Monday, December 25, 2006

Bloggers' bio/disclosures

#1 (-) Kiwiblog :
06/2003+ "Fomenting happy mischief"
David P Farrar : Right - National : Wellington
#2 (+3) Gotcha! :
11/2005+ "Whale Oil Beef Hooked"
Whaleoil/Cameron Slater Right - National : Auckland
GMan Right - ? : NZ
Fried Sushi Right - ? : NZ
Lisa Lewis ? - ? : NZ
Fiscally Conservative Kiwi Right - ? : NZ
The Baptist Right - ? : NZ
#3 (-1) The Standard :
08/2007+ "The New Zealand labour movement newspaper digitally reborn"
all_your_base : Left - Labour : NZ
Iprent : Left - Labour : NZ
John A : Left - Labour : NZ
Eddie : Left - Labour : NZ
Steve Pierson : Left - Labour/Green : Wellington
Tane : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
IrishBill : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
Dancer : Left - ? : NZ
Jasper : Left - ? : NZ
Natwatch : Left - ? : NZ
Ralph Malcolm : Left - ? : NZ
Sam Cash : Left - ? : NZ
Tillerman : Left - ? : NZ
ZK Muggletinspofin : Left - ? : NZ
whenua : Left - ? : NZ
#4 (-1) Cactus Kate :
12/2005+ "Feminism at its finest"
Cactus Kate : Right - Act : Hong Kong, China
#5 (-1) Not PC :
04/2005+ "Promoting capitalist acts between consenting adults"
Peter Cresswell : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Susan Ryder : Right - Libertarian : Franklin
Dr Richard McGrath : Right - Libertarian : Wairarapa
Bernard Darnton : Right - Libertarian : Christchurch
#6 (-) Dim Post :
01/2008+ "Satire"
Danyl McLauchlan : Other - ? : Wellington
#7 (-) Red Alert :
05/2009+ "Labour MPs on issues that we care about"
Labour MPs (various): Left - Labour : Wellington/NZ
#8 (-) No Minister :
06/2007+ "Sir Humphrey's... [acid reflux]"
Gooner : Right - Act : Auckland
Adolf Fiinkensein : Right - National : Auckland
Psycho Milt : Left - ? : Palmerston North
Lou Taylor : Right - ? : Auckland
Grant : Right - ? : Auckland
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
The Veteran : Right - ? : NZ
Sagenz : Right - ? : NZ
#9 (-) Public Address :
09/2002+ "Community of New Zealand-centric weblogs"
Hard News Russell Brown : Left - ? : Auckland
Cracker Damian Christie : Other - ? : Wellington
Busytown Jolisa Gracewood ? - ? : Connecticut, USA
Radiation Fiona Rae ? - ? : Auckland
Random Play Graham Reid ? - ? : Auckland
Fielf Theory Hadyn Green ? - ? : ?
Southerly David Haywood ? - ? : Christchurch
Legal Beagle Graeme Edgeler : Right - ? : NZ
Up Front Emma Hart : ? - ? : NZ
#10 (+1) Frogblog :
03/2005+ "Political blog Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand"
Green MPs (various) : Left - Green : Wellington/NZ
frog : Left - Green : Wellington
#11 (-1) No Right Turn :
02/2003+ "Irredeemably Liberal"
Idiot/Savant : Left - ? : Palmerston North
#12 (-) Tumeke! :
04/2005+ "Aotearoa international - current affairs and culture"
Tim Selwyn : Other - ? : Auckland
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury : Left - ? : Auckland
Phoebe Fletcher : Left - ? : Auckland
#13 (-) Hot topic :
04/2007+ "Global warming in NZ/AUT"
Gareth Renowden : Other - ? : Waipara
#14 (-) Homepaddock :
04/2008+ "A rural perspective with a blue tint"
Ele Ludemann : Right - National : North Otago
#15 (-) Roar Prawn :
08/2008+ "Militant carnivore, larger than life, often seen lunching"
Busted Blonde : Right - ? : Wellington
#16 (+3) (The Briefing Room) :
04/2006+ "Investigate magazine's breaking news forum"
Ian Wishart : Right - Christian/National : Auckland
Andrei : Right - Christian/National : NZ
#17 (+1) The Inquiring Mind : www.
