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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Letter from the Editor

Dear readers,

The Lord of the Blog has finally removed this blog from the "Left" and placed it in the "Centre". At long last. I think Mr Farrar had problems reconciling that anyone who thinks Maori are worth as much as Pakeha could be anything other than left wing :)

Unfortunately in a blogocracy that is weighted heavily towards right wingers of a conservative stripe (of whom most are white - and the Maori ones being even more conservative and strident) and a minority of Lefties made up of feminists, Labour party apologists and Alliance die-hards it has been very difficult for this blog to find any "natural" constituency despite many overlapping areas of consensus/similar interests. If we take the blogosphere more widely we can add to that list frivilous/tepid personal blogs and geekdom to the component parts of which this blog would find no natural counterparts.

So, I have decided to interpret this as meaning you, dear reader, are currently visiting a boutique blog, an élite blog, a premium blog. Since December and the move to a better looking, more information-rich format and a commitment to "free-to-view premium content" (esp. film reviews) there has been a lift in the quality (at least it feels that way), and certainly a lift in the diversity of subject matter. Translating that into traffic is a task made harder by lack of incoming links from other blogs and perhaps to a much lesser extent an unwillingness on my part to post items other than that which interests me personally.

There have been several issues (eg. dog micro-chipping, recycling arsons(?) etc.) where this blog has been ahead of the news. Not that anyone - apart from you dear readers - would have known. There have been many ideas floated too that deserve more interest than they will ever receive. As the first anniversary of this blog (27 April) approaches, I will make a full report closer to that date.



At 8/4/06 5:09 pm, Blogger Will de Cleene said...

Mate, don't get too hard on the Blogfather. It took me a while to work out where to place you (in the Indigo). At the end of the day, who cares what other people think?

At 8/4/06 5:38 pm, Blogger Rebel Heart said...

love it how you still got Bhat's blog on your sidebar, it's classic : P

At 8/4/06 10:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noted your lurch to the centre a few days ago with a chuckle.

At 9/4/06 1:36 am, Blogger Bomber said...

I remember seeing an ideological axis test that you had taken and you were not in the centre. That means the test was faulty. They should re-calibrate every test so that you are in the dead centre - the closer to the centre you are the more accurate the test!

Putting people, or assessing content, in black and white ideological terms is riddled with problems at the best of times. For DPF to acknowledge that this blog is now in the grey area is to his credit. It takes some people a long time to overcome their initial prejudices and revise their stance based on facts as they emerge.

"Centrist"? No-one has ever, ever, accused me of that before. Maybe I'm a centrist of the future? Maybe in 20 years I'll be considered a centrist?

Removed the Banksie love-fest. Mr Bhatnagar was diligent enough to also remind me that someone is cybersquatting(?) blognapping(?) his old blog and that his own website explains that. But really, AB had a lot of material on that blog - as a records hoarder it horrifies me that it could all be erased like that - he'd make a very poor Nazi.

"At the end of the day, who cares what other people think?" - Well I make my blog roll with political icons for the sake of others as much as I like the pretty little buttons for aesthetic reasons - so they know what they are in for and let like minds find each other. Self-identification is the most important aspect. Although I do like all the different categories that blogs have for others in their pursuit of defining who they are through how they define others. In that respect I might be the most unimaginative and clinical of them all.

If anyone objects to their category I will change it.


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