Just don’t go to the South Island (squeal like a piggy boy)

Attack sparks tourist warning
With another tourist recovering from an seemingly unprovoked attack, tourism leaders are urging operators not to be afraid of warning people of the risks of travelling in New Zealand. Irishman Robbie O'Brien, 31, was attacked by a group of men after a night out in Westport. He suffered cuts to his face and needed hospital treatment. O'Brien said he had been staying in Westport as part of a three-week trip to New Zealand and had been drinking with locals he had met. He was attacked by a man as he walked back to his accommodation with the group, some of whom tried to go to his aid. He had seen his attacker earlier that night but had not spoken to him and saw no reason for the attack. Senior Sergeant Geoff Scott, of the Westport police, said the attack appeared to be unprovoked and happened only because O'Brien spoke with an accent. Jarrod Akapita Whata, a 20-year-old Westport timber worker, appeared in the Westport District Court yesterday charged with injuring with intent. Others are likely to face charges. The incident comes a week after an attack on a group of English and Danish tourists in central Christchurch, also allegedly sparked by their accents.
Look, as any Aucklander will tell you when traveling in the South Island, don’t. This is banjo land, this is deliverance, dem people don’t likes dem outsiders, my guess is that these Southerners who attacked these tourists thought they were from Wellington, that’s far too poofy north for mainlanders, they would have killed them if they thought they were Aucklanders, but would have just been confused by the concept of ‘overseas travelers’ as it goes outside the South Island being carried on the back of 4 elephants standing on a giant turtle model that most Southerners prescribe to.
From Public Address' Christchurch correspondent:
In a well-known Christchurch watering-hole, I was recently served a pint of beer with ice-cubes.
The teenage barmaid, who either did not know or, perhaps, did not care that I may have an inherited heart condition, explained her actions with the following words: "We always put ice-cubes in drinks unless people ask for 'no ice'".
- TS
What a load of shit.
Lets just conveniently ignore the bit that says ...and had been drinking with locals he had met. He was attacked by a man as he walked back to his accommodation with the group, some of whom tried to go to his aid
Look at all the tourists that get attacked in Rotorua and Northland. How about the poor Scottish girl murdered in Taupo. Don't recall you conjuring up images of feral inbreeding in any of those cases Bomber?
Jarrod Akapita Whata is the alleged attacker. With a name like that you still try and make out this is some southern inbred problem? Looks like Jarrod was just doing what his bros up north have been doing for years. Shame his surname wasn't Jones, then you could have let all your prejudices run wild.
One of you more stupid, half cocked rants.
"Jarrod Akapita Whata"? Maybe your post should be about yet another Maori attacking someone.
very funny post bomber, pity our above posters can't see your tounge firmly placed against cheek
ChCh is a Hell Mouth
"Shame his surname wasn't Jones, then you could have let all your prejudices run wild."
Heh. That occurred to me too.
To be fair though, Bomber was able to see past the ethnicity inferred (but by no means guaranteed) by the name. Apparently, without wanting to ascribe too much to a man I have not met, in Bomber's eyes anyone can be an bigoted, inbred hick.
"Just because someone's a member of an ethnic minority doesn't mean they're not a nasty small-minded little jerk" - Watch Commander, Sir Samuel Vimes.
LOL yes Patrick, it was very enlightened of him. It's sort of like the inverse of Robert Byrd's assertion that "white people can be niggers too"!
Oh Brother. And I thought Bomber's views on people in South Auckland were messed up. Apparently the further you go from Grey Lynn the worse it gets...
"was attacked by a group of men"
"He was attacked by a man"
Um, media hype anyone?
And yeah chch is a hole, I live here. But most of the dickheads only come out thur/fri/sat, and only a fraction of them are violent. (lol)
While we're at the chch bashing, whats with the gangs of 14yr olds that roam the streets at night in some suburbs? Or for that matter the 7yr olds? (New Brighton I'm looking in your direction)
Who lost the Rugby then - a little precious are we?
Find a map you ignorant fools. WestPort is not a suburb of Christchurch.
There are plenty of poor whites in the south, particularly in Christchurch but to use that image for the anger of brown youth is uninformed at best and obsfucating the simmering problem ahead.
You might want to follow the Christchurch Urban Developement Strategy as well.
Christchurch City Council (CCC) have taken the whole of Banks Peninsular into it and are moving to take in most of Canty & North Canty. Anything North of Ashburton and South of Amberly will soon be CCC under one Mayor or as I've been calling it the City State of Christchurch.
This is to be a mixed urban , rural city, not a continual urban sprawl.
The Trusts & Charities I've been involved with have found one council easier as a one stop shop than running cap in hand to various bodies.
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