02/2008+ "News/politics/humour/sport"
Adam Smith : Other - ? : Wellington
#18 (+2) Kiwipolitico :
01/2009+ "Environmentalist, centre-left/left-of-centre, public policy and the political process."
Jafapete : Left - ? : Auckland
Anita : Left - ? : Wellington
Pablo : Left - ? : Auckland
Roger Nome : Left - ? : NZ
#19 (-2) The Hand Mirror:
03/2008+ "Feminism"
Lil'E : Left - ? : NZ
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
The ex-expat : Left - Labour : NZ
Undomestic Goddess : ? - ? : NZ
The Bewildering Case of Ms Enid Tak-Entity : Left - ? : NZ
Julie Fairey : Left - ? : NZ
Deborah : Left - ? : NZ
Anjum Rahman/stargazer : Left - Labour : NZ
Anna : Left - ? : NZ
#20 (+2) Open Parachute :
05/2007+ "A scientist comments on philosophy, science, religion/Retired scientist."
Ken Perrott : Other - ? : Waikato
06/2003+ "Fomenting happy mischief"
David P Farrar : Right - National : Wellington
#2 (+3) Gotcha! :
11/2005+ "Whale Oil Beef Hooked"
Whaleoil/Cameron Slater Right - National : Auckland
GMan Right - ? : NZ
Fried Sushi Right - ? : NZ
Lisa Lewis ? - ? : NZ
Fiscally Conservative Kiwi Right - ? : NZ
The Baptist Right - ? : NZ
#3 (-1) The Standard :
08/2007+ "The New Zealand labour movement newspaper digitally reborn"
all_your_base : Left - Labour : NZ
Iprent : Left - Labour : NZ
John A : Left - Labour : NZ
Eddie : Left - Labour : NZ
Steve Pierson : Left - Labour/Green : Wellington
Tane : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
IrishBill : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
Dancer : Left - ? : NZ
Jasper : Left - ? : NZ
Natwatch : Left - ? : NZ
Ralph Malcolm : Left - ? : NZ
Sam Cash : Left - ? : NZ
Tillerman : Left - ? : NZ
ZK Muggletinspofin : Left - ? : NZ
whenua : Left - ? : NZ
#4 (-1) Cactus Kate :
12/2005+ "Feminism at its finest"
Cactus Kate : Right - Act : Hong Kong, China
#5 (-1) Not PC :
04/2005+ "Promoting capitalist acts between consenting adults"
Peter Cresswell : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Susan Ryder : Right - Libertarian : Franklin
Dr Richard McGrath : Right - Libertarian : Wairarapa
Bernard Darnton : Right - Libertarian : Christchurch
#6 (-) Dim Post :
01/2008+ "Satire"
Danyl McLauchlan : Other - ? : Wellington
#7 (-) Red Alert :
05/2009+ "Labour MPs on issues that we care about"
Labour MPs (various): Left - Labour : Wellington/NZ
#8 (-) No Minister :
06/2007+ "Sir Humphrey's... [acid reflux]"
Gooner : Right - Act : Auckland
Adolf Fiinkensein : Right - National : Auckland
Psycho Milt : Left - ? : Palmerston North
Lou Taylor : Right - ? : Auckland
Grant : Right - ? : Auckland
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
The Veteran : Right - ? : NZ
Sagenz : Right - ? : NZ
#9 (-) Public Address :
09/2002+ "Community of New Zealand-centric weblogs"
Hard News Russell Brown : Left - ? : Auckland
Cracker Damian Christie : Other - ? : Wellington
Busytown Jolisa Gracewood ? - ? : Connecticut, USA
Radiation Fiona Rae ? - ? : Auckland
Random Play Graham Reid ? - ? : Auckland
Fielf Theory Hadyn Green ? - ? : ?
