Aborting Abortion

Abortion law being used too liberally - judge
LATEST: A High Court judge has ruled that the abortion law is being used more liberally than Parliament intended.
Well duh - of course it is. Parliament passed law that leaves it open to the Dr with back up from counselors to decide if the mental health of a woman will be negatively effected and thus green light an abortion, and woman have had to jump through all the hoops thrown in front of them to get those abortions. Parliament of course should have passed the law as a genuine women’s health issue and legislated around it as a medical procedure but the Right to Life lobby group would have had a stroke so we have this silly situation where women have to crawl over coals to get the procedure done, if you want to lower the abortion rates in NZ - put the homework in and make sex education compulsory and free contraceptives available to all. Making it harder on the women who have to go through an enormous emotional rollercoaster to get a medical procedure isn't the answer, being more honest in legislation about the rights of women is the answer. I accept that we have a passage in the Human Rights Bill that the unborn child has a "claim on the conscience of the community, and not merely that of the mother", but that to me makes the issue one of abortion timing which is why we don't do late term abortions, it isn't perfect, it isn't neat but it is a thousand million miles more acceptable than the medieval position of outright denying women abortions which is the end goal of the right to life brigade.
I find it odd that many who would oppose abortions also support the more blood-thirsty aspects of the global fundi-Xtian agenda.
Abortion on demand in the first trimester should be legislated for. Kiwis have been held hostage by the faux morality of the religious minority long enough.
Graham Capill anyone?
Sadly it's a little late to abort Graham Capill.
I find it odd that women would chose to kill their babies in order to keep themselves in the lifestyle they are accustomed to.
To get me wrong I'm not against abortion but it has to be for a good reason and a good reason is not to live a promiscious singleton lifestyle of barhopping and fucking random guys without any consequence or self responsibility.
To get me wrong I'm not against abortion but it has to be for a good reason and a good reason is not to live a promiscious singleton lifestyle of barhopping and fucking random guys without any consequence or self responsibility.
Ummm and what about those random guys who don't wear the condom that leads to that pregnancy - I hear a lot of finger wagging at the woman, but not so much at your own sex and their responsibility, I find it odd that guys want to tell woman what to do with their bodies and yet are so lax at their own responsibilities.
Oh and I'm assuming you are male as I find it almost impossible that a woman would have your opinion.
I find it odd that many who would oppose abortions also support the more blood-thirsty aspects of the global fundi-Xtian agenda.
What global fundi-Xtian agenda do you think all people that are pro-life support truthseeker?
And your powers of reasoning are not very strong. Just because Graham Capill was a hypocritical monster, doesn't mean all pro-life people are the same.
You need to think a bit harder if you really are a "truth seeker".
Also, getting an abortion can also have serious physical and psych impact on women, and destroy relationships.
Many get abortions because they were using contraception, and it failed. So don't assume more contraception will solve the problem.
Actually it's not that hard to get an abortion in NZ. I've never had one but know of women who have had three, four or five! I don't judge these women at all, they have their reasons, and I don't think they should be judged by others. Abortion is a personal issue. Personally I wouldn't have one but I certainly wouldn't condemn anyone else either.
The issue of the rights of the father is a tricky one and I'm not sure how that can ever truly be addressed in a fair and equitable manner between the two parents. At the end of the day, I would say the mother is the person who ends up with the responsibility so therefore should be the one to make the choice.
I'd like to see more babies put up for adoption and less abortion, but again many, many adopted children are brought up in abusive and neglected surroundings ... so again, what's the answer?
Women get pregnant and they should be allowed an abortion on demand. The people that oppose abortions are ususally religious and they use rhetoric and horrible pictures of late term abortions to appeal to emotions.
It's not that easy getting an abortion in NZ. A woman does have to see 2 doctors and then she gets abused by protestors who stand out side the gates of the abortion clinic in Auckland calling women "murderers" and shoving their crap literature in their faces.
The pictures the anti abortion fuck heads use are photographs of late term abortions and the photos are at least 30 years old. Late term abortions are illegal in NZ except under very special circumstances.
People who say they know women who have had 5 or so abortions are liars. It would be against medical protocol for a woman to have more than 3 medical abortions because repeated abortions destroy the function of the cervix which closes tight once a woman is pregnant.
If anyone knows of a doctor who has performed 4 or 5 abortions on one woman just for shits and giggles then they should be reported.
I think people should mind their own business anyway. It's not their fucken body! Women used to ahve to go to Australia for their abortions or they tried to perform the abortion on themselves. These women got infections and died.
You really need to grow up, get a job, get some life experience, get some counselling for your anger and hatred at the world, smelly.
I am not going to defend my earlier blog because I am not in the habit of lying.
You are very boring.
i don't agree with abortions
every baby deserves a chance at life
Even the ones that go on to be tortured and brutally murdered? Kahui twins spring to mind...
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