And the shit storm begins

Alt Tv/Fleet FM Breakfast News
Yesterday 17 activists from a variety of environmental, political and Maori groups were arrested in an unprecedented use of ‘Terrorism’ powers right at the same time Helen Clark (who was aware of what was happening under her powers as head of the SIS) needs to look rough and tough to an electorate that has her poll numbers flagging, oh and it is done right when there is a new terrorism bill in parliament that gives the Prime Minister the powers to declare who a terrorist is – all pretty bloody convenient. What has happened? Tame Iti and his band of merry men have been playing soldier boy with some pretty frightening toys, the images of bright bushy young idealists running around the Ureweras with Ak47s is going to terrify soccer mums around the country, but the real twist is going to be when it is revealed who they were ‘planning to take out’ – again after a couple of bottles of wine I’m sure I brag about who I would take out, but add the context of the Ureweras, AK47s, Maaaaaaaoris and ‘eco-terrorists’ and you have a perfect storm of stereotype and fear mongering the damage of which simply can’t be known. If Tame and his mates playing soldier are ‘terrorists’ we don’t have anything real to fear, but the damage is going to be the public perception to all those political and environmental groups with a year to the elections. When the terrorism suppression bill was passed, many Maori said it would only be a matter of time before it was used on them, and with the witch-hunt arrests under way now (about 60 more people may be taken in today) this game is still afoot. The manipulation by the cops, by the government and by the SIS into raising the spectre of terrorism to terrify NZ hasn’t even begun – wait until the media find out who the ‘target’ supposedly was. We ain’t seen nothing yet folks.

So boys, do you think you are being watched?
All that talk of a revolutionary Maori army would make the authorities look more closely perhaps, hated?
Be careful for what you wish for, because you may just get it.
Brilliantly timed - just before Labour (" or are we Tories? -we're confused")puts its anti terrorism bill before the House .
Good that they targeted those Radical Happy Valley types too , who knows what damage a bunch of snail savers could do to the country!
Thank God Big Brother is here to save us from kiwi Activists !
Never mind that Didymo is out of control and is destroying rivers, never mind Varroa Bee Mite is destroying our Honey Industry ,never mind that our prime assets have been sold to overseas interests and that our food and textile industries have been handed over to China( who will never have to invade THIS country - they have us by the economic short & curlies now ).We'll attack the only people left who get up off their couches and DO something.
The really scary thing - IF you had enough nausea pills to get you through and you listened to talkback today 95% of kiwis calling talkback here in NZ today would agree with the raids.
Like in the U.S, where a staggering 80% of people get their news from Fox TV , i'm certain that here in NZ a higher amount get their news and opinions from Talkback.
We've been dumbed down by successive govts , ended up with a State TV channel that shows " how to look good naked" , that recycles overpaid old rightwing fart Paul Holmes to try to up ratings and despatches a brilliant kiwi made book show to saturday mornings.
Keep drivin' those SUVs , keep sloppin' round the Malls, keep buyin' those BIG Tvs, keep eatin' shitfood, keep watchin' pap TV... they've got you right where they want you !
A headline in Christchurch Press today : " TERROR CAMPS WATCHED FOR A YEAR "
Terror Camps !!??
What the F ..? !
Talk about the press playing into Police & Govt hands.
I'd feel a lot safer in this country if i knew 15 % of our precious electricity hadn't just been handed over to an aluminium company for an undisclosed bargain basement price.
I'd feel a lot safer if I knew exactly where my food was coming from and what was in it.
I'd feel a lot safer if I thought our BIO security people were being funded well enough to do their jobs.
Thank God these people weren't in power during the '81 tour - the anti apartheid movement would've been shipped off to Guantanamo Bay.
Do you know something that we don't Bomber? From your comments it seems that you are fully aware of what has been happening.
Do you know something that we don't Bomber? From your comments it seems that you are fully aware of what has been happening.
I've spoken to a lot of people involved and have an idea of what the allegations the police will make (probably Friday??) and the evidence the Police have - IF what I've been told is true it will be the beginning of something pretty fucking awful. I really hope I'm wrong.
So do I !
What a gift for the Right.
Will be interesting to know what those dastardly Happy Valley types had planned too.
If these guys were really planning armed insurrection or murder surely they deserve whatever comes to them, and surely the police actions to date are justified and not 'over the top'.
Would you rather have waited till the shit hit the fan before moving in and making the arrests?
Great stuff Labour, lets go a witch hunt cause we can't beat national unless we look like heroes fighting the evil terrorist.
