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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


2. Crimes (Repeal of Seditious Offences) Amendment Bill
Passed: 114-7


At 24/10/07 10:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better late than never eh?

At 24/10/07 11:11 pm, Blogger Idiot/Savant said...

And you even got mentioned as being the spur for repeal - though the price you paid was too high.

At 25/10/07 2:21 am, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

The whole episode proved quite surreal.

And as one madness ends another begins?

At 25/10/07 2:47 am, Blogger Peter Cresswell said...

Not your intention, Tim, but you should at least be proud that what you endured inadvertently overturned a disgraceful law.


At 25/10/07 2:50 am, Blogger Peter Cresswell said...

And congratulations too, I/S. Sterling work. Bravo to you too, sir.

At 25/10/07 4:01 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

Yes, PC that man deserves the most credit for inspiring the law change. His efforts with historical studies and analysis on the issue are superb.


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