The Peters Hubris

Voters can judge me, says Peters
A defiant Winston Peters says he will trust his fate to voters as he joins one of a handful of MPs censured for breaking Parliament's rules. Mr Peters hit out at a privileges committee finding that he knowingly failed to declare a $100,000 gift from billionaire Owen Glenn, claiming he was the victim of a witch-hunt and would be vindicated at the polls. "The court that I will stand before is on Saturday, 8 November, [election day] and I'll place my faith in the people of New Zealand to decide the outcome of this case. "I asked for fairness. I got a farce."
This man knows no shame, I remember a better Winston, a Winston who stuck it to the corporates, who demanded NZ Assets stay in NZ – but then there is this Winston, arrogant, self deluded, just like he was when he was Asian baiting. To come out and claim the ruling was a farce is a farce, sure National had made their minds up before the evidence was heard but so had NZ First and Labour, but the rulings from the other parties who have no axe to grind against Winston made this a fair process and the last audacity is Winston claiming that this process had echoes of Zimbabwe, to compare his petty lies and desperate modesty in hiding shonky deals with equally shonky Billionaires to the horror of abuse that is Zimbabwe is the final nail in a public perception coffin long overdue for the grave.
""The court that I will stand before is on Saturday, 8 November, [election day] and I'll place my faith in the people of New Zealand to decide the outcome of this case"
Winston may just get what he wants.....
Actually, what Winston really means here is I'm sure I can find 100,000 people stupid enough to vote for me. Sadly, he may be right...
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