Southerly David Haywood ? - ? : Christchurch
Legal Beagle Graeme Edgeler : Right - ? : NZ
Up Front Emma Hart : ? - ? : NZ
#10 (+1) Frogblog :
03/2005+ "Political blog Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand"
Green MPs (various) : Left - Green : Wellington/NZ
frog : Left - Green : Wellington
#11 (-1) No Right Turn :
02/2003+ "Irredeemably Liberal"
Idiot/Savant : Left - ? : Palmerston North
#12 (-) Tumeke! :
04/2005+ "Aotearoa international - current affairs and culture"
Tim Selwyn : Other - ? : Auckland
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury : Left - ? : Auckland
Phoebe Fletcher : Left - ? : Auckland
#13 (-) Hot topic :
04/2007+ "Global warming in NZ/AUT"
Gareth Renowden : Other - ? : Waipara
#14 (-) Homepaddock :
04/2008+ "A rural perspective with a blue tint"
Ele Ludemann : Right - National : North Otago
#15 (-) Roar Prawn :
08/2008+ "Militant carnivore, larger than life, often seen lunching"
Busted Blonde : Right - ? : Wellington
#16 (+3) (The Briefing Room) :
04/2006+ "Investigate magazine's breaking news forum"
Ian Wishart : Right - Christian/National : Auckland
Andrei : Right - Christian/National : NZ
#17 (+1) The Inquiring Mind : www.
02/2008+ "News/politics/humour/sport"
Adam Smith : Other - ? : Wellington
#18 (+2) Kiwipolitico :
01/2009+ "Environmentalist, centre-left/left-of-centre, public policy and the political process."
Jafapete : Left - ? : Auckland
Anita : Left - ? : Wellington
Pablo : Left - ? : Auckland
Roger Nome : Left - ? : NZ
#19 (-2) The Hand Mirror:
03/2008+ "Feminism"
Lil'E : Left - ? : NZ
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
The ex-expat : Left - Labour : NZ
Undomestic Goddess : ? - ? : NZ
The Bewildering Case of Ms Enid Tak-Entity : Left - ? : NZ
Julie Fairey : Left - ? : NZ
Deborah : Left - ? : NZ
Anjum Rahman/stargazer : Left - Labour : NZ
Anna : Left - ? : NZ
#20 (+2) Open Parachute :
05/2007+ "A scientist comments on philosophy, science, religion/Retired scientist."
Ken Perrott : Other - ? : Waikato

Pres. Barak Obama's speech at Mandela's funeral, Soweto. [DailyTelegraph]
Nelson Mandela's first speech out of prison. [TDC]
News bulletin [AlJazeera]
John Key PM video journal, on Poverty.[NZNats]
MANA Party series
Te Karere: Ratana celebrations 2012 [TVNZ]
Hone: Sharing the Mana [ManaMovement]
Tipene performs [Tipene06]
Hone Harawira last speech in session [inthehouse]
MANA Movement AGM: 06/08/2011 PART1 [solidarityjoeboy]
MANA Movement AGM 06/08/2011 PART2 [solidarityjoeboy]
MANA Party launch: First Hui 30-04-2011 - Powhiri [SolidarityJoe]
MANA Party launch: First Hui 30-04-2011 - Haka [SolidarityJoe]
MANA Party launch: First Hui 30-04-2011 - Sue Bradford [SolidarityJoe]
FORESHORE & SEABED/Takutai Moana Bill
Hikoi reaches parliament (NZHerald)
Hone Harawira in parliament on Takutai Moana Bill (intheHouse)
Te Karere: Hikoi begins (TVNZ)
Marae Investigates 13/03/2011: Te Ururoa Flavell i/v with Jodi Ihaka on Takutai Moana bill. (TVNZ)
Te Karere: Te Ururoa Flavell MP on Takutai Moana bill. (TVNZ)
Tariana Turia on Taku Taimoana - foreshore and seabed bill. (MaoriParty)

aotearoa : government
government parties
opposition parties
nz first party
extra-parliamentary parties
libertarianz party
alliance party
aotearoa legalise cannabis party
kiwi party
conservative party
workers party
crown agencies (Auckland)
aotearoa : economics
aotearoa : culture
māori-english translator
te taura whiri | māori language commission
te ara | encyclopedia of nz
te puna | national library of nz
te papa | museum of nz
toi o tāmaki | auckland art gallery
tamaki paenga hira | auckland war memorial museum
te puna o waiwhetu | christchurch art gallery
