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Thursday, June 30, 2005

ELECTION DATE: 17 Sept. now 2-1

Scoop is reporting:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesperson Emma Reilly said the forum secretariat was asked by New Zealand if the dates could be changed due to the NZ general election expected to be held at the same time: “The secretariat circulated this request to members, who agreed to the change,”
Well that seems to reduce the chances of an August 20 date, seems more definitely a late September date.

Option 1: Date of the next New Zealand General Election.

Date.......Odds.......(Relevant event)...... Punters

30 July.....99-1 John Armstrong?,Adolf F, Dave, Jono,RodneyHide, AntarcticLemur
6 August...66-1 (NZ v. SA, Capetown)
13 August..50-1 (NZ v. Aust, Sydney)
20 August..9-1 TuataraLeft, Asher, Audrey Young
27 August..50-1 (NZ v. SA)
3 Sept......55-1 (NZ v. Aust) Berend deBoer
10 Sept.....4-1 Spanblather,Simon Pound, Berend deBoer, Kate
17 Sept.....2-1 Greg Stephens, Vernon Small?, Michael, Molesworth&Featherston, DavidPFarrar, SageNZ(new), AshleyClarkson, Phantasm., Kevin List
24 Sept.....33-1 (School Holidays)

Bet closes: At start of statement from Prime Minister or Governor-General (whichever is first) confirming [Option 1 event] has been set.
Bet paid: "Writ day." (Governor-General orders election to be held).
All odds subject to change. No refunds.


At 1/7/05 5:06 pm, Blogger Span said...

i'm not changing my bet, as i sort of feel once you've made it you shouldn't change it, but everything i am hearing is for Sept 17th.

which is annoying because i always have a little holiday the weekend after the election, and i can't go away the weekend of the 24th as i have a work thing on all weekend, grrrr.


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