Monday | Rāhina 31/03/2025
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Monday, July 25, 2005

ELECTION DATE: PM Confirms 17 September!

Option 1 winning date:
4:05pm Reports from PM's press conference say she has told them it is Sept. 17.

Betting closed!

Congratulations Greg Stephens, Vernon Small?, Michael, Molesworth&Featherston, DavidPFarrar, SageNZ(new), AshleyClarkson, Phantasm., Kevin List, Dave(new). You are correct. Everyone else is wrong.

Rodney Hide reports rumours the announcement will be tomorrow.
With Parliament sitting this week and the next two, and 8 weeks out from the preferred 17 September date (now 3-4/$1.75), we could get a date out of our dear leader after Cabinet has met today, or after Labour's caucus meets tomorrow.

Option 1: Date of the next New Zealand General Election.

Date.......Odds.......(Relevant event)...... Punters

20 August..99-1 TuataraLeft, Asher, Audrey Young
27 August..50-1 (NZ v. SA)
3 Sept......50-1 (NZ v. Aust) Berend deBoer
10 Sept.....1-1 Spanblather,Simon Pound, Berend deBoer, Kate
17 Sept.....3-4 Greg Stephens, Vernon Small?, Michael, Molesworth&Featherston, DavidPFarrar, SageNZ(new), AshleyClarkson, Phantasm., Kevin List, Dave(new)
24 Sept.....20-1 (School Holidays)

Bet closes: At start of statement from Prime Minister or Governor-General (whichever is first) confirming [Option 1 event] has been set.
Bet paid: "Writ day." (Governor-General orders election to be held).
All odds subject to change. No refunds.

----------ODDS HISTORY----------

27/04/2005 Favourite: 23/07 & 20/07 @ 5-1, 17/09 @ 15-1
01/05/2005 Favourite: 30/07 @ 3-1, 17/09 @ 20-1
13/05/2005 Favourite: 30/07 @ 3-1, 17/09 @ 18-1
17/05/2005 Favourite: 30/07 @ 5-2, 17/09 @ 16-1
27/05/2005 Favourite: 30/07 @ 2-1, 17/09 @ 17-1
04/06/2005 Favourite: 30/07 @ 2-1, 17/09 @ 12-1
20/06/2005 Favourite: 20/08 & 17/09 @ 3-1
30/06/2005 Favourite: 17/09 @ 2-1
12/07/2005 Favourite: 17/09 @ 1-1
25/07/2005 Favourite: 17/09 @ 3-4


At 25/7/05 10:28 am, Blogger Span said...

gee wouldn't it be torturous for you if it was announced while you were in a car driving somewhere, or maybe in a queue or waiting room waiting for something, knowing that you couldn't get back to a puter to blog for some hours ;-)

At 25/7/05 1:06 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Not going to think about it - I could lose millions.

At 25/7/05 5:00 pm, Blogger Span said...

well i paid for my mischevious comment above - i was at the gym when the announcement was made and all I got to see was Judy talking about some breaking news WITH THE SOUND OFF and NO REVEALING PICTURES and 4 MINUTES TO GO on the treadmill. torture. i couldn't even know for sure that that was the subject of the breaking news, all i could read off her lips was the bit at the end when she said "more on this on One News at 6". and to top it all off a woman on the cycle in front of me was reading an article about Brash. bah humbug at the gym. i may never go again ;-)

At 25/7/05 10:59 pm, Blogger Michael said...

I want to say is I already picked up a bottle of wine on this election date from a National Candidate - we're now going to drink it when she becomes an MP on Sept 17 (Well, yes - technically she's not one until she is sworn in, but we'll be celebrating then.)


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