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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

97% of NZers frightened!

The latest clamor to point to every opinion poll and cry out ‘it’s anti-democratic’ over the ‘anti-smacking’ legislation is a bit of a yawn. As I posted yesterday, the tyranny of the majority dressed up as democracy isn’t democracy, what were the margins against the homosexual law reform bill, or Civil Unions or criminalising rape in marriage (that was only passed in the 1970s, previous to that you could rape your wife because no crime existed for it within the confines of holy matrimony) - did you see the unauthorized history of NZ last Monday? All those NZ blokes spouting open misogyny as cultural fact, it was a reminder that progressive legislation always frightens those who gain authority from the power imbalance that legislation enshrines.

I understand that a big chink of NZ are frightened because of the propaganda campaign National used this time around, the ‘It will criminalize good parents’ song is the same hysteria tune National whistled with ‘Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaris get too much’ (remember that song, that was fucking hilarious wasn’t it – turned out to be a big fucking lie though, but hilarious nevertheless).

Of course I think the best reason to beat your children came from some of our more whacky and zany Christian Brothers and Sisters, the ones arguing that you have to ‘beat the Devil’ out of your children, let’s just look at that again, because on first look, that seems fucking insane – the right to beat your children has to be enshrined in law BECAUSE one has to ‘beat the Devil out of them’. Hmmmm, I’m pretty sure what side of this debate I’m on.

You are the adult, it is the kid – you lose your rag so much so that you have to strike that kid to get your own way – you’ve failed the kid, and you’ve failed yourself – YOU are the adult, YOU have all the power in the Adult/Kid relationship. Grow up, take your responsibilities for raising kids with a bit more compassion and honesty than this debate is allowing and stop being in denial about the massive problem child abuse has become in this country.

Just stop hitting your kids.

Oh and arguing that the Police are going to suddenly run around arresting poor defenseless parents who have only smacked their child to push them out of the way of a hot stove is the most ridiculous fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life. All those battered woman who have current restraining orders against their violent partners, those restraining orders which are hardly ever followed up on, must be laughing hysterically that the Police will find time to arrest parents, hell seeing as so many Cops are off having orgies on Duty, I’m surprised cops have any time to catch criminals at all. But they do have very interesting work stories.

Public opinion says 'no', but Clark and Cullen say 'yes'
Labour may adopt Green MP Sue Bradford's anti-smacking bill as a Government measure to speed it past a parliamentary roadblock. Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen yesterday refused to rule out the notion, saying he preferred not to comment. Public opinion polls are strongly against the bill, but Labour has become increasingly in favour of it.


At 28/3/07 9:34 am, Blogger unaha-closp said...

Oh and arguing that the Police are going to suddenly run around arresting poor defenseless parents who have only smacked their child to push them out of the way of a hot stove is the most ridiculous fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Just so you are real clear, this is how it will work. The police will have reason to suspect Jim has done a burglary, but not proof enough to convict. Jim's sister (or wife) Jill will be witnessed smacking/restraining/gripping her child Johnny. Jim will be given a choice - be an honest citizen and confess to this burglary or have Jill investigated for child abuse and lose Johnny. This approach will work best in cultures where there is a strong bond amoung wider friendly members. (On the upside we could see an increase in the number of burglaries solved, the middle classes insurance costs will fall - good news for us eh?)

Whenever politicians go on moral crusades (and this is definitely one) that they know will not be effective, they corrupt our society. Prohibitions of marijuana, alcohol and homosexuality have been tried and each time the burden of enforcement has come hardest upon those least able to defend themselves. This moral crusade will be no different.


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