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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hahahaha the underclass

Underclass, underclass where fore art thou Underclass? I wonder where National party supporters think the Underclass comes from? Are they found at the bottom of ones garden? Are they made everytime a civil union is performed? Perhaps they live under John Key’s bed at night and pop out to whisper their dreams into his ear late at night?

Here is where the underclass come from – but don‘t tell our right wing friends, the second you mention benefit, they want to cut and slash it and then we’d see all those warm fuzzy images of John Key championing the underclass up for what they always were – a pr charm offensive.

Single benefits falling far behind wages
Welfare beneficiaries without children are now worse off in relation to the average worker than at any time in the past 26 years, and probably in the last 60 years. Auckland University research shows that the net dole for a single adult without children has dropped from a recent peak of 45 per cent of the net average wage in 1986 to 28 per cent today. The current rate is the lowest since the university data started in 1981, and economist Brian Easton said it seemed to be the lowest since the average wage was created in 1948. His data, based on the benefit rate for couples, shows that the previous lowest rate for couples was 54 per cent of the net average wage in 1972.


At 22/3/07 10:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And unemployment is apparently 'low' at present...which should make it pretty easy to get a job ay...just a thought...

At 22/3/07 5:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

State sector wages are increasing at a higher rate than inflation - are you suggesting the dole should too?

At 22/3/07 7:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 23/3/07 8:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hangon a second. Labour have been the government for 7.5 years now. Yet you blame National for the current solutions - comeon.

Its actually one thing that pisses me off. When a minister is challenged in the house, the standard reply is "Well, we are trying to recover from the underfunding of national in the 1990s". Now I know Helens philosophy is to never admit mistakes and never give an inch, but comeon!. You've been the government for 7.5 years, you are responsbile, nobody else. Labour is responsible for this...

At 23/3/07 12:56 pm, Blogger unaha-closp said...

Welfare beneficiaries without children are now worse off in relation to the average worker than at any time in the past 26 years, and probably in the last 60 years.

They are worse off under Helen Clark's Labour government than under the Bolger or Shipley National governments. And probably worse off than under Muldoon.

At 23/3/07 3:42 pm, Blogger unaha-closp said...

It is good strategy on Labour's part, able to direct welfare to student loans and working families whilst letting the truly poor slide further behind. Thus they get gratitude from the employed classes who might otherwise vote for the centre right and are safe in the knowledge that the underclass has no alternative but to vote "Left" anyway.


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