Report on jail garage corruption a 'whitewash'

Alt Tv/Fleet FM Breakfast News Comment
Report on jail garage corruption a 'whitewash'
A Corrections Department investigation that found nothing to support claims of corruption at the Auckland Prison garage has ordered the garage to improve its record-keeping. But National dismissed the investigation as a whitewash that was never going to find documented evidence of illegal activity, especially if those records were sub-standard. The investigation was triggered after a former inmate, who was attached to the garage, told the Herald that prisoners had brought their own cars to the garage for service. "Prisoners are subject to standover tactics, and officers aren't going to nark on each other." Within any good prison you need a certain amount of discretion to make the place function, the ability to reward good behaviour is an essential tool in helping to reform behaviour, however without transparency of that process it can be abused by those in power to the point allegations have been made here. Rehabilitation doesn’t seem likely in a prison run by stand over tactics via the guards.

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