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Monday, February 18, 2008

Kosovo independence - Russia livid/EU & US win


Hashim Thaci is used to breaking the law, having presided over one of the most bloodthirsty monsters ever to have disgraced the Balkans, the feared Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, or Kosovo Liberation Army, which, as he himself claimed, carried out deliberate acts of terrorism to provoke the Serbs into taking action.

True to form, this murderer, this outlaw, this terrorist, now a self-styled politician, has had the audacity not only to flout the laws of the Republic of Yugoslavia, and then the laws of Serbia but now goes on to flout international law as well, in a ludicrous claim to independence in a territory which is, and always has been, a Province of Serbia.

Any recognition of Kosovo as an independent state by any other country amounts to a flagrant disrespect for international law, since the declaration has no legality whatsoever. Indeed, any member of the international community which recognizes Kosovo is in this act giving the nod to the formation of a rogue state, a pariah, run by the Albanian mafia.

Any act of recognition of Kosovo is giving the nod to the heinous crimes perpetrated by the gang of international criminals which hid behind the KLA as they carried out shocking acts of mass murder, destruction of property, and masterminded acts of sexual slavery, drugs running and arms trafficking.

Any state which recognises these criminals as a Government and this, the Serbian heartland, as an independent country, without the blessing of a UN Security Council resolution, will be breaching international law and as therefore, any such decision will render the Governments of such countries as being guilty of association with criminals.

The history of international diplomacy has, since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, been trying to establish norms whereby the existing frontiers of sovereign nations are respected. UN Resolution 1244 recognises the fact that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and since the United Nations is the only proper forum of international law with the jurisdiction to determine the status of territories, both this declaration, and any act of recognition, constitutes a breach.

That is how Pravda sees it.
Quite emphatic, no? They will veto any move in the UN Security Council to recognise or support independence and so it seems won't get UN membership either. The US embassy in Belgrade was attacked by demonstrators. The Washington Post explains why:
President Bush expressed support for internationally supervised independence for Kosovo shortly before parliament met. He tried to ease Serb concerns and vowed to help prevent violence in the ethnically torn region.

"On Kosovo, our position is that its status must be resolved in order for the Balkans to be stable," Bush said during a session with reporters during a trip to Tanzania.

Bush avoided a direct answer when asked whether the United States would recognize Kosovo, but he noted his past support for a plan formulated under former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, which calls for supervised independence.

"We are heartened by the fact that the Kosovo government has clearly proclaimed its willingness and its desire to support Serbian rights in Kosovo," he said. "We also believe it's in Serbia's interests to be aligned with Europe, and the Serbian people can know that they have a friend in America."

This is very messy. Milosovic's brutality spawned the events of today. But is the creation of a Greater Albania by scything off a Serbian province going to bring peace and stability to the region? Partition moots automatically the partition of Serbian enclaves within the province/country. Very messy stuff. The EU and the US instigating this country with Serbia, Russia and their mates firmly against it is provocative. What precedent does it set for other countries with ethnic minorities who dominate certain areas? Start a terrorist group, wage war, hope for a NATO intervention when the central government launches a crack-down/suppression and hey-presto - nationhood! In some instances it would probably be desirable and right, but in others unnecessary and wrong. Very messy.


At 18/2/08 5:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm - interesting! Fascinating how no-one in the mainstream media seems to mention that much of Europe's drugs were routed into Europe through the KLA. Clearly they are free-marketeers worthy of creating a new state - kinda like the Brits started a new colony (Hong Kong) with an opium war. Oh, and the Yanks are doing just dandy with Afghanistan, aren't they?

The underlying issue is whether the UN's 'any group can vote to secede and form their own nation' laws (which are often ignored when the group is unpopular - witness Timorese 25yr struggle) are overruled when ethnic cleansing/stacking happens.

That is, is Kosovo a historic part of Serbia that Albania has deliberately filled with ethnic Albanians in order to eventually claim Kosovo as part of Albania (an inevitable consequence of an 'independent' Kosovo), or is Kosovo a historic part of Albania that Serbs just happened to colonise and occupy for a while?

This is a tricky issue. Indonesia is ethnically stacking West Papua with is "transmigrasi" policy - giving incentives to ethnic Indonesians to move to Papua so they have a democratic majority to vote to stay in the 'unitary state' of Indonesia.

If such occupying settlers stay long enough (English in Ireland, pakeha in NZ) it becomes unjust to boot their descendants out, but if they remain they either smother the indigenous culture or object when that culture tries to assert itself. Sound familiar?

No-one should recognise a unilateral declaration of Kosovan independence (that just happened) without a referendum of all who are deemed 'valid voters' in Kosovo. Who are valid voters? Those careful UN investigation shows are born there or moved there for legitimate reasons. There are nasty rumours that many Albanians moved to Kosovo to skew any vote for independence...

Peace wil require Serbs and Albanians to talk the issues through - will others in the UN help them, or just recognise the KLA gangstaland of Europe?


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