nga korero aipurangi o aotearoa | nz history online
nz electronic poetry centre

government parties

opposition parties

nz first party

extra-parliamentary parties
libertarianz party
alliance party
aotearoa legalise cannabis party
kiwi party
conservative party
workers party
crown agencies (Auckland)
aotearoa : economics
aotearoa : culture
māori-english translator
te taura whiri | māori language commission
te ara | encyclopedia of nz
te puna | national library of nz
te papa | museum of nz
toi o tāmaki | auckland art gallery
tamaki paenga hira | auckland war memorial museum
te puna o waiwhetu | christchurch art gallery
nga korero aipurangi o aotearoa | nz history online
nz electronic poetry centre

international : government
inter-governmental organisations
un system
central banks
international statistical agencies
criminal justice directory
cia world factbook
international : culture
[W] wikipedia
art cyclopedia
international : web tools
search | google
whois | domaintools
archive | way back machine
traffic rankings | alexa
international : markets
bookmakers | oddschecker
bookmakers | centrebet
inter-governmental organisations
un system
central banks
international statistical agencies
criminal justice directory
cia world factbook
international : culture
[W] wikipedia
art cyclopedia
international : web tools
search | google
whois | domaintools
archive | way back machine
traffic rankings | alexa
international : markets
bookmakers | oddschecker
bookmakers | centrebet

To much bomber, right back at ya
Cheers Bombs, same goes to you.
P.S: i dont think thats bombers view, look at the guy on the left...i think hes Chris Cringle's brother and this is Santas view after warming up on some brandy after last years deliverys lol
Don’t usually agree with Bomber.
But do wish him Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Advocatus Diaboli
Merry Xmas!
Love to all
Xmas is just another form of European cultural oppression.
especially when one signs in under a natives name, wondering who wants to be white then?
Holidays are a very difficult time for many. Not just boomers pet groups, people he likes to talk about but avoid, but those all around us.
Many who are in trouble do not belong to a fashionable, identified, target group so loved by those who always need a pretend cause to make themselves feel superior to the rest of us. Many struggle on alone, not sexy enough to warrant the patronising attention of the professional do-nothingers (that is one piece of good fortune perhaps).
Many people have suffered great misfortune or trauma but have learned to keep it to themselves (if you had a child murdered there isn’t any amount of time passing that makes it any better). The big talkers are people who like their good works kept at a safe distance so anyone nearby who might need support is usually keep at a very long arms length.
Anyway for those who are more genuine look around who is alone, think about inviting a neighbour or work colleague in for that boxing day BBQ if you can, but please, don’t just use people as a boost for you own, already inflated ‘self-esteem’ or promote you own ‘god’.
It was aimed at thinking of the many who do it hard, especially over holiday times.
Smug pricks who constantly put other people down and brag about their own goodness need a reality check surely.
Words (happy christmas, have a nice day …..) are generally meaningless, only designed to make those saying them feel good about themselves while doing nothing for anyone else.
Actions and deeds are another mater, them can help or harm.
Anon are you re-writting the Matrix movie again? That was some pretty deep shit there.... lay off the party pills.
