Government orders report into police recruits

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Government orders report into police recruits
The Government says it will get an independent assessment of police recruit standards after it was accused of allowing a decline in quality to meet a promise of 1000 new officers. The police and senior ministers have rejected claims that the drive to increase numbers has resulted in the recruitment of people with low intelligence and poor decision-making skills. An internal police report said one recruit had to be taught how to write the alphabet, and the need to give extra training to poor performers had increased by 150 per cent. Currently it takes 19 weeks to be a Police Officer – 19 weeks, it takes longer to be a card dealer at Sky City Casino, perhaps the mix of low intelligence and short training time is creating ill prepared, angry cops who we have now nationally armed with tasers.

So how would you propose 'better quality' recruits could be attracted. Would people such as yourself for example be good police officers, if you would what would (if anything) encourage you, and other people of your quality, to join up.
There was a similar problem in the UK so some years ago (probably still is) one of the ways they tried to address it was to introduce a graduate entry scheme, I believe it was an abysmal failure.
In my mind anonymous poster, we need to urgently restructure the training issue, 19 weeks is an insane lack of time to prepare someone for the very difficult job of being a police officer in the 21st century, couple that extra resourcing with an independent police complaints authority so that police know that if they do overstep their powers they will be caught
There must be a limit on how much can be taught in a schoolroom. I am not up to date on police procedures but I understand that for the first year police are probationers and supervised by senior officers. Not ideal but then what is.
I remember when nurses were trained on the wards, with some class room as well, now -they go to school full-time for 3 years, I do not see any evidence that this is an improvement.
How would you address the alleged low standard of those applying and being accepted for the police force, I wouldn�t do it. My son considered it, I am pleased to say he found and alternative and more respected career. It can�t be very pleasant for any parent to see their children constantly insulted and abused by all sides, I would have hated it.
My son is a decent sort of chap but there was nothing to attract him in the long term. He knew that, no matter what he did he would be subjected to unfair tirades of abuse and prejudice if he put the uniform on so he wears a suit now. Who wants a thank-less job.
Ok, everyone knows I can't stand pig, yes they have a job to do but most twist the law to suit themselves, I feel this way is due to experience. I dont believe its a thank less job anon.. But why should most be thankfull for a pig force that break the laws they are suppose to uphold in any shape or form? That suppose to be my job.
How anyone of you righteous, whether self righteous or ordained by God himself.... would defend the police recuiting structure and 19 weeks training is beyond me, these are the people that you want to protect you from crims or excons... hmmmm
To be honest if you want to bleat at bomber because hes trying to bring light to the situation, go right ahead (sorry bom) but I don't get why people moan at you for doing this, I don't give a shit if theres crocked cops or dumbass pigs, if I can bribe them shit I am all for it; we need pigs like that. But do you want these pigs, dumbass or otherwise looking out for your family.
roll on the 19 week training.
Hated by Most
Hated by most has got it wrong and the Anon above is understanding of the problems we have in our foce today. But like all outfits there are winners and loosers. Hated is / was a looser who referrs to us as "pigs" i wonder at his mentality and sometimes at yours Bomber. We try our best to uphold what we believe in. some will undoubtidly run amuck some will do good as in all society.
Heaven help those that rubbish Police for it is those that come squeeling loudest when they need us.
Bomber, Hated , wait one day you will need us then see what the outcome is.
it is you that squeal that should be called PIGs not us.
This is the problem (it seems to me)....
Bomber states the people entering the police force are illiterate and of low quality, so .......
A) What sort of people are the right quality.
B) How would such persons be attracted to the force.
C) Once attracted how would they be retained.
My own personal question would be - does Bomber consider people such as himself would make good police officers, if not maybe he could tell us why not and give us an idea of what sort of people he would like to see joining and how they can be attracted.
Alternatively if Bomber feels people like him are exactly what we need then can he offer us some insight into what would attract him and others like him to apply.
I cannot imagine any person with options who would look forward to going to work everyday to be called a PIG, I would imagine it must be very soul destroying, which is one reason I am pleased my family were able to find alternatives.
