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Monday, July 17, 2006

Is Bush planning Armageddon in Israel?

Is Bush planning Armageddon in Israel?

One of the under reported aspects of our mate George Dubya is that he is an evangelical Christian. Not your Ned Flanders type of Christian mind you, he is the hands in the air like you just don’t care, the rapture is really close kind of fire and brimstone Christian. He believes, like many in the evangelical fold that a real spiritual battle between the Army of God and the Devil is being waged right now on Earth, and that the United States must be the righteous arm of the Lord.

You think I’m going too far? (www.commondreams.org/headlines03/1016-01.htm)Take Lt.Gen.Boykin, he was appointed to hunt down Bin Laden and Hussein. He is also a crazy evangelical Christian who was credited with saying the following, "I knew my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol". Now we could just write that off to silliness, but here is where it gets weird. In a lecture to other evangelical Christians, Boykin ‘proves’ his argument that Iraq is a spiritual war by showing the audience a satellite photo where, because of the extreme angle, a figure in black looks as if it were ‘floating’ over the foreground. Boykin announces to the crowd that this is photographic proof of an evil demon. I shit you not, here is a Lt. General explaining to a group of evangelical university students that he has photographic proof of a demon.

It gets worse, the particular death cult schism of Christianity Bush believes in has something called, (http://rapturewatch.cephasministry.com) RAPTURE. The Rapture is this crazy cultish belief that at the end of the Earth with the Anti-Christ poised to take over the planet, Christians everywhere will vanish as the final apocalyptic battle between God and the Devil is played out. Here are some of their prophecies

"Someday Russia and a horde of Middle East countries will launch a surprise attack against Israel. All but one sixth of the Gog army will be destroyed upon the mountains of Israel."

"The city of Damascus has been around for thousands of years and it has never been destroyed in battle. The Prophet Isaiah predicted that someday this city would be destroyed. Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."

"When the Antichrist sits down in the rebuilt Jewish Temple and declares himself to be God, the great tribulation of 42 months will then begin. At the occurrence of this event, the Jews living in Israel are commanded to flee into the wilderness. All tribulation saints will know, from that day on, they must now wait 1260 days before the Lord returns."

"Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word meaning "the Mount of Megiddo." This ancient fortress is located in northern Israel, across the Plain of Esdraelon from Nazareth. Armageddon will be the gathering place for the final great battle, which bears its name."

These Evangelicals BELIEVE the end of the world is nigh and BELIEVE one of the signs is Israel getting attacked. How much influence do you think this has on Bush? He has prayer meetings during meetings, the White House has been called ‘Gods House’ by outsiders who have complained this type of fanatical dogma seems to be seeping into the day to day runnings of the administration.

There has been a massive history over Evangelical manipulations inside the American Political establishment since Evangelical leaders rallied against the concept of a Catholic President in the form of Kennedy. They voted in massive numbers for Nixon but went cold on Politics when they realised what he had done in power. They backed Carter who came out as an evangelical Christian, but he was a hippie evangelical and not hard enough on abortion. The movement found their next supporter with Ragen, but he attempted and failed to restrict abortions in a step that was only symbolic towards the movement. Around this time Evangelical leaders realised they wanted more than just lip service, they wanted one of their own in the White House AND in the administration.

This new line of attack saw George Bush Snr with a real battle on his hands as the massive voting block of Evangelicals pushed their candidate, Bob Dole in the 1988 Republican nomination. Bush Snr was loosing badly to Bob Dole right up until the first really big primary where it was suddenly leaked to the press (many in the Evangelical movement blamed ex CIA Bush Snr and his dirty tricks campaign) that many Tele-evangelists were under investigation for tax evasion and ‘moral’ questions arose. Bob Dole lost the nomination, Bush Snr won but within Republican circles was the concern over the lost evangelical vote, whose desertion at the polls led to Clinton winning and running the country for 8 years. The solution? Bush Snr sent his son into the bosom of the Evangelical movement and George Dubya won it all back.

The question we need to ask as Bush stands by allowing Israel to escalate the current tensions out of all proportion is this: Is Bush being evangelical as part of a machiavellian deception to gain their voting support, or is Dubya a real RAPTURE believer and is thus allowing a Middle East time bomb to explode to confirm his position at the right hand of God?


At 17/7/06 5:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or should Bomber go back on the pills?

At 17/7/06 5:18 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Sigh - at least try and read some of the points before just slagging it off, come on you can read!

At 17/7/06 5:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd bet Bush is a true believer (TM). He's a simple man, inserted as president, I can't quite see him as being machiavellian, although the administration as whole are.

*evil Cheney quack*

At 17/7/06 9:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is this programme on the Shine channel called International Intelligence Briefing. It is in the style of a news show but reports so called future events and Bible prophecies "come true" in recent decades. From the "reports", the US government seems to be blameless in the upcoming apocalypse.

The 700 Club can also be quite disturbing.

There is this funny programme on Shine called Bible-Man Adventures. It is about a super hero and some of his side kicks (one is a black soldier). They fight "flamboyant" villains that say things to Bible-Man like "Missed me, missed me, now you've got to kiss me". The villain who said that wore womens clothing, including earrings. He was using science and technology to remove peoples' blind faith in the Bible. I am not kidding about this. Bible-Man wears yellow and purple tights and his mask looks like Batman's. He fights with a yellow lightsaber which is quite cool.

Also on Shine, I saw this Australian kids music video where they were singing something along the lines of 'the Bible is like a map, and you would have trouble finding your way into heaven without it'.

There was also some guy saying that people and animals only started eating meat once Adam sinned. He went on to say that all dinosaurs were vegetarians.

Not all things on Shine are bad. The NZone Focus (a NZ talk show) can be quite informative. There are also some entertaining Christian movies. 'The Moment After' is a movie about two FBI agents who are investigating missing person reports after the rapture. The dialogue was poor but the plot had its merits.

At 18/7/06 4:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>I'd bet Bush is a true believer (TM).
I take it back...maybe ;>
"While munching on a roll, George Bush had a conversation with Tony Blair about Hizbollah cutting out their "shit." So much for that born-again veneer...this deciderating and Presidenting is hard work"

It does make me wonder, but I stand firmly by my assertion that he's a simple man.

At 18/7/06 10:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the creepy guy above you kinda proves that they certainly believe in this end of the world death cult stuff

At 18/7/06 11:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, the guy on top is a complete moron. Bush is a satanist, so to add to your research, check out Bohemian Grove.

The country is run by the elite, the top 1% of the world. The people who put the pyramid on your dollar. To make you worship it / (hence being them) .

Just do some research before commenting back. :D


At 18/7/06 11:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i was talking about the creepy guy above you, the one with the 20 page post

At 18/7/06 3:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God, you actually think the end of the world is happening as well? Wow, so like what are you planning? Are you packing? Is there a colour coded rapture warning? Please, I really want to know


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