'How are you today ......' 'Fine' - 'Thats good .....'
Simple script for simple smug morons, still as long as they feel ok and their self-esteem is high thats all that matters.
Don't get involved, keep reality at arms length, leave the front line to those with something genuine to offer.
Christmas is a pagan holiday in worship of pagan sun deities who were born on the 25th. Nothing to do with Christianity. There's no evidence in the Bible of when Jesus was born, nor is there any evidence that insists on the celebration of his birthday. God must have left that one out eh!
That aside, it's cool how it puts people in a good mood. Pity they have to become consumer whores in the process.
I like the business side of christmas. I used to operate a business where I depended on chritmas sales to make a living.
Without christmas many small (and large I suppose) businesses would be unviable.
I choose to spend money at chritmas, I know what I can afford and if it keeps people in business good luck to them.
As a member of the working classes I never grudge anyone who works hard getting ahead if they can.
Santa brought me a nice Rolex, made my day. So what if I am shallow, when you come from nothing its good to have a few nice things.
I am stll very aware how hard holidays can be for many - been there myself so I am careful in real life about getting to smug, insincere or false about it.
Most of my working life involved working when other people weren't so I know what thats like as well. This year had a couple of days off and didn't have to do much work until today so that was nice.
John Lennon said it best.
War is over... if you want it.
- Nobody.
"merry xmas" has turned into a debate/discussion of holiday politics...
Were we supposed to be grateful for such great words from the great one ??? Shame on those of you who failed to show due appreciation and give proper thanks.
It’s the hypocrisy that gets to me. Oh and the superior, smugness.
If you GENUINELY want someone to have a happy christmas look at what you can do to make it happen - words don't do it.
It’s a bit like people who say they will ‘pray for you’ gee that’s works but I am sure it makes the prayer feel just great.
For these types it is a priority to keep the recipient of their gifts of goodness at a safe, comfortable distance and it’s a whole lot easier than doing something practical and genuine for anyone.
It was aimed at thinking of the many who do it hard, especially over holiday times. Smug pricks who constantly put other people down and brag about their own goodness need a reality check surely. Words (happy christmas, have a nice day …..) are generally meaningless, only designed to make those saying them feel good about themselves while doing nothing for anyone else. Actions and deeds are another mater, them can help or harm.
Were we supposed to be grateful for such great words from the great one ??? Shame on those of you who failed to show due appreciation and give proper thanks. It’s the hypocrisy that gets to me. Oh and the superior, smugness. If you GENUINELY want someone to have a happy christmas look at what you can do to make it happen - words don't do it. It’s a bit like people who say they will ‘pray for you’ gee that’s works but I am sure it makes the prayer feel just great. For these types it is a priority to keep the recipient of their gifts of goodness at a safe, comfortable distance and it’s a whole lot easier than doing something practical and genuine for anyone.
Wow, Dude I would have to say out of all the bloggers we have here, you are easily the one with the biggest chip on their working class shoulder. This post was a chance for everyone to be a little bit more pleasant with eachother, but you continue to be incredibly bitter. You always talk about actions not words and attack me personally all the time. You’ve challenged what I do for society and I have listed the work I do as Board member on the board of trustees of Youthline, an organization that works incredibly hard with dedicated volunteers aiding depressed and suicidal youth – but that’s not good enough for you. The work I do for Greenpeace isn’t good enough for you, or Amnesty International, or World Vision, or the Green Party or Rainbow Youth or Family Planning or Youth Law – none of those organizations are good enough for you. In fact only you and your weird inferiority hang ups seem to be your focus. Funnily enough you never seem to add anything to your posts except how smug you think I am. I think you need to lose the chip on your shoulder and actually post some of your own ideas to the issues brought up.
Seasons blessings to you and yours and may the peace and good will of the season bring you warmth.
Safe committees aren't doing - well they do for you and boost your ego I suppose.
