Monday | Rāhina 31/03/2025
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bloody Helen

Benedict: simply gushing.

The Minister for Arts and Culture, Miss Clark has shared her opinion on the great cultural debate of our time:

""Those who publish in these circumstances of course have their right to free speech in New Zealand, but that doesn't take away from others the right to say what they think about it.

"From what I've heard of it, I'd consider it quite offensive personally but, if the network proceeds, they are going to have to deal with the public debate around it.

"As a woman I find it offensive."

She said that at the interfaith dialogue conference in Cebu, she would be "talking about people talking to each other and not past each other and being tolerant and respectful of other people's beliefs".

Helen Clark describes herself as agnostic.

"I don't expect everybody to share my beliefs and I don't expect others to expect me to share theirs.

"But I think the critical thing is we show respect for other people's beliefs." "

Unless it's the Exclusive Brethren, or course.

So, PM finds humour offensive as a woman. Oh great, and like a bloodied rag to a bull dyke the PM confirms gender. *wince*

What makes these cartoons, Life of Brian etc. humourous is that it is offensive. If no-one would be offended or shocked then it would not be funny.

The only people who would be truly offended rightly deserve to be. Their foolish beliefs, cult practices and mad cap ideas will be eternal targets for those who are not idiots. If someone chooses to believe something stupid they get what they deserve when the un-stupid point it out in the form of parody.

Respecting an idiot's idiotic idiocy makes an idiot of them too. An agnostic at an inter-faith dialogue! - does it get more idiotic than that? Finding ways for fools to co-exist - what a ridiculous chore.

The more absurd the religion the more "respect" they demand from everyone else. Are we not to laugh because the Emperor has no clothes? Are we to hold our tongue, supress our smirk, doff our hat - for foreign, discredited, superstitious bunkum?

Has it dawned on the Minister that evil continues and ignorance pervades because their systems of reinforcement are patronised, tolerated and protected by those who should know better? Has the recitation of that quasi-Masonic uber-Christian cult prayer at the beginning of every Parliamentary sitting brainwashed the Minister?


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