3 years old
This is the 2,645th post on this blog. It was three years ago that I set down the above objective - however vague it may have seemed at the time - in the hope of establishing some purpose beyond that of an unrestricted global outlet for frustrated journalistic instincts that would inevitably shrivel into caustic abuse and morose moments of personal insight by the second month. Hopefully people read and comment because they acknowledge that kaupapa, and find the content has some sort of value to them - and long may that continue to be the case.
The content is an extension of its author's personality and this blog has no editorial agenda or ideological position beyond that vague hope I mentioned earlier. The author's opinions are truly their own - a necessary element of an independent, owner-operated blog. I began posting Mr Bradbury's occasional guest blogs later in 2005, and he took over as the acting-Editor while I was ensconced up Her Majesty's arse for sedition and many instances of contempt for the New Zealand Crown. That was in July 2006 and our roles were reversed as I sent him blogs about prison life. It's been over six months since I've been back blogging properly so regular readers would have noticed a more diverse subject matter and difference of opinions and angles on some issues as well as the technical and aesthetic upgrading.
Now as co-bloggers we can welcome Ben Thomas to the blog as our irregular co-blogger. He has been invited, and has agreed, to blog here because he is a good writer - not just because he is a member of the Auckland University - Craccum Mafia (North Shore chapter). Although this wiseguy has already been made by the NBR - as their Political Editor. His first post was earlier today about our spontaneous team outing to Tiananmen Square.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
This blog maybe a lot better now if there is going to be less of that hypocrite bomber.
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