Monday | Rāhina 31/03/2025
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Sudan 'renews Darfur air strikes'

Sudan 'renews Darfur air strikes'
The Sudanese military is said to have renewed its aerial bombing campaign in the west of the Darfur region. The joint United Nations African Union mission in Sudan, Unamid, said it had received reports of aerial bombings in the Jebel Moun area of the region. A Unamid spokesman said there was grave concern for the safety of thousands of civilians in the area. The reports came as China's envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, began a five-day visit to the country to push for peace. China has come under increasing pressure to use its influence with Sudan to end the fighting. Mr Liu will travel to Darfur on Tuesday, the fifth anniversary of the start of the conflict which has left 200,000 people dead and 2.5m homeless.

The Chinese buy two thirds of Sudans oil and provides Sudan with their weapons that they use to butcher and kill civilians with, China desire global recognition and are hungrily promoting the Olympics as their time to shine, everyone going to Beijing must use the opportunity to point China’s support of dictators out publicly, you can’t play sport with a nation that has so much blood on their hands, and Liu Guijin’s visit shows China is increasingly becoming sensitive to how their business is being perceived on a global platform, let’s push it.


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