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Video from police cell released
A videotape that police opposed being seen by the general public has been released, with the judge saying people should have the right to make up their own minds about what they view. The three-hour silent video shows a prisoner's seven hour stint in a police cell where he was allegedly assaulted by police officers. In October 2006, Rawiri Falwasser had been arrested for unlawfully taking a vehicle. Police say he posed a danger to them and they wanted to assist him medically. But when Falwasser was imprisoned, video footage from the cell shows an officer pepper spraying the 20-year-old through the sliding door of the cell. Falwasser is seen holding up his arms in defence. The video also shows a 15-minute period where police sporadically squirt spray through the vents in the cell wall. At times there were up to seven uniformed officers watching. In the video, police with batons and shields then try to calm down Falwasser and he is hit on the head with a baton, leaving the cell floor covered in his blood.
Hey, there are our boys in blue acting out a bit of cell justice on dear old Rawiri Falwasser, note to all people with mental health problems DON’T get caught by the cops, if this is what our boys in blue do when they are being filmed, goodness knows what they get up to when they aren’t. Notice the continued pepper spraying, the nonchalance of the other cops who turn up for a bit of a perv, and then the baton beatings – can you believe that these cops were let off?
can you believe that these cops were let off?
with all that pepper spray, the six foot five inch, 100kilo+ man would not go down, and stay down.
who was going to go into that room with that man?
Mind you, here was a classic case of the need for tasers.
Another Maori thug that required a bit of tough love to be subdued.
you are so predictable martyn! watched all 7 hours have you? of course not, that would be the proper thing to do and all you are interested in is sensationalism which suits your anti-establishment views. the jury let them off after watching and hearing all the video and facts. you know nothing. you have no standing in this community; you are a ranting left wingist loser. even in the short clip released, did you miss how falwasser repeatedly swung and advanced each time they tried to open the door? did you miss the fact the police had his relative (a mental health specialist) come to the cell and assess and try to calm him? oh noooo, lets paint half a picture. I think the majority of NZ who even saw that clip would believe the force used was justified. what does that mean? you are a fringe loser.
In the video, police with batons and shields then try to calm down Falwasser
Of course! Batons and shields are used to calm down prisoners!
..and they could have just left him alone in the cell...
the six foot five inch, 100kilo+ man
The seven officers who probably weigh an average 80 kilos each, about 600 kilograms all up, armed to the teeth. Who had the power, who misused it?
The seven officers who probably weigh an average 80 kilos each, about 600 kilograms all up, armed to the teeth.
But with a doorway allowing only one to enter at a time.
Police aren't paid to be assaulted.
Who had the power, who misused it?
they were found not guilty by 12 jurors.
they were found not guilty by 12 jurors
Not by all twelve. Even the police themselves have been outraged by the behaviors of their Whakatane colleagues.
How many cans of spray did they use against Falwasser?
Falwasser thought he was about to die.
Truely a gross abuse of power by the Whakatane police officers.
Not by all twelve.
By how many then. Just post the link.
Even the police themselves have been outraged by the behaviors of their Whakatane colleagues.
Again, post the link.
I can't wait for the Youtube!
When the police are confronted with a heavily build mentally ill P head maybe they can call you in bomber to deal with the situation by 'showing him some respect'.
Now that is one youtube video I wouldn't want to miss!
It wasn't as bad as ithought it would be. The cops showed impressive restraint when dealing with that piece of shit car thief.
Just another media 'beatup' by bomber
When the police are confronted with a heavily build mentally ill P head maybe they can call you in bomber to deal with the situation by 'showing him some respect'.
Mr Falwasser was not a 'P' head, and suggesting he was suggests you have not understood the story anon.
It wasn't as bad as ithought it would be. The cops showed impressive restraint when dealing with that piece of shit car thief.
Again Mr Falwasser was not a 'piece of shit car thief', he has mental issues and he had a psychotic episode, again Anon, just like the Anon above you your view of Mr Falwasser falls short of reason and only reveals a deep prejudice against Mr Falwasser.
Just another media 'beatup' by bomber
Sounds more like a lot of defensive cops posting anonymously.
I really love the show "The Shield", I'm gonna love this video!
My mate who is a cop told me that he was disgusted by the actions of the Whakatane police.
Actually 'wow' being psychotic has nothing to do with breaking into cars. So no excuses for piece-of-shit car theif falwasser
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