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Friday, June 27, 2008

Don’t worry, the not-independent Police investigating Police Authority is investigating!

Conduct Authority investigating Whakatane police cell incident
The Independent Police Conduct Authority is still investigating police conduct in an incident which resulted in four policemen facing trial for assaulting a prisoner. Sergeant Keith Parsons, Sergeant Earle Busby, Senior Constable Bruce Laing and Constable John Mills were found not guilty by a jury in Tauranga District Court yesterday of nine charges of assaulting Rawiri Falwasser with batons and pepper spray in a cell at Whakatane Police Station on Labour Day, 2006. Authority chairwoman Justice Lowell Goddard said the authority was notified by police of a complaint by Mr Falwasser's family in late October 2006. It began an independent investigation at that time, which included interviews with Mr Falwasser and members of his family. The authority also monitored the police criminal inquiry into the incident. Authority investigators were provided with all relevant information including copies of closed circuit television footage. Justice Goddard said the investigation was put on hold when charges were laid, but would resume now the trial had concluded.

I’m not going to hold my breath that the not-independent Police investigating Police Authority will find anything untoward and that these good fine Police were just ‘DOIN THEIR DUTY” with this cell block bashing on a mentally ill man with pepper spray usage bordering on torture. Why can’t we the public who pay for the police see what ‘DOIN THEIR DUTY” looks like? If their force was reasonable, why can’t we see it? Why can’t we see the Police spraying a mentally ill man with Pepper Spray 32 times while battening him? I’d love to see what our boys in blue consider acceptable, they certainly got a more interesting work story didn’t they?


At 27/6/08 9:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't in court listening to the evidence.
I am prepared to accept the rule of law and accept that 12 of my peers listened to all the evidence, discussed it between themselves, and came to the conclusion that no offense had been committed
Not LIke YOU
I can let go of the thing and move on!

At 27/6/08 12:15 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

12 of your peers, maybe. 12 of the policemen's peers maybe. But 12 of the victim's peers?

I thought the issue was the jury was Pakeha and the Police were Pakeha and the guy who was the victim was Maori. That is the gist I got from what the relatives of the victim were saying.

At 27/6/08 2:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesnt matter whether he was a Maori, Samoan or Asian, He was living in THIS country under our laws . If he haddnt been such an F#$*& wit in the first place like Timmy the Bum Boy he wouldnt have ended up getting what he deserved. Play with P and other drugs and cop the consquenses get on with life and move on. Too many crimms have too much to say when they dont deserve a voice.
Do the crime do the time and move on quietly.

At 27/6/08 3:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Tamahere has seen the tape and he reckons "they should be sacked."

At 28/6/08 3:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlike you i was in that courtroom and any law abiding citizen with halve a brain would have see the footage frame by frame, it showed clearly, these police officers would have been badly assulted if they hadnt done there duty.
Your investagating skills cannot be that good if you believe the the boses in NZ police will give these guys any help they clearly from the very beginning were just making sure there butts were covered with the media, because they have to many ladders to climb and were never at any time going to investage this in a fair and just manner, which of course you would have seen if you had been there, just like all the other media scum who were there at the beginning and at the end, but while it was being proved what these guys did was just and reasnoble where were the media and and what were they reporting. Making this about rasisun is crap its about Justice.And just because this supposed victim had a clean record does not mean they are squecky clean just means they havnt been caught along with other family members. Who intimidated supporters. So how about you get your facts straight. These guys and there familys have a right to move on after 20mths but that hasnt happened and proberbly wont for some time to come.

At 28/6/08 4:20 pm, Blogger Hated By Most said...

yes of course you were there anon... LOL no no serious we all believe you. LOL

At 29/6/08 7:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"halve a brain" LOL you're not wrong there anonymous.


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