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Thursday, August 05, 2010

NZ to lead Gaza flotilla massacre inquiry

Former NZ PM to lead Gaza flotilla attack probe
Former New Zealand Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer says heading an inquiry into the fatal Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla earlier this year is probably the hardest job he has ever done.

It's great that NZ is seen as an honest broker and not a whore to American or Israeli neurosis, but it is this position of global trust that Murry McCully risks the way he did earlier this year with a staged UN walk out when the Iranian President spoke.

In terms of the actual investigation itself, Gordon at Scoop points out...

Even a narrow legalistic approach – ie, on the legal niceties of an interception on the high seas in defence of a blockade – should have to consider whether the force used by the Israeli commandos was proportionate to the threat. (On the evidence so far, it clearly wasn’t.) Moreover, if it is deemed legitimate to use force to defend a blockade so surely must be the flipside of that coin – that it is legitimate to use force to break a blockade that is a humanitarian outrage.

...which is the real issue here isn't it, the cruel and inhumane blockade of Gaza justified the flotilla breaking the blockade on humanitarian grounds.

Israel will be sweating this. Good.


At 5/8/10 9:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, israel will be sweating bullets

At 5/8/10 10:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when the Hamas links to the boats are discovered, you will look stupid

At 5/8/10 5:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twitmeke is at it again.
Denigrating the one shining beacon of civilization in the middle east.
The lone country in that part of the world that takes human rights seriously.
Btw go look up about the treatment of maronite xtians in Lebanon or check out the behaviour of your beloved palestinians during saddams invasion of Kuwait.
Whjat a horrible pos blogger.
Most civilized intelligent people are on Israels side and could not care less what the UN (composed of a huge number of barbaric undemocratic thug states) has to say.

At 6/8/10 10:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except that map is wrong, isn't it? Because between 1947 and 1967 all of the green bit belonged to either Egypt and Jordan and they sure as hell weren't giving any of it to the "Palestinians".

The Jordanians even had a go at wiping a few of the "Palestinians" out. Syria had to stop them going the whole hog.

Funny, isn't it, that the West Bank economy is going wonderfully well under Fatah, but under Hamas Gaza is not? Except for where it is, of course.


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