Daniel Pearl killer innocent?
Here is a fascinatingly complex little story from Aljazeera.
General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's president, has said the head al-Qaeda operative accused of planning the September 11 attacks either killed or took part in the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl in January 2002. Musharraf's claim, made in his memoirs released this week, could now be used to try to clear Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, one of Pearl's four convicted killers, who is appealing against his death sentence. The president accuses Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of taking part in Pearl's killing in Karachi, after his kidnapping. Musharraf said: "The man who may have actually killed Pearl or at least participated in his butchery, we eventually discovered, was none other than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda's number three." Some US officials and Pearl's newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, had previously suggested that Mohammed had killed the journalist. Mohammed was arrested in Pakistan in 2003, and is in US custody in Guantanamo Bay.
This is made much more complex by the fact that Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh has been accused of sending Mohammad Atta $100 000 (lead 9/11 hijacker) on the orders of ISI General Mehmood Ahmed who resigned once the allegation was reported. Some have suggested that Ahmed Omar Saeed Shiekh hasn’t been executed for his conviction of the Daniel Pearl murder because of what he will say, others say he was convicted because he knew too much. Interestingly, French journalist, Bernard-Henri Levy, in his well researched and critically acclaimed book, Who Killed Daniel Pearl? - Levy concludes that Daniel Pearl was murdered because he was investigating the links between al-Qaeda and the ISI.
I've always wondered how closly the ISI, al-Qaeda and the CIA work together and this little insight suggest it is extremely close
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