Tuesday | Rātū 07/01/2025
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Juxtapose II

Under UN supervision, the islanders are being asked whether they want self-governance from New Zealand, retaining citizenship and a kind of "free association" in a deal to ensure their economic well-being.

The Urewera District Native Reserve Act of 1896 was drawn up by Premier Richard Seddon to allow the Urewera people to be regionally autonomous, in his words a "self-governing" people. [...] With Seddon's death in 1906, the Tuhoe dream of self-governance that still lives for some today began to be torn down. The Liberal government abandoned attempts at partnership [...] There was to be a final crushing of hope. In 1907 the messianic pacifist leader Rua Kenana offered a new path to a people in despair by establishing a "City of God" for around 600, deep within the Ureweras. Trade, agriculture, even banking and mining, were part of his plan.
But the government saw Kenana as subversive, and in 1916 a large military force was sent in to crush him, using minor charges of supplying liquor as a pretext for what historians now consider to be an illegal armed invasion. Kenana was arrested deep in the Ureweras at Maungapohatu by 57 constables from Auckland, and more from Gisborne and Whakatane. Kenana was unarmed, but a shot was fired, and in the resulting gunfight two Tuhoe were killed, including Kenana's son.
Kenana was taken to Auckland and tried for sedition.


At 24/10/07 3:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 24/10/07 3:19 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

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At 24/10/07 3:23 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

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At 24/10/07 3:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 24/10/07 3:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt under either scenario the good old NZ taxpayer will have to cough up more cash to subsidize both respective lifestyles.

At 24/10/07 3:29 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

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At 24/10/07 3:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 24/10/07 4:45 pm, Blogger karlos said...

WTF? What's with trashing comments?

At 24/10/07 5:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tokelau - A geographically, historically, and internationally recognized distinct entity.

Tuhoe - Not so much.


At 24/10/07 5:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor old timmy seems to only want comments supporting his bleeding heart cries! suck it up timmy..criminal.

At 24/10/07 5:50 pm, Blogger Jends Fisher said...

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At 24/10/07 5:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24/10/07 5:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24/10/07 6:08 pm, Blogger Jends Fisher said...

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At 24/10/07 6:24 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

ATTENTION: Mentally Ill/Socially Challenged commenters:
RE: notice of 16/10/07 12:47 AM

"I will actively delete any persistent commentary that is overtly personal/idiotic/offensive because they render these comment threads substandard."


At 24/10/07 6:29 pm, Blogger Jends Fisher said...

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At 24/10/07 8:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it be possible to set up a special thread with something like address-verification on Trademe except this would be race-verified so us Maori could openly talk about issues facing us at this horrible time in NZ's history??

I fully support a Maori only thread and I hope you can put something like this together Tim.



At 24/10/07 9:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you also set up a Pakeha-only thread as well please?

At 24/10/07 9:59 pm, Blogger Jends Fisher said...

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At 24/10/07 11:16 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

ATTENTION: Mentally Ill/Socially Challenged commenters:
RE: notice of 24/10/07 6:24 PM

"I will actively delete any persistent commentary that is overtly personal/idiotic/offensive because they render these comment threads substandard."

Comments: "I fully support a Maori only thread" and "set up a Pakeha-only thread."

ACTION: Post both threads.

STATUS: unmoderated


At 25/10/07 10:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about a thread for Pacific Islanders too?

At 25/10/07 11:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we also have a thread for those who don't insist on viewing everything through the prism of race?


At 25/10/07 12:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mana is torn by inner demons since there are no full maori left and they're all pretty much of mixed race.

At 28/10/07 12:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wonder if Mana is torn by inner demons since"

If you mean Mana, as in Mana Motuhake ki a Rua Tapunui Kenana - no inner demons tore that dream down. Only outer demons. Even the re-re-rewritten (and still revised) history books tell us the charges pulled against Kenana were wafer: sedition. I know...

"there are no full maori left and they're all pretty much of mixed race."

Like "cook me some eggs," that saying is a popular snigger amongst the average redneck. There are full Maori left. Tuhoe and Nga Puhi claim a few. Sorry.

At 31/10/07 3:52 pm, Blogger Mana said...

Anonymous said...
I wonder if Mana is torn by inner demons since there are no full maori left and they're all pretty much of mixed race.
If I ain't Maori anon what will that make you, a brightly illuminated Rainbow?
How does this tau iwi define my heritage, where you keeping record of the vast generations of our tupuna to know who was and was not Maori, come anon prove this to me; I know my tupuna by name as far back as 1820, but you come tell me about them, start with me and work back, give me there father and mother and brothers and sisters... I am all ears.


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