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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pay 'priority' for Air NZ Chinese crew

Pay 'priority' for Air NZ Chinese crew
Air New Zealand's Shanghai manager has told his Chinese crew that their pay review will be given "top priority" and they will be given credit cards from this week to solve issues with their meal allowances. The assurance - in an internal staff memo obtained by the Herald - comes after the paper reported that crew based in Shanghai received a quarter of their New Zealand colleagues' pay and a third of their away-from-home allowances. Last year, 59 of the 64 Chinese crew wrote a letter to Air New Zealand complaining of inequitable work conditions and having their meal allowance restricted to the hotel they stayed in and one Chinese restaurant.

Good on the Herald for actually pursuing this story, as Air NZ has ducked and dived and attempted to bury the fact they are treating Chinese workers so much worse than their NZ counterparts and it has created the ill feeling of a sweat shop in the sky, Air NZs claim that it’s the company they hire to get Chinese staff who are at fault is just a farce, and it is unacceptable to pay people less for the same job based on their race or their desperate financial situation, that’s called exploitation Air NZ.


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