I think those are fair questions. In fact many professions and organisation are having serious trouble recruiting the type of people they would like and look overseas. Nursing and teaching have also lowered their entry requirements I think, sometimes you just have to take what you can get I suppose.
Bomber has a good education yet has not chosen to enter any of the careers where a recruiting ‘crisis’ exists it would be interesting to know why because I am sure he represents many people who prefer alternatives. What is so unattractive about the Police, Nursing, Teaching – is it just the money or is there more to it.
PS: When I was younger I considered the police briefly myself, however I had a work colleague going through the process who showed me the entrance requirements (at that time) I took one look at the fitness requirements and knew I would never make it. She was much more determined than me and spent about a year in her spare time preparing for the tests. She seemed a decent sort to me and not someone who deserved to be called a PIG.
Anon ..... if that bothers you Bomber (it seems to bother you sometimes more than others ?) there is a very simple solution - save yourself the anger and disable the ability of anons to post. There are plenty of important things to get angry about why not spare yourself such a trivial one.
Hated by most has got it wrong and the Anon above is understanding of the problems we have in our foce today. But like all outfits there are winners and loosers. Hated is / was a looser who referrs to us as "pigs" i wonder at his mentality and sometimes at yours Bomber. We try our best to uphold what we believe in. some will undoubtidly run amuck some will do good as in all society.
Heaven help those that rubbish Police for it is those that come squeeling loudest when they need us.
Bomber, Hated , wait one day you will need us then see what the outcome is.
it is you that squeal that should be called PIGs not us.
Ummmmmm - seeing as you refer in this blog to 'we', am I to assume that you are a Police Officer and that the last bit of your post is some veiled threat? Am I to watch out when I walk around Auckland late at night that I may be jumped by some of you boys off duty? For having an opinion on the NZ Police have I in some way endangered myself anonymous poster?
Anonymous (PIG) said...
But like all outfits there are winners and loosers. what catagory would you give to the pig I paid 10k to 2 weeks ago. lol seems they lost evidence? is he a winner for being 10k richer, or a loser cause he never shared it?
Hated is / was a looser who referrs to us as "pigs" i wonder at his mentality and sometimes at yours Bomber. Bomber raised a point you pig are corrupt... to you its winners and losers to the govt its bad apples... to us (MC) you are corrupt pigs, some of yous are on our pay list did ya know?... but your still pigs. Now Pigs is a slang the wont go away, just like polictians are bullshitters. So build bridge PIG and get over it. Last thing these are my views not bombers, I am a big boy i can speak and act for myself, so dont tie me to him... I beilieve if the three of us ran into one another in a dark alley pig, bomber would probably be the one who would plead for your stupid life. So i doubt our views are the same.
We try our best to uphold what we believe in. some will undoubtidly run amuck some will do good as in all society. As far as I know, please correct me if I am wrong, you are to do the job, not what you believe in, is that right? When you add your belief kidda changes the fact your were to uphold the LAW.
Heaven help those that rubbish Police for it is those that come squeeling loudest when they need us. Bomber, Hated , wait one day you will need us then see what the outcome is. Here is the state of a pig that wants repect... a bit threating LOL you must be knew here anon as most know I am a member of the Hells Angels have been for years first in Sidney Aust, and Here, I have been in the Angels most my life, very well known world wide, the only time I have called the piggs was in Aussie and that was to clean up the mess, blood everywhere, i could help them withe there investigation as i didnt see t fucking thing unfortunately.... But You have got to be out of your mind if you think I would call you fuckers for help, sorry I already know the TAXIS number.. Now I guess you can understand why i say we need clowns like you, how much will it cost for you pig 10k 30k easist money you will ever make. Have you seen 30k probably not, ever mind.
I know you'll reply on here and say "your a good cop" lol yes of course you are... but i love the threating gesture... to bad its all wind.
Well this Loser is going for a ride on his $90.000 dollar orange county chopper, I will pull up next to buddies eating donuts and think about just how much I have lost. PIG
Hated by Most
Bomber made me smile, wow a first. I have seen you whine about 'threats' before, I think you need to get some treatment for those delusions/paranoia. How are things at the centre of the universe ???????