I like people who do things like quietly helping their neighbours. Nothing to list on their CV they are just decent caring people - something you will never understand.
People like you wear and parade a fashionable cause or committee like other people wear and parade a fashionable pair of pants.
You can sneer at the working classes, I can see self-loving hypocrites like you for what they are and we can both we thankful that out paths never cross.
World Vision !!!!!!!! - spare us please ....... bet you have some nice photos on your fridge to show off to your show biz friends to admire, maybe you can make a doco where you go and visit your African ‘children’.
"""Seasons blessings to you and yours and may the peace and good will of the season bring you warmth"""" gosh thanks I feel so much better having humbly received the 'blessing’s' of the great and good one ....... now you be sure to pray for me won't you ....
You don't like truth and reality do you - your self-delusion is so much more comfortable for you.
I give ideas and facts but you conveniently ignore those - so here in simple words for you - invite some of those you pretend to love around to your home for a new year BBQ, how about the killer Kahu family for a start, a word of warning these people aren't quite so attractive close up and a coward like you is probably easily frightened.
Then you could buy some property and offer low cost housing to some struggling beneficiaries, then you could start a business and offer employment and training to crims on parole. Not a talking committee where you have tea and biscuits and spend other peoples money, try putting yourself and your own money on the line for a change.
Now run along and work on that list of good works you are so proud of, oh and make sure you look after that high horse of yours.
You wouldn't last a week sonny, those you look down on are a bit smarter than you might think, then can spot patronizing, hypocrites a mile off and they don’t like them.
Grin – here we go again, wow, that really is an impressive chip on your shoulder there Anon, but I’m afraid I can’t allow you to slag of the amazing work that many of the organizations that I am proud to be part of do, and your need to shit on that work says a little more about you than me my friend. I love how you have defined me as anti-working class, my family will laugh long and hard about that – I came from a very poor working class family, that is why I have compassion for those in poverty who fuck up, because I know what it was like growing up in that world. To have you have a go at me being anti-working class based on some crooked perception purely on your part from some insecurity complex you have is becoming a bit silly. As for your ideas, I have yet to hear them Anon, you spent this entire post (which was a best wishes of the season post by the way that everyone else was happy to get into the spirit of) to just bag me – I don’t see any ideas here Anon just a lot of untreated anger and rage.
And as for your ‘get on the ground level and help’ I absolutely agree, those people ARE hero’s, but to go one step further and say ‘You can only have an opinion if you are directly helping right now’ is just so ridiculous I’m not sure you can mean it. I support those people and give them my up most respect, they are doing incredible work – but I’ve never slagged off those people anyway? Your anger directed at me (for whatever reason) is warping your logic.
Look, its Christmas Anon, and even though words can get heated here on the site, we are all expressing ideas and opinions, you shouldn’t take it all so personally.
Oh and as a final thought – it has just occurred to me that maybe when I’m being sarcastic in my posts towards those who are poor, you might be taking that seriously – if that is the case I’m sorry you’ve missed the point (I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt on this).
This guy is just too fucking much! Talk about trying to outwit, outsmart or find glory/justice outta nothing!!
Fuck if you bump in2 this guy on the street and say hi you wouldnt hear the end of how bla bla bla.
Happy xmas...that was it, no implied snide remarks about hard working folk or the poor bla bla bla. For fucks sake show some spirit of the season and share the happy xmas in here for all its worth no matter how little or insignificant it may be to you. Show people here that we are all human and all share the same hope that maybe a greeting of such can give some kind of pleasure to a person at this time of year.
Haha bomber he calls you the "the great good one" while having a go at you as if you claim to be a saint. FUnny coming from a guy who implys sarcasticaly that doing good things for your neighbors is "something you will never understand." ...wait you post on this blog about all these fuck ups in the world cause your an arsehole aye bomber and you wish us happy xmas because you laugh at the poor....yeh i can understand this lol
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