough company for you though) then you move on to other stuff. PARS visitors have access to units and can visit criminals in their cells. PARS volumteers can also attend court and other hearing to support their chosen 'friend'. You can also get onto their phone list so they can call you.
I can't understand why someone who purports to have such and interest in prosons and criminals welfare isn't getting into that.
Quite a commitment and I wouldn't do it but it would seem to me the perfect oportunity for someone like Bomber.
Yeah bomber put your money where your mouth is for a change.
Actually the problem of criminals with nowhere to go is very real and serious.
There are a number of inmates who have no visitors at all and when time for parole comes they cannot apply for it because there is no-one to sponsor them. Some just have to wait until their sentence in complete and they have to be released without any parole. Basically they are given a lift in a prison van to the nearest town and that’s it, some have charities or churches to take some care of them but many do not really qualify for that, some don't want to be charity or church cases.
Some have family of course, but bearing in mind it is often the family that helped to get them into trouble in the first place and is the enviroment when crime is the norm, that is rarely a positive option.
What people need I think is someone (suitable) who is prepared to get more personally involved and become a 'friend'. People on more serious offences, murder being one of course, where they are on life-time parole will serve a lot more prison time if there is no-one (suitable) prepared to take them on.
I wouldn't do it, but there are people who do. If they are not religious types they tend to be the university educated/middle class types who seem to find criminals 'sexy'. Other than ‘churchies’ and relatives, I have not come across one working class person who has got involved, I will leave Bomber to offer his diagnosis on why people are not willing to be involved in something that, I assume, he considers a worthy cause.
If Bomber wants to get involved with the causes he purports to champion I feel he should approach PARS, they are always seeking new recruits. This would not only help someone (perhaps) but it would give Bomber some on-going, first hand, insights into the realities of prisons and criminals - he wants re-hab (I think its a myth myself) so he could involve himself in the rehab of crims and tell us how it works out.
I would warn him though, some get involved with the best of intentions only to find it’s not quite as romantic as they thought. Many get disillusioned very quickly.
The reality does not live up to the fantasy, theory is very different from the facts, criminals tend to look at lot better from a safe, theoretical distance.
Probably easier to stay away and just keep critising everyone and everything else, be part of the complaining without actually doing anything. Keep telling everyone else what they should do while doing nothing yourself.
I think if you are going to make allegations of corruption - in this case against medical staff in the prison system - you should back it up with something surely.
Bomber doesn't do evidence.
Bomber doesn't do evidence.
YAWN - I think if you read the thread dear little Anon, you might have noticed that the allegation of corruption against medical staff was made by your anonymous matre, not me. But you got confused there didn't you buddy?
Chin up and try again
Wow you little liar, you said it and now you lie about, gee you are getting very low. Thats pretty bad even for you.
BOMBER SAID - And some are also corrupt
Anon, let me say this slowly for you - I did not mean medical staff are corrupt I meant some prison staff are corrupt. If you took this to mean medical staff I am sorry for that, so let me make it clear - I think some prison staff are corrupt, not prison medical staff. Is that clear enough for you now Anon?
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