This is a political stunt clear as the day; wake up New Zealand the labour party is in a panic because everyone is seeing through their bullshit policies,
However, you have to admit Helen Clarke knows how to play the game, and fool the public, they all do its just quite funny that they have done it the way they have. These people are about as dangerous as a child in a play pen when you compare they to the real bad guys.
Let the show begin…… What a joke.
Geeeze Wayne this is so full of nothing it may well be they close this as well as the Stupid Alt TV forever. Not just for 5 hours hehe Hooooooraaaaaaa
Seriously like half of these posts are not even on topic, and as for the corespcy theories doubt labour really wanted this to happen when it did as this stuff always favours the right.
Anyhow lets hope we do a Gordon and not over react and see that what we have at the moment must be working.
Seriously some people are muppets, they don't realise how much damage they do their own causes.
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We can sit here all day and moan about how shit this is. Corruption, implanting fear, abuse of laws, media stunts... All now typical labour characteristics.
But our time and energy now has to go into planning what to do about it. If Tame and his comrades can be shut down by the government, then as far as actual rebellion goes, we are fucked.
All we can really do is learn from their mistakes. regardless of what Labour's motives were (and yes, thats obviously gaining support for the new amendments), if we are ever going to achieve anything, it has to be above the ground. Using media, public rallies and protests, and even a little bit of beurocracy is the way foward, so that the SIS can't pin shit on us. Come on, its not the 50's, the internet is our most powerful resource. We can have an agressive, sucsessful revolution without hurting a fly.
Come and sing along to this one peeps,bomber you will know it im sure heh heh!
Rebel,rebel and yell
'Cause our people still dwell in hell
Locked in a cell
Yes, the structure's a cell
Mad is the story I tell
How long can we wait?
Come on, seein' what's at stake
Action for reaction
If your mind's in a somewhat complacent state
Get a check up
This is a stick up
Our freedom or your life
Lord, I wish I could be peaceful
But there can be no sequel
Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion
Yeah, what about that, sucker?
Yeah, so you thought you could get with the hardlines
That fill your mind
Thoughts, battles fought
And lessons taught
Yes I'll display the fitness
And flip like a gymnast
Raise my fist and resist
Asleep, though we stand in the midst
Of a war
Gotta get mine
Gotta get more
Keepin' the mic warm against the norm
'Cause what does it offer me?
I think often it's nothin' but a coffin
Gotta get wreck
Till our necks never swing on a rope
From here to the cape of no hope
Now freedom must be fundamental
In Johannesburg or South Central
On the mic, 'cause someone should tell 'em
To kick in the township rebellion
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
What's it gonna take?
Freeeeeeeeee !
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackle their minds when they're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
Shackled our minds when we're left on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost, lost!
Shackle your minds and you're left on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost!
Just shackle your minds when you're bent on the cross!
When ignorance reigns, life is lost, lost!
Why stand on a silent platform?
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Fight the war, fuck the norm
Heard Bomber quoted from his statement he made last night on 12pm News on Newstalk 1ZB. Hopefully SIS are monitoring his contacts now because he could be associating with potential terrorist who are ready to kill innocent New Zealanders.
Advocatus Diaboli
your not innocent Advocatus Diaboli
Anonymous said...
So boys, do you think you are being watched?
All that talk of a revolutionary Maori army would make the authorities look more closely perhaps, hated?
Be careful for what you wish for, because you may just get it.
only a fews ago it was; "oh that will never happen" Maori Army this" and "Maori army that ba hahaha" its all seem so .. so ... different. I can only hope some of these activist know a their stuff, it may prove quite interesting for the outcome of these events.
Hated By Most
yeah all good & well sitting there, saying this & that...why not get out there...the people have to know...
the only way i see it, march to parliament...the internet can only go so far, you want the media to spread the word then you have to march on parliament
Gee Hated the old "lets get the country against" us style of revolution...Not seen that since the Che in Bolivia days ;)
This is terrible news for those who sympathise with such views, as it is liberal middle NZ you have to appeal to.
Which is why Bomber, who is clearly reading this situation with far deeper thought and insight than yourself, is concerned.
But you troll away buddy if it makes you feel better
there is so much we can learn from history my friends...sometimes you have to look backwards to move forwards
SAS vs Tama Iti and his merry boys.
If shit hit the fan, Tama wouldn't last a second.
Btw, are you signing up to fight the good fight hated, or too busy making money?
Whats it to be, your culture or your cashflow?
Sub Commandante Tame's inability to run because he's a tubby bitch is a considerable handicap to his revolutionary aspirations.
In the Herald a local resident defended the Sub Commandante saying the only reason he possessed firearms without a license was because he couldn't afford license.
"Whats it to be, your culture or your cashflow?"
We all know where eggplant's loyalities lie don't we. This brother's gota get paid.
lol Tame iti ain't a activist is all i can say, he considered the hand-out but he does draw a lot of attention more than we need thanks.. as I said you don't know just how deep the hole goes. its deep
half of you turds said it would happen, yet now your still not even close..
Hated By Most
my bad "wouldn't happe
Hated By Most
Whatever Turd. What happened to you incessent questioning about how would the police be able to find them if they didn't know who these guys were. Well it was pretty fucking easy in the end wasn't it just a couple of freaked out hunters.
And as for how deep the hole is what the fuck are you going on about the mad hatter or some shit.
you're a pitiful git anon, Can you prove that there involve in anything anon, picked up on arm charges and its now the hell bent Maori army. Were you looking in the mirror again when you post that crap, please come tell us all what you know; if there terrorist why have they not been charged? as one... few guns and their off to take over NZ lol
Pull the other one it plays musical tunes..what a tool
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what wrong anony; again and again you avoid the issue only to try and use words to put me down lol oh yeah your bad ...
It a simple question anony; "if there terrorist why have they not been charged as one"? come enlighten us colonial rug rat
Hated by Most
We have 4 million law abiding people in NZ of all races and political opinions - of course we have a few nutters who spend their days looking for trouble.
Most of these people had it coming. I hope it makes them think about getting a real job and becoming part of society rather than the antisocial rabble they are now. :-)
Anonymous said...
How can we be avoiding the issue if we can't understand what you're saying you fucking munter.
Oh thats right i forgot anony; puttting the quest in bold kind of screwws you up a tad; or was it the language; their goony-googoo here let be try it again..
wing sing ding ling ring xing ching ching?
raff raff rof rof grrr raffy raff raff?
zulu zulu madelila zu zulu mendel la?
see how you go with your native tongue colonial rug rat.
Hated By Most
Culture or cashflow hey turd?
did you translate it that time anon... understand the question? just cant ask it; hmmmm
how legio of you anon
Hated By Most
Hey how come at the top of this blog, which I thought was about freedom of expression, has a comment been removed. I wonder if this could have named the name that Bomber has heard about. Friday could be very interesting.
To be honest I think we have a shit load more to worry about than Tame iti, our own government springs to mind
Heine said...
We have 4 million law abiding people in NZ of all races and political opinions - of course we have a few nutters who spend their days looking for trouble.
What on earth makes them nutters Heine? because they want what was promised by the Crown of England, taken away by the crown entity of NZ; It was all a big plan, slowly phase out the Privy so Maori had no place to go too, to fight for what is ours; Just to read the crap in here, "get over it ha ha, arrr turd we won move on", please! yet try and justify that when the shoes on the other foot and you get comment like "na they think the law does not apply to them", "we need tougher penalties longer sentences"; this shit comes from the likes of anon & co, I understand it, its a deep set hatred for crims, needless to say they were descendants of crims lol; but when I Maori paints that picture, fuck it annoying: its either ignorant, lack of mana or (excuse my French) sucking a white dick for to long you forget who you are; Truly I don't know you; I guess Ill have to assume just like most here, yet I hope I am wrong
Most of these people had it coming. I hope it makes them think about getting a real job and becoming part of society rather than the antisocial rabble they are now.
Go grab the paper Heine and read it, most of them were working, its only deemed antisocial by the NZ GOVT; anything anti govt is antisocial; but please show me were they have rights to frame laws for us Maori, don't moan and wine about my comment just show us.
I realise I'll get all the turds running and fuck if I care, they only talk shit without proving a dam thing, if it get to hard from them, they run off, or resort to the hash hash world of the name calling lol
Tim I read, your warning: if you want to delete my posts for using this language you go ahead, I didn't join TUMEKE to stir shit up; I won't back down to these clowns either, just because i wont see shit their way; I will apologise for the lingo, like I said before, I don't have them big words..
Hated By Most
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Some much for free speech
Prison's changed you Tim
(sorry I've always wanted to use that line)
Hated by Most - nice work twisting it around to some sort of racist comment by myself. I was aware that many people were targetted by this, was only aware that Iti was the only radical Maori involved.
I see now that after more reading that some of this was just as, if not more sinister than some initially imagined!
A lot of interesting talk.Who do they want to bring down? Or is it a right wing plot to embarrass the Labour led Govenment.Do you people really want Key and his fuckwits in power? Have you forgotten the 1990's already?
Read 'Petes Kiwi Forum
Bring it on
All you Nutters and wannabe Nutters who think you can take my hard-earned life away from me, just because you hate my race (not moldie) think again.
You can try, oh please try, and we will unite and show you what the world really thinks of malignant racist scum like the moldie people.
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