Pity you went off into fantasy land, or is it just a bit of egocentric, diversionary spin, I was a little curious to read your answers and solutions to the police recruiting and standards problems.
Opinions and beliefs have little value without evidence and back-up information. Its easy to criticise, we can all do that, the hard part is coming up with workable solutions.
If the present applicants are not up to standard and should be rejected and there is no way of attracting and retaining higher quality recruits, then the only outcome is to run down or disband the police force. I think there is an illustration in Canada of the effects of having no police when they had a police strike some years ago, it was not pretty.
That last post gave me a smile as well - seems you are not alone in fantasy land lets hope he is as harmless as you.
Bomber made me smile, wow a first. I have seen you whine about 'threats' before, I think you need to get some treatment for those delusions/paranoia. How are things at the centre of the universe ???????
Pity you went off into fantasy land, or is it just a bit of egocentric, diversionary spin, I was a little curious to read your answers and solutions to the police recruiting and standards problems.
Opinions and beliefs have little value without evidence and back-up information. Its easy to criticise, we can all do that, the hard part is coming up with workable solutions.
If the present applicants are not up to standard and should be rejected and there is no way of attracting and retaining higher quality recruits, then the only outcome is to run down or disband the police force. I think there is an illustration in Canada of the effects of having no police when they had a police strike some years ago, it was not pretty.
That last post gave me a smile as well - seems you are not alone in fantasy land lets hope he is as harmless as you.
Yawn, come on Anonymous poster, lift your game - I simply asked our friendly cop if he was suggesting something, he is posting on the blog and I asked, a very low threshold for delusion I would have thought.
Your idea that we should just lower entry levels for cops is a little troubling though, a much better idea surly would be to expand the inanely short 19 weeks training, 19 weeks simply isn't anywhere long enough - sub standard cops could have a chance to pull themselves up to a better standard with better and more comprehensive training, I'm amazed that someone as clever as yourself anonymous poster didn 't think of that? Such a lack of imagination on your part made me smile.
So 5 months is not enough, how much is and what form should it take.
Personally I would say crap in crap out. I can not see how you can train someone who does not have the natual skills and ability to start with.
So how do you propose attacting higher quality recruits, guess you have no honest suggestions, that is why you have ignored most points made here and made up diversions and lies.
Bomber your a a coward and a liar of the worst kind.
So 5 months is not enough, how much is and what form should it take.
Well I would, just off the top of my head suggest at the very least a properly resourced one year course that taught the skills required to police in the 21st century in a democracy. Yes the lower quality applicants are an issue, but one that could be compensated with proper training, currently the system isn't giving that option so poor quality cops are trained poorly leading over all to poorer policing all within a system that can remain hidden because there is no transparent independent complaints procedure.
Personally I would say crap in crap out. I can not see how you can train someone who does not have the natual skills and ability to start with.
To a degree, but surely the quality of training is essential to compensate for those low talent applicants, if we train police at a break neck speed to minimise cost these are the results we have to live with and I argue that for such a job as important as being a Police Officer that cost minimising mentality can't be accepted.
So how do you propose attacting higher quality recruits,
Well as I was saying that issue can be approached in various ways, the training issue IS essential, and it has a lot to do with winning back Public trust and faith in the Police, much of the resentment has come from Police behaviour that I think is exacerbated by a secretive code of silence bred into police culture coupled with poor training and poorer resourcing. Prove to the community that police have regained their honour and that in itself will lift the quality of applicants.
guess you have no honest suggestions,
Umm well that's not true, my main thrust of this blog so far has been to point out that the current training is partly the problem and we've been debating that so far
that is why you have ignored most points made here and made up diversions and lies.
Ummm, okay, this is leaving the bounds of rational debate rapidly...
Bomber your a a coward and a liar of the worst kind.
...and there it goes
Course Bomber you could always put your money where your mouth is......go on join up while you still know everything
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