Tough rap for gang member

Alt TV/Fleet FM breakfast news comment
Tough rap for gang member
The arrest of a man for playing loud, expletive-laden rap will be music to most ears, but has rung alarm bells for civil liberties lawyers. Auckland Council for Civil Liberties president Barry Wilson, a barrister, said the arrest was dubious and needed testing in court. "Just because someone doesn't like the sound of it - that's not enough, it's got to be pretty serious stuff [to warrant an arrest]." There were important considerations, including the Bill of Rights, which allows for freedom of expression, and ensuring it was not just the police officer who was offended by the behaviour, he said.
The cop didn’t like the rap music? Shouldn’t we get a list of songs from the Police we are allowed to play before they arrest us? Would Rage Against the Machine be acceptable? How about ‘Fight the power’ by Public Enemy? I’d guess all NWA would be out and the less said about Ice T’s ‘Cop Killa’ song the better. Perhaps the Police could post suggestions of music citizens can listen to, what might be in a Police Officers musical tastes, The Carpenters, anything played on Easy Listening radio – they probably wouldn’t like Elton John cause he’s gay (lets not forget the boys in blue used to arrest the boys in pink in the 1980s). It would be like one continuios blue light disco where the mild and meek sounds of acceptable music would play loud right up till 9pm curfew. Great.

Rap is Crap hopefully they took hammer to his stereo. New Zealand public & tourist shouldn’t have to put up with this crap at 11pm.
Advocatus Diaboli
Do you think the action taken by the police would have been any different if it was a skin-head playing Agnostic Front in his car at full volume in Queenstown? I doubt very much that it would.
It wouldn't have been acceptable if the guy had been playing the music in a residential area either, only he would have got away with it then because either his neighbours or the noise control officers would have been too scared to do anything about it. Gang banging scum bags do this sort of crap to intimidate people. Rotorua already has a reputation for thuggery and tourism has been directly affected because of this in recent years. Given the Rotorua police's record lately, doing something to help out the local economy is the least they could do.
Aw yeah, what's up out there? BC's in the house. Right
about now, I wanna tell you a little love story, you know
what I'm sayin', this is a Body Count love story check out
the lyrics, you know, I'm a tell you 'bout what happened
when we went down South last year on tour.
Out on tour yo, I been all around the world
went to Georgia, met this fine-assed white girl,
blonde hair, blue eyes, big tits and thighs,
said "I love you, but my daddy don't play,
I I I love my KKK bitch, love it when she sucks me though,
I I I love my KKK bitch, love it when she fucks me though,
I I I love my KKK bitch, mutha fuck her dear old dad.
You know what I'm sayin'. So we was down South fallin' in
love, you know, D-Roc had this Nazi girl, my man
Mooseman had a skinhead, I fell in love with Tipper Gore's
two twelve year old nieces. It was wild, you know what I'm
sayin', it got even worse, you know.
white sheets, white hoods, no room for seatin'
talkin' 'bout black people pushin' up daisies.
They hated Blacks, Jews, Puerto Ricans,
Mexicans, Chinese, even the Indians.
we were slick
she pushed her butt up hard against my dick.
Then her daddy jumped on the stage
I got mad, my dick got hard
entered in her ass
she said, "Oh my God!"
I I I love my KKK bitch, love it when she sucks me though,
I I I love my KKK bitch, she loves it when I treat her bad,
So what we really tryin' to say is Body Count loves
everybody. We love Mexican girls, Black girls, Oriental girls,
it really don't matter. If you from Mars, and you got a pussy,
we will fuck you. You know, that's all we're sayin', word.
So every year when Body Count comes around
we throw an orgy in every little Southern town.
KKK's, Skinheads, and Nazi
girls break their necks
to get to the party.
It ain't like their men can't nut,
their dick's too little
and they just can't fuck.
So we get buck wild with the white freaks
we show them how to really work the white sheets.
I know her daddy'll really be after me,
when his grandson's named little Ice-T.
I I I love my KKK bitch, love it when she fucks me though,
I I I love my KKK bitch, love it when she sucks me though,
I I I love my KKK bitch, she loves it when I treat her bad,
I I I love my KKK bitch, mutha fuck her dear old dad.
Whole some music we can relate too.
In the ironies of ironies the lead singer of body count 'ice-t' has made a career out of playing police officers in tv and movies.
Fight the power eh?
hey Ice T is fighting the power, ruining the television industry one crap TV show at a time....
I can see how you're all putting your minds to good use regarding 80s and 90s 'gangsta' rap.
I'd argue with you but considering that the state of the international financial crisis with the ongoing sub prime mortgage debacle has opened up some excellent value orientated opportunities in the equities markets I can't really be fucked. Just made 7.8% unadjusted annualised return in 3 weeks!
Fight the power indeed.
Well dick smack it appears you can't read and that can't write but you can use bold. You are Hated aren't you?
By the way Public Enemy DID say "fight the power", not Rage Against the Machine, as you asserted, quite wrongly yet again.
No one cares about Ice T and Body Count or their crap music, no one cares about the gang-banging loser who got arrested and no one cares about your illiterate rantings on a topic you clearly know nothing about - keep on posting and swearing and name calling buddy: no one is listening to you.
I sign my name to every I write anon, Sorry rap is not my cup of tea... Tool and Rammstein are more my taste.
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