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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

M Bradbury guest blog: Green Defence

-------Introducing special guest blogger: M Bradbury---------

You know elections are around the corner when the venom starts getting spat. You also know that someone is landing punches by the reaction of our normally sluggish media. Take the recent flare up with the Greens, you always get an appreciation of how close to the bone you've cut by the howls of editorial indignation.

In the weekend, the Greens with legitimate social justice concerns named NZ First for what they are, reactionary dawn raiders who use fear mongering to pander to the less socially liberated amongst us. Seeing as the media have spent so much effort over the last month publicising their wet dream fantasies of a National/NZ First Government, I'm not surprised they are also quick to jam their letters to the Editors page with as much anti-green sentiment as possible (Tailors/Editors seldom like people pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes on).

But the truth is there, we know NZ First play the race card every election, we know there is cultural friction and we know that the media have a vested interest in promoting the views of conservative political parties. True leaders however find ways to build bridges between their cultures rather than burning them with the incitement of